Disclaimer: Don't own Hannah Montana or any of the characters. Just the plot line.

Lily's POV

Lily leaned against the kitchen counter and heaved a sigh. She cast an irritated glance towards the clock. 4:15. Sheesh. Is it just me? Or is this the longest 3 hours of my life?

She had just finished supper and was now waiting for her mom and grandmother to get home.

"Lily? Where are you?"

Lily jumped. Her mom walked into the kitchen. "There you are. Oh, something smells good. What did you make?"
"Spaghetti and meatballs, Caesar salad, and garlic bread." Lily replied.

Her mom smiled, impressed. "Lily, you are going to make Oliver a wonderful wife."

Lily sighed. "Mom…" She loved Oliver and of course she wanted to marry him someday, but they hadn't even discussed that yet.

They all sat down to eat and the next time Lily looked up at the clock it was 4:50. Ten minutes!

"Mom, I'm meeting Miley at the beach, well hopefully she'll be there. I'll clean up later." She stood up and grabbed her skateboard from its place by the door.

Her mom waved a hand in her direction. "Oh don't worry about it, Gram and I will clean up. I hope everything works out."

Lily made it to the beach right on time. She spotted a familiar head of curly brunette locks and made her way toward the lone figure on the beach.

"Miley?" She asked tentatively.

Her former best friend turned her head and cast a disdainful glance in her direction. "What is it? I don't have all night. Jake is taking me out."

Lily rolled her eyes and took a seat next to Miley.

"Okay, I want to know what your problem is." Lily asked. "We've always been completely honest with each other and I want to know why you're so upset. Especially since you and Oliver weren't dating and you seemed completely in love with Jake."

"First of all, don't try to tell me that we're completely honest with each other because you…you are the one that wasn't honest at all. You started dating Oliver and you didn't feel it was necessary to tell me…your best friend. Make that former best friend. I can't handle that kind of dishonesty, I'm Hannah Montana and I'm already under a lot of stress and pressure…"

Lily cut her off. "Don't pull that "I'm Hannah Montana" crap. Yeah you lead a busy life and you're a freaking star. But lately you have been acting like a total diva and you just keep expecting everyone to bow down at your feet. You've made some big mistakes Miley, but the biggest most obvious one was when you told everyone at school who you were. People that hated us in middle school, that made our lives miserable, are now your friends. Amber and Ashley? You hated their guts, now you're flipping shopping with them every weekend. It's like you forgot all about me and Oliver." Lily stopped abruptly, breathing hard.

Miley looked at her, shock written all over her face. For awhile she didn't say anything and Lily was beginning to think that nothing she had said had gotten through. Then at last she spoke. "You're right."

Lily nodded slowly and waited for her to continue.

"I have been neglecting you two for awhile now. It was just slightly awkward being around Oliver. I mean, I wasn't