Plot bunny is officially thirty feet tall and pouncing on my brain. Therefore, there are many flashbacks and yeah…bear with me, sorry if they seem OOC. That's just what happens when one tries to extend a one shot. D:

I really hope the flashbacks are distinct! I separated the present and flashbacks with '…………………'

Tell me if I'm stupid and it's confusing.

I don't own them.


By the time Squalo had gotten them to the small vendor's stand, Dino's found that the sharp pain had already spread and blurred into one big burning mess. He sat himself down carefully at one of the tables littered around as Squalo went to order.

"UOII! What kinda shit you got back there?" He scanned the various gelato filled holes. "One of that stuff…and get me one of that!"

He is so rude. Dino sighed and glanced at the counter, very relieved that it was high enough so that the bottom half of Squalo's shirt was not visible to the cashier. He didn't need the vendor thinking that Squalo was THAT rude, especially if he was going to be seen with him…he suppressed a squawk when the salesperson eyed the hilt of the sheathed sword nervously. And, to Dino's horror, he saw that it wasn't completely cleaned off yet.

Squalo seemed oblivious though, he took the cups from the fearful vendor, giving her a strange look. Then he moved to sit on the other side of Dino, sliding his cup to him.

Dino reached out for his cup of frozen fluffy. Though, he preferred that it stopped first, anticipating the trajectory of moving objects wasn't exactly a strong point of his. Leaving the cup on the table, he leaned forward to bring the spoon to his mouth. "Ah…shit." His backside blazed up at the movement. He squirmed uncomfortably. Now his boxers felt a little wet. He blushed, embarrassed for not thinking to have cleaned himself off. Then he heard Squalo laughing again. And he looked up. "What is so funny?"

"You." Squalo said simply, spoon still in his mouth.

"Keh." Dino shifted to a comfortable position and took the cup off the table. Though he had to say, eating this way was always a gamble for him.

He silently thanked an entity when the first bite went successfully. He turned the tasty spoonful over in his mouth. Fior DiLatte, traditional Italian Creamy milk. How had Squalo known what his flavor of choice was? He looked at Squalo, who was leaning back on his chair, legs crossed, and Dino become very uncomfortable.

That spot that Dino had made only a few minutes ago was almost being flaunted. Dino looked around nervously, would anyone really notice? He glanced back. It was so BLATANT.

He coughed it up to him being too sensitive until he saw a woman walking into the gelato shop with her husband look at the two amusedly. And he heard her go, "Teenagers…"

Then a girl and her friend passed, she glanced at the two and blushed, hastily turning back to her conversation.

"Squalo!" Dino 'threw' a handful of napkins to the oblivious -- or not -- boy, "Cover it!"

The fencer smirked as the napkins aimed toward him ended up behind Dino. He uncrossed his legs and patted his lap. "Why don't you?"

"What?" Dino was going to refuse by default, until he thought about it. His rear was burning like a bitch and Squalo's lap had to feel better than the metal chair AND he would get to take care of the source of his mental discomfort. Then they'd look more like an innocent couple as opposed to a not so innocent couple who just DID it.

Dino stood, winced, and plopped himself down on the warm lap, sighing. It felt a little better. Though he couldn't say he felt more comfortable, it had become more awkward to him. And it didn't help that Squalo had taken to groping him. "Stop…grabbing me."

He heard the swordsman chuckle, "OI! You definitely put YOURSELF in this situation."

Dino realized he should have figured that Squalo had that 'come sit on my lap so I may molest you' look. He resumed eating and looked down at the light-brownish cream in Squalo's cup, "What did you get?"

"Torrone. That Sicilian nut candy stuff."

"Ah…how did you know what flavor I liked?"

"Hmm? I didn't know. I just got the two I couldn't decide over." Squalo dipped his spoon into Dino's cup and licked the frozen cream off with relish.


"OI! I paid, you know."

"Oh, yeah…I should pay you-"

Squalo never accepted Dino's money. "Tch. No NEED."

"Alright then." It always played out like this.


