I am aware that this chapter took a long while to complete, and I am sorry. I've been trying to keep up with all my homework and tests and such, so I've had very little time to type. I thank all of you who have left a review (apparently you like this story).

p.s.- The Daniel Miller in this story is a different one than in any other stories. In fact, from now on I am going to try and include a different character named Daniel Miller in every one of my stories.

Huey had set Jazmine down a while back and they were now continuing their stroll through downtown Woodcrest.

"I'm definitely going to have to be more cautious with my excitement levels" thought Jazmine, remembering the prolonged hug they had just shared and it's embarrassing result.

"You know something, Jazmine?" said Huey, "I'm proud of you"

"Really!?" asked Jazmine excitedly, once again throwing caution to the wind, "Why?"

"You appear to be thinking more"

"What? Oh. How can you tell?" asked a slightly, let-down Jazmine. She was expecting something else.

"Well for one thing, you're not talking as much as you usually do"

"Gee, thanks" she replied sarcastically. This was not turning out like she had hoped at all.

"You know what I mean. It's just you've been very quiet lately, and what else would you be doing while you're silent besides thinking?"

"Yeah, I guess so" agreed Jazmine, feeling a little better.

"Anyway," said Huey, "To answer you're previous question (So, uh, what did you like to do in Chicago?), I participated in and enjoyed many activities during my time there. I read, I practiced martial arts, I chi meditated, I spread Revolutionary Socialism..."

"Don't you do all that stuff here, too?"

"What's your point?"

"Well, if you do all the same stuff here that you did in Chicago, why did you like it so much better there?"

"In Chicago, people were more open to my ideals and they enjoyed doing those things too. In short, there were more people like me"

"There aren't people like you here?" asked Jazmine innocently.

Huey just narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

"Right, sorry"

At that moment a water droplet fell on Jazmine's nose. When she looked up she noticed that the sky had suddenly become very grey and cloudy.

"We'd better get inside soon" stated Huey blandly.

"Let's go in here" said Jazmine, pointing to a "Borders" bookstore.

"Stop kissing up" Huey said while passing her to walk in.

"What?" asked Jazmine, as if she didn't know what she was trying to do.

The downpour was really starting to pick up as Huey and Jazmine stepped through the thresh hold into the warm bookstore.

"Sooo, what do you want to do?" asked Jazmine.

"Well, this is a bookstore, and what do we use books for?"


"Precisely" he said, and with that he proceeded deeper into the large store for reading.

30 minutes later:

"This rain is just not letting up". Jazmine was sitting in a chair by the windswept window of the coffee shop located in the Borders.

"Well, I guess I might as well have a look around". It's not that Jazmine extremely disliked books; she just never really held much store for them.

As Jazmine walked down the various corridors (of books), she noticed that there seemed to be very loud music playing somewhere in the vicinity. Sure enough, as she approached the music section she noticed a tall blond boy sitting in a chair with headphones. Although, he may as well have been listening to it on speakers because the music was turned up so loud that everyone around had left ages ago.

"Just a step cried the sad man
Take a look down at the madman
Theatre kings on silver wings
Fly beyond reason
From the flight of the seagull
Come the spread claws of the eagle
Only fear breaks the silence
As we all kneel pray for guidance

Tread the road cross the abyss
Take a look down at the madness
On the streets of the city
Only spectres still have pity
Patient queues for the gallows
Sing the praises of the hallowed
Our machines feed the furnace
If they take us they will burn us

Will you still know who you are
When you come to who you are

When the flames have their season
Will you hold to your reason
Loaded down with your talents
Can you still keep your balance
Can you live on a knife-edge"


"Hello! What are you listening to?" called Jazmine when the song had ended.

The young boy had apparently not seen (or heard for that matter) the young girl approach for he jumped a bit at her jovial greeting.

"Hello there. Uh, just some Emerson, Lake & Palmer" he said with an English accent and a surprised look on his face.

"My name's Jazmine. I think we go to school together because I see you walking around in the halls sometimes"

"That's surprising. A lot of other white boys walking after all"

"Anyway" said Jazmine, failing to notice the look into American society that just occured, "It's great to meet you!"

"Rather friendly, aren't we?"

"Yup! So, what's your name?"

"Oh, excuse me" the boy just realized he had never stood up and properly introduced himself. "My name's Daniel Miller" he said, standing up and properly introducing himself.

"My name's Jazmine!"

"I know, you already told me"

"Oh sorry, but it's not everyday that you get to meet a new friend. I don't have many to be honest; there's Cindy (well maybe) and Riley (sort of) and Huey, definitely"

"Huey, that name sounds familiar" Daniel pondered, "Freeman, right?"

"That's right! You know him?"

"I've heard of him"

"Have you heard good things?" asked Jazmine, slightly worried. After all, she was hoping that people were saying nice things about her boyfriend, I mean bestfriend.

"Uh, mostly"

"What!?" exclaimed an outraged Jazmine, "How could even one person say something bad about Huey!?"

"Whoa, calm dowm. There was just one time when some eight year old called him "gay". Other than that, it's been good. Geez, why do you care so much?"

"Uhh" Jazmine felt as though she had painted herself into a corner. "Because... we're best friends and we need to look out for each other!"

"There" thought Jazmine, "I think I've fooled him!"

"Yeah, I bet you'd like to look out for him. Wait, that didn't even make sense. The point is I know you fancy him"

"What!? That's ridiculous! He's just my friend!"

"Yeah, you're probably right. I mean, c'mon, what's there to fancy about Huey Freeman?"


"You seem to be shouting "what" quite a bit" noticed Daniel.

"How could say that!?"

"What? You are!"

"Not that! How could you say that about Huey? He is such a great, smart, handsome guy! So, ha!"

"Ha, thank you for proving my point!"

"Oh" said Jazmine, "Alright, you caught me. I do like Huey, but you can't let him know!"

"Why not?"

"Because I just want him to be happy and I'm afraid that if I tell him I like him it will make him angry and uncomfortable, and I don't want him to feel like that"

"Well considering what I've heard about him," explained Daniel, "I don't think he'll ever stop being angry; that's just who he is. And as for uncomfortable, sure it might be at first, but if it is really meant to be you will both eventually get over that feeling"

"Wow, you sure know a lot about this"

"I've... had some previous experience in subject. Anyway," said Daniel, quickly changing the subject, "Why are we yakking about all this "emotions" rubbish? We've only just met!"

"Hey, you're right!" Jazmine was talking to this boy she had just met less than ten minutes ago about her love life, "I guess we were just meant to be friends!"

"Hmm, maybe. But getting to the matter at hand, what exactly are you going to do about this whole Huey situation?"

"I, uh, well..."

Will Jazmine choose to express her love for Huey, or take the cautious route and hide her feelings away forever. What do you think?

And yes, I do actually have an English accent. I know my profile used to say I live in St. Louis, but that was a long time ago and I have since moved because of my father's job. I just kept it saying St. Louis because if any of my friends from St. Louis saw my profile on this website they couldn't be sure if it was me or not. But now I believe they are. I have picked up this accent from the multiple years I've been living in Great Britain and I am ready to show my national pride (keeping within the accords of good, British decency of course).

I'll try to be quicker with updating the next chapter.