Bella P.O.V.
The second we stepped through the doors Emmett came bounding up and wrapped Edward in a hug, pretending to sniffle as he said ,"I'm so proud of you baby Eddie, you finally got some out in the woods." Edward just lightly pushed him away and sent a discreet wink my way, I blushed.
Alice came up from behind and leaned in close to whisper in my ear, "I want all the details later." Oh great, I couldn't wait for that guaranteed to be embarrassing conversation.
We all gathered back in a circle and sat down, Edward lightly flicked the bottle and it went into a whirlwind in the center of our group. It was still spinning when Esme and Carlisle walked into the living room and Carlisle scooped up the still rotating bottle. "What have you all been subjecting Bella to during the few hours we were gone?" asked Carlisle his smile belying his serious tone.
Emmett jumped up like a little boy yelling," She drank blood daddy, she's gonna be a vampire like the rest of us now." Rose hit the back of his knees and he fell to the ground with none of his usual vampire grace. He sat silently next to her after that, though the boyish grin, dimples and all, on his face never dimmed.
"Oh goodness, blood? Are you okay Bella? How did I raise you all?" Esme looked frantic and concerned so I jumped to their defense saying," Don't worry Esme, it wasn't all that bad and I'll have to get used to the taste soon anyways."
Carlisle looked like he couldn't decide to be embarrassed or amused and finally decided on saying," I don't think I want to know the rest. Charlie should be looking for you though Bella, Edward best be taking you on home." With that he gently led the still frazzled Esme upstairs and presumably to their room.
"Carlisle is right; I should be taking you home now."
I didn't really want to leave my adopted family, who had connected to me much deeper than my own had, but I understood the necessity. There was always tomorrow after all.
I ran over to Alice and all but jumped in her arms and squeezed her as tight as I was able, which probably felt like a child embracing her. "Bye Alice, I miss you already. Thank you so much for the amazing game."
"Bye Bella, I'll see you tomorrow," she leaned closer and whispered;" We still have to have that talk after all." And with that she lightly pushed me back into Edwards waiting arms, a devious smile gracing her angelic pixie face.