"AHHH!" Dino jumped, only staying on Squalo's lap because the other boy had held him in place. "Reborn!" He turned his head frantically. Where was he? His eyes finally fell on a much too large calculator. "Reborn, what kind of costume is that?!"

"Oi, Arcobaleno!"

"Ciaossu." Reborn calculator nodded toward Squalo, then leaped on the table and kicked the side of Dino's head.

"Argh!" Dino whined, rubbing his smarting head, "Reborn, what was that for?"

"You have a test tomorrow on money management."

"Oh, I don't have to worry about that, no one in our class gets it- AHH!" Reborn had heeled Dino's head into the table. "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"That doesn't mean YOU can't get it. You are going to inherit the largest family out of everyone in your class."

"No, I'm not!" Dino cried exasperatedly.

"Stop denying it." Reborn then tilted his head to look at the other boy.

Dino suddenly noticed that he was talking to Reborn while he was on Squalo's lap. "Uh-" He twisted to jerk away. But to no avail. He glanced nervously at Reborn.

And without missing a beat, the hit man baby said, "I am already aware of the extent of your relationship with Superbi Squalo." Then he added, "And how frequently, though the total number of your encounters is not sufficient to create a solid conclusion yet."

Dino's cheeks turned a remarkable shade of red. "R-Reborn! Does that mean you-"

"I have no need to spy on you. When you return home, the state of your body usually tells me everything."

"AHHH!" Dino buried his head in his arms.

"It's a wonder the others don't suspect a thing."

Dino cringed in relief, he didn't like the idea of his subordinates knowing. They raised him, after all.

Reborn turned his attention to Squalo again. "Can I trust you to get him home safely, I am sure he is not fit to run from potential danger."

Dino made a strange muffled noise.

"Gotcha, Arcobaleno!"

"Thank you." Then Reborn kicked Dino's wrist. "Be sure to wash up before you come to study. You will be skipping dinner today."

Dino's head shot up, "What?!" He looked around, Reborn was gone. "Awww, no! No!"

"Funny, I don't think I ever heard you say 'no' like that before."

"Sh-shut-up!" Dino groaned again. "Man, are you going to study?"

"Haha, as if! I'm gonna train when I get back. And clean that loser's blood off."

Dino winced. "Ah…of course…" Then, much to his surprise, he felt a spoon touch his lips. "Wha-"

"Take mine. I'm eating when I get home."

"Squalo, I-mmph!" The silver haired boy took this chance to shove his spoon into the blonde's mouth.

Dino licked it off. Squalo was…sharing? He let the nutty cream melt on his tongue.

A few minutes found them walking towards Cavallone Manor.

Squalo had slung his arm around Dino's waist, allowing the blonde support. And as tense as the swinging sword was making Dino, he found it slightly reassuring.

He turned his head. "You never stop do you?"

Squalo glanced sideways, and then fixed his eyes on the road again. "What?"

"Training, I mean."

The fencer snorted, "Of course not, I'm going to beat the Sword Emperor. But I'm already so damn good I can also periodically do you."

Dino made a face, though his grin refused to be suppressed. "How…arrogant…"

Laughing, Squalo pulled him closer. "And YOU like it." Their cheeks touched.

Dino felt his heart flutter strangely. If nothing, he had noticed that their encounters always made Squalo act softer towards him the moments afterwards. He was somewhat sad when their walk ended, the large gates of the Cavallone mansion just in front of them.

"I'm going to take off now." Squalo turned to Dino, keeping his arm around the blonde's waist. He brought up his other hand to stroke Dino's cheek before melting their lips together.

The kiss was soft, tender. And Dino felt his face grow warm, his eyes felt heavy. He shut them slowly.

A barely audible sound hummed from the back of Dino's throat, but Squalo had heard it. He instinctively deepened the kiss.

Dino whimpered as he felt a tongue against his, his heart thudded faster.

Squalo still tasted like Torrone.

He opened his mouth wider, only to feel Squalo pulling away. The blonde opened his eyes and carefully wiped a trail of saliva from his lips. "You. Complete. Tease." He pouted, but couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. He looked at Squalo, who still had his hand next to Dino's face, whose face became strange for a split second, an unreadable expression flashed across Squalo eyes.

