Ziva and McGee walked in silence to the holding cell.

"I'm sorry" McGee said at length.

"For what?"

McGee lashed out knocking Ziva unconsious. He snatched her gun and ran to the elevator running in and pressing the button for the ground floor.

He sprined to his car which he had left a couple of nights ago and took off to the docks.

A man was standing guard to the docks entrance.

McGee's car slammed into the man knocking him over.

Pushing the door aside McGee came out firing hitting one of the men three times in the chest. Holding the gun two handed he rounded a corner firing once making a man sink to his knees.

"The girl, where is she?" Tim asked the man, who pointed to a large green container. McGee thanked the man and shot him in the head. He turned and reloaded chucking the empty clip aside. His phone began to ring and he checked the caller ID: Ziva. Sighing he threw the phone into the sea.

He made his way to the container and forced it open, "NCIS pig--" a cry rang out and a man cocked a MP sub-machine gun. Again McGee sighed and shot the man once i between the eyes. In the container sat a woman with a black bag over her head. he pulled it off gently exposing the face of Sarah McGee. Her eyes were wide with fear and she tried to talk but a piece of black masking tape stopped her.

Gently Tim pulled it off along with the bonds fastening her arms and legs together. Hr brother enveloped her in a huge hug. Tears began to trickle out of both of their eyes as the knelt there on the hard metal floor. "Sarah, I'm going to get you out of here--" a single gunshot rang out and McGee fell back, blood pouring from his back. As he fell he snatched his own gun from the floor and emptied it into the chest of his attacker. He wainced as he hit the ground and dribbled blood out of his mouth. "Sarah" he said weekly "tell Gibbs I'm sorry..."

"Mr. McGee" said a cold voice. "My name is Cecil Tresham."

Sarah draped herself over McGee and he whispered something into her ear.

Tresham shot Tim twice in the stomach; "When you were younger you and NCIS took something very important from me--"

"Now I've taken something else" McGee growled and rolled over. He shot Tresham twice in the face before passing out.

Gibbs, Ziva and Tony arrived ten minutes later to find six bodies along with terrified sarah and a bleeding Tim.

"McGee!" Ziva yelled and sank to her knees next to him. Tony checked his pulse and Gibbs called for an ambulance.

"He's gone" Tony said after three minutes of serching for a pulse.