So you're rolling your eyes thinking "hmmm… great. Another fan fiction where crazed teenager girls get "transported" into the world of Pirates of the Caribbean." Trust me – THIS is the one you want to read. It has:
- One completely obsessed fan girl
- One girl who ismostlyfavourable to the idea of "Pirates"
- And the one girl who just doesn't want to be there and complains about the acting and direction of the film the whole time.
And if you're still not convinced, our amazing reviews (THANK YOU) speak for themselves. And if you're STILL not convinced... you're mean!
Three movies. Three girls. ONE big adventure! (Yay cheesy summary!)
This was wrote with the help of Hazels laptop and the way windows media player automatically put on the subtitles so you know what everybody's saying, especially if you have bad hearing like Katy…
(Alex: I'm going to my piano lesson now.
Katy: Who's a red elephant?)
Thank goodness for subtitles.
By the way...
Obsessed fangirl: Hazel
Not too bothered girl: Katy
Girl who has no real interest: Alex
We might occasionally refer to Will Turner as "The Whelp" and "Will Turnip". Sorry Will/Orlando fans, we have nothing against him, it's just he's a little bit of a dork, especially the first movie. Some find it cute. We, on the other hand, find it HILARIOUS.
(Encase you are wondering WHY we call him Will Turnip, it is because when we were bored we drew all the characters as food. These characters were: - Captain Jack Marrow, Elizabeth Prawn, TEA-a Dalma, Bar-toast-a, Gravy Jones and of course WILL TURNIP. This should give you some insight as to how our imaginations work)
Oh, yes, if Disney have spies all over the internet WE DON'T OWN ANYTHING!!! No copyright infringement intended. Don't sue. We're just BORROWING your characters. Except Alex, Katy and Hazel. They belong to me :D
The art of travelling into a DVD player
It all started when we were round at Hazel's house, and had all agreed to a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon...
Hazel did a great job persuading her two friends to sit through, what, some 6 hours of Pirates of the Caribbean? Getting everyone to agree to this wasn't easy.
See, Hazel is the fan girl, she loves anything Johnny Depp. ANYTHING. (Even movies where he plays a scary throat slitting demon barber, he's still ADORABLE.) There are three massive Captain Jack posters in her room for crying out loud. She counted down the days until Pirates of the Caribbean 3. She stayed up until 5am so that she could be awake at the live broadcasting of the TRAILER. A truly dedicated fan. Completely in love with Johnny Depp, she claims she will cry, faint and scream all at the same time if she ever meets him. Heck, she'll do that if she even sees him. On TV. Which she does a lot. Her friends suffer sometimes.
Katy, one of Hazel's friends isn't quite as obsessed, her adorations lie with David Tennant, star of Doctor Who. She understands Hazel's fangirlness, only things get ugly if they argue over who is hotter- David or Johnny. Still, she was happy enough to agree to this little movie watching partay. She just likes Barbossa and Jack the monkey. And laughing at Will… and Jack…sometimes...
Alex is the one who fancies herself as a film critic, which means she has no obsessions, no long term undying love for certain films and TV shows. She's pretty normal. Think of her as the "control test." (If you're working up to doing GCSE Science like us you'll understand what we mean) She thinks that Johnny Depp is a good actor but is too overrated. She thinks that David Tennant needs to broaden his horizons and that he needs to trim his hair back. She is a sensible red- head. There.
So… there we were at the beginning of the first movie. Hazel was sitting with a look of eternal delight on her face at the thought of watching Johnny Depp for 6 hours. Alex was thinking about how it was that she had managed to be talked into this ordeal and in her boredom had assembled all the tangy orange crèmes (out of the tin of roses Hazel bought to keep her amused) in a line across the sofa and Katy was playing with the remote control. After about 10 minutes of volume and channel switching Hazel finally said "Katy you're going to break it… and I need to put the DVD on…"
Katy surrendered the remote while Hazel put the DVD on, but when she was finished Katy picked it up again. After they had watched the fist 5 minutes of Curse of The Black Pearl in French with Italian subtitles, and with the volume still going up and down Alex couldn't take it anymore.
"KATY, GIVE ME THAT REMOTE!!!" she yelled suddenly, pouncing on Katy.
"NO!" Katy yelled holding the remote away from her.
And so a great fight broke out between Katy and Alex. There was hitting, screaming, clawing and yes, even biting. Hazel watched for a little while and was amused by her friends' childish antics, but when she saw they were fighting seriously dirty she decided to do something drastic. She grabbed the nearest heavy blunt object (a lamp) and whacked them both hard, but attempting to avoid causing severe brain damage.
Miraculously, they both stopped killing each other to yell at Hazel and complain about loss of brain cells. The lamp shade went flying into to air and landed on Katy's head, like a hat. The remote control also went flying and was flung across the room, in front of the TV. (Meanwhile the now Spanish speaking Elizabeth was having a dream about the good old days when she had freckles) Anywho, forgetting why each of them needed the remote so badly, (maybe something to do with the lamp-whacking) the crazed teenagers hurled themselves at it. Each of them managed to get a few fingers on the remote and so many buttons were pressed at the same time. Not good for Mr. DVD Player. Then it all went black…
And so Hazel's sister Gemma came down the stairs in an attempt to break up the extremely noisy fight that was heard rather clearly from upstairs. But all was quiet. Did they hear her coming and quickly sort themselves out to avoid embarrassment? Or did she really have that "older sister" superiority to Hazel and her friends and did they immediately shut up like good little girls? Of course not. She noticed that the wild girls were nowhere to be seen. They had vanished… along with the lampshade…