It passed as soon as Dino realized it. The fencer hardened his gaze again and let go of the other boy.

Squalo grinned that cock-sure grin of his, "Later." He said simply before walking off.

"You know, I hate you!"

Squalo turned to call over his shoulder, "Yeah? Try saying that tomorrow!" And with a laugh, he turned forward again.

Dino stayed where he was, watching the other boy walk further and further down the paved road, the sword swaying at his side, before he turned the corner and disappeared.

Dino sighed and turned his attention to the intercom. He held down the off-white button.

Light static filtered through, "Who is this?"

"It me, Dino!"

"Ah, boss." The gates slid open enough for Dino to step in. He walked across the dried up front yard to the front door, where Romario was waiting.

"Boss, welcome home."

"Romario, I told you not to call me boss."

"Fine, young master." Romario guided Dino to the first floor bathroom. "We had this bath drawn under Mr. Reborn's orders. You are to go immediately to the library afterwards."

"I understand, thank you." Dino answered, tugging at his tie.

Romario bowed out and shut the door.

Dino pulled his tie off, tugged off his vest, and unbuttoned his shirt. For a test, he dipped an arm in the bath.

He was relieved that it was still warm. He undid his belt and pulled off his pants.

When he had completely stripped, he stepped carefully into the bathtub. He felt one of his arms slip and he came crashing down, some water sloshed out of the tub. He quickly righted his position, sitting up straight on the soft mat provided. It was typical of him, and he had to be thankful that he hadn't slipped another way and fallen on his bottom.

The water stung a little, but he knew it would pass soon enough. He reached for a bar of soap and lathered up.

Staying in the warm soapy bath was appealing. Dino stretched out and leaned back his head, meeting the gaze of peeling painted angels on the ceiling. He shuddered. Angels shouldn't look weathered.

He shut his eyes. The water was so warm, he felt so comfortable, and it was so quiet…


Lunch had always been awkward for him. That particular day, Dino had been pondering what drove the cook to pack him soup. Soup never really ended up inside of him, as the large spreading pool of aromatic but SCORCHING liquid on his shirt was to confirm. He stood and ran towards the bathroom.

Of course he never really ran. He felt his legs stumble uneasily and then the lunch of the person in front of him was getting progressively closer to his face.

He had knocked into someone who always looked immaculate, someone with an air that promised misery if one got too close, someone with a sword permanently sheathed at his side.

Harsh hands came up to catch Dino's arm. "OI! What the hell are you doing?"

Dangling from the other's digging grasp, Dino felt his shoulders being jerked forward, and his head fell back to met the petrifying glare of Superbi Squalo. The one and only.

Dino swallowed, wincing at the strong grip Squalo had on his shoulders. It felt as though Squalo wanted nothing more than to rip him in half, and he swore murderous intent never left those hardened eyes. He smiled nervously and brought his shaking hands to Squalo's, attempting to pry the other's grip off. "I'm very sorry, it was an accident and- ungh!" He winced as he fell hard on his back pockets. The Vongola had pushed him away disgustedly.

"Fucking Cavallone trash." Squalo walked away, holding out his hands as though he had touched something filthy.

Dino pushed himself up. He bit his lower lip as he gave his poor bottom a pat, and continued his trek towards the bathroom.

He pushed open the heavy door, wrinkling his nose at the heavy cleaning agent smell. As many times as he been here to clean off his clothes, wash his cuts and scrapes, and of course, do his business, the smell still bothered him.

He ran to the sink, catching himself on the porcelain bowl before colliding with the mirror, and he unbuttoned his shirt, groaning a bit when the top few buttons were accidentally ripped off. He shoved his shirt into the sink and turning on the faucet. The oil and red color of the soup floated towards him.

He wrung and soaked his shirt until the red and the oil could no longer be drawn out.

Then the door opened, and Dino saw silver hair in the mirror he was facing. He tensed, turning his attention back to his shirt, as though he hadn't noticed.

To his surprise, Squalo took the sink next to him, and washed his hands without a word.

Then he realized that Squalo was ignoring him, refusing to associate with him. Dino inwardly cringed. The silence between them was crushing and induced nervous stomach cramps, at least on Dino's part. He felt the need to break the silence.

He turned to Squalo, who was scrubbing his pants with a paper towel. A ruined textbook was dumped in the waste bin. "Uh, listen, I'm sorry about that, I'll pay for -"

"Shut up. It's nothing your family can afford."

Dino winced and turned back to his shirt. He shut the faucet off and wrung his shirt dry. "It was really an accident, and I'm sorry about it!" He turned again to Squalo, wet shirt balled up in one hand. "What do you have against my family?"

That was when Squalo's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise, before they narrowed again, the hard gaze unfaltering. "You don't know? How naïve. It's nothing that is worth my time to explain to you."

"Why not?"

Dino saw the gray eyes deliberately scan his bare upper body, taking in the various bandages and bruises that marked it. "Stop being so dense and shut up. That's why you get beaten up so much, you know, you sure give off some annoying fucking vibes."

"Hmm? What?" Dino glanced down. "No, most of these are my fault."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Squalo glared.

"Yeah, but you were assuming that I-"

"Are you listening to yourself speaking?" Squalo looked as though he could not believe the other boy. "I'll help you kill yourself faster."

"I'm not trying to kill myself. I just get into a lot of- ah!" Dino dropped his shirt and grabbed his throbbing hand. While talking, he had forgotten how close his hand was to the sink.

"No shit, you're a walking train wreck." Squalo rolled his eyes and turned to leave. "You're whack, fucking weird trash, just go die." He tugged open the door and strode out, leaving the door to click shut on its own.

Dino was left with his shirt, white front stained a pale ginger color. He knew Squalo had reason to be mad. He clutched his wet shirt to his chest, eyes watering at the prolonged exposure to the cleaning agents. At least he didn't die.


A damp head of hair lifted from the cooling soapy bath. Dino panted, catching his breath, he'd fallen asleep and fell forward into the water, "How dumb." He laughed and hugged his knees to his chest. Memories of Squalo only a couple years ago always gave him chills. He got out and drained the tub, going over to the shower to give himself a final rinse.

Squalo made a triumphant noise at the shredded practice targets littered across the dark field. He had improved his time. He smirked at the pathetic inanimate objects he just destroyed, suddenly having the urge to slash his blade deep into the squirting artery of another human, suddenly realizing he didn't have nearly enough experience.

Then, he didn't feeling accomplished at all. The targets didn't fight back. Shredding them was nothing.

Dino had once been just as pathetic. Squalo scowled at himself for letting his eyes go soft at Dino's smile.

It was just that the boy has always been such a precarious entity, every action he took was a gamble and every second of the day, Dino could potentially die. Yet his sincerity was so solid. And he had a smile for everyone, endearing ones for all the other kids who wrinkled their noses at his constant state of chaos, cringing ones for bullies who kicked him out of the way when he bent to retrieve fallen books, apologetic ones for the teachers who reprimanded his chronic tardiness, and Squalo had found it so abnormal and disconcerting when Dino's brightest and most genuine smiles were for HIM.


They were going to be future mafia members. That was the only thing that kept Squalo interested in the affairs of other students. And sometimes, even that fact wasn't enough. This bored him.

It had been the day that Dino had the misfortune of crashing into Squalo. As the teacher scanned the room to account for the students, a certain blonde fell through the door and tripped onto the carpet. His half buttoned shirt was damp, an unsightly stain in the front. A couple students snickered.

"Young man, you are late." The teacher pursed her too red lips.

"Ah, sorry, had to clean up," more snickers from the class, and the blonde flashed that annoying sunny grin. Squalo wanted to knock in those teeth. Until he realized that he shouldn't waste thoughts on the Cavallone heir. Cavallone, after all, is totally going to become an obsolete family. He was certain.

"Fine. You're here now." The teacher waved a dismissing hand. "Now everyone open your book to page 240."

Meaningless lessons about the history of copyright laws or something of the sort. Squalo rolled his eyes. The blonde came into his line of vision.

The idiot was drawing on his arm with a blue marker.

Squalo, not able to stand the sight, turned away.

The period ended with a lecture about lawsuits involved with copyright. Squalo was the first one out of there.

During their gym class, Squalo stomped a boy's throat into the grassy field. He caught a charging friend of said boy around the neck and dared anyone else to try to help him. And this was because they looked at him funny.

Later, changing back into his school uniform, satisfied with a sea of classmates too afraid to meet his eyes, Squalo met dark brown ones.

The pair of eyes stared, and they looked thoughtful, and Squalo did not know whether or not Cavallone was fearless or straight up mentally incapable. Actually he knew, of course he knew, and he was sure it was the later.

He glared harder, refusing to be the one to break the stare. He refused to feel satisfied when the idiot looked away and fell over his pants as he tried to get them on. The Cavallone wasn't worth feeling satisfied over.

"You were too pathetic back there, not worth my time." He drawled as he left. Both were alone in the locker room. Squalo lagged because he always had to look just right. Dino lagged because he was Dino.

A soft uneasy laugh, "I hope it stays that way."

The other boy's voice surprises Squalo a little. It was barely audible, serious, and did not come out idiotic or goofy. "Tch. You'll probably die on your way home anyways." He turned his head back just enough to let the blonde in his field of vision.

He whipped his head forward again when he sees a smile for him. No one smiled for him. "You are an idiot after all." He pushed the door open and headed out.

And every time Squalo saw the blonde bumbling in late to class, and every time Squalo witnessed yet another accident, and every time Squalo turned away from the bright smiles directed at him, he was amazed at how this boy is still alive in their world, or at all for that matter.

Once, he smiled back. It was only to see how Dino would react, of course, and it was more of a smirk, really, and unavoidably condescending, but Dino had looked surprised and blushed before frantically averting his eyes.

When Dino didn't try to make eye contact with him for the rest of day, Squalo could only conclude that, no joke, Cavallone had a crush on him. He laughed to himself, no more annoying smiles.

He saw him in the school courtyard one day, drawing on his arm with a red marker.

And he thought Dino could provide a fair amount of amusement for the time being. "OI!"

"Hmm?" A blonde head turned up, and Dino's cheeks could not hide his reaction to the other boy. He smiled nonetheless. "Ah, hello, nice day, no?"

"Why do you do that?" Squalo demanded.

Dino looked a little confused. "What?"

"Draw on your arm like a stupid kid…or like a girl."

"Oh, I draw the tattoo designs I want to get someday, to see how they would look."

"You?" Squalo barked a laugh, "I didn't think you were one to want a tattoo."

Dino's head tilted. "Really? What did you fancy me as?"

"A total wuss." Then he realized his statement implied that he thought about him. "Everyone would think so." He added, to save himself.

"I guess, but they look so cool." Dino's eyes met his. "Would you get one?"

"And mark up my perfect skin? Hell no."

"It might bring out your perfect skineven more." Dino laughed, "Here, lemme draw one on you!" he reached for one of Squalo's hands.

"HEEY!" Squalo quickly moved him arm away. But Dino had snatched his wrist and fell off the bench he was sitting on.

Blonde dangling from his arm, Squalo wished he hadn't started this conversation, because the Cavallone's warm hands did something to him. And he couldn't squash it down.

He was annoyed at himself for sitting down with Dino, for letting Dino draw on his arm, for not stopping this from happening because he WANTED Dino to draw on his arm. And he thought of how this was so stupid and how he liked how stupid it was. He LIKED it. He liked the cool tip of the marker gliding on his arm. He liked the warm thigh against his. He liked how the blonde still smelled like the cinnamon roll he had gotten on his shirt during snack break.

And he liked how Dino was humming, humming something much too happy and definitely STUPID.

Squalo looked down at the red figure coming into view, a shark.

He told Dino to draw water, just because.

When Dino argued that drawing water would throw off the design, Squalo told him to make it work.

And when Dino was finished, Squalo still wanted to argue about marker tattoos because it had been…

It had been a breath of fresh air.


"I don't-" I don't get you. He couldn't say it. He grabbed his bag off the floor and left without another word.

He had regretted that day. He had gone back to ignoring the blonde. And whenever he had the chance, he glared, quickly turning away to avoid Dino's confused look. This was strange because he had always been a sadist, and the fact that he couldn't stand to see Dino's hurt expression made him even angrier.

He started to hate the scenario he had put himself in. And he hated how much he still wanted a stolen moment with the blonde, when he felt Dino take his hand and lead him from the dark and gritty world he had known his whole life, and he felt as if he could stop moving for once.

He tries again when the Cavallone was laying in the shade under a lemon tree. He sits on the grass next to Dino. The fragrant lemons made the spot seem somewhat more peaceful than the rest of the school.

Or maybe it was just Dino being there.

"Oi." Then he smirked. The blonde was asleep. And Squalo didn't think he had ever seen someone look so content.

This boy who was going to inherit generations of financial problems, who would probably never live through his first inevitable mafia scuffle, this rarity of a boy was sleeping under a tree, dirt and leaves were surely going to end up in his hair and on his clothes. And Squalo wanted to understand the expression on Dino's face, and he couldn't because he never thought of slothful afternoon naps as a way to escape the harsh realities of the world. He reached out and stroked a warm crease on Dino's collar. Not aware of what exactly he wanted.

And he couldn't imagine how someone who wanted out of his situation so badly could still manage to look so at ease.

He often forgot Dino was a Mafioso in training, until he sees Reborn by his side, and he sees Dino surrounded by a sea of suited subordinates, all so much older. And he sees Dino's normally sunny face drawn in an uncomfortable grimace. And for the longest time, he believed it was those subordinates that anchored Dino in place and kept him from floating to the heavens. The Dino he thought he knew would run as soon as his subordinates had their backs turned. He had been so sure.

And his notion was proved wrong and snuffed out the day Dino became the Bucking Horse.


Dino stared ruefully at his graphs. "Reborn, this makes no sense!"

"Of course it does, you just don't understand it yet."

"That doesn't help!" Dino turned to the hit man baby.

"You're as slow as ever." Leon changed to a pointer and Reborn tapped a problem in Dino's workbook. "Read it out loud."

"You spend 12000 making arrangements to meet for a bribe, and you expect 40000 from the deal. If circumstances change and you can only obtain 8000, would you spend an additional 2000 to make the deal possible?" Dino made a face. "What? Of course I wouldn't."

"You're not thinking." Reborn pushed down a lever. An explosion blew off Dino's window.

"Ahh! Okayokay, so I WOULD follow through." Dino looked desperately between Reborn and the next box of explosive matter.


"Be-because I would lose less money!"

Reborn smiled, "Calculate the cutoff amount and we can move on."

"But wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

Reborn's look darkened. "You of all people can not afford to think that way."

A couple hours and five major explosions later, Dino managed to finish going through the seemingly impossible study guide. "Reborn! I think I'm starting to get it…Reborn?" He turned around. "Don't fall asleep!"

Then Dino debated going to bed. He was tired and sore and his stomach burned. He was damn hungry. He thought of a snack from the kitchen and looked at the dark and long staircase. He shook the snack idea off, preferring to stay put in his chair. He pulled the textbook closer and went over more scenarios.

The next day, Dino ran into class, a breakfast biscuit still stuffed in his mouth. He took his seat and finished his breakfast, swiping the crumbs on the ground. For once he had been on time. He looked over to Squalo's empty seat, wondering where he was. Squalo always came before him. But then again, he was always late.

At precisely the right time, Squalo strode into the classroom. Not a moment too early and not a moment too late. Dino should have known. He smiled at the cold look Squalo gave him, seeing a hidden gleam in those eyes.

"I'm gonna ace this test." He told himself as his teacher moved to pass out the packets.


OMG, it was so long and had no smut! You are amazing if you just read that. Heh, sorry, the plot bunny didn't leave room for it. BUT you can expect some in the next chapter. Teeheee…

Quick note: I know 'ciaossu' is half Japanese and Reborn probably only uses it in Japan, but it seemed so very Reborn-ish, that I had to keep it.

Reviews are greatly appreciated. Leave something, especially if you faved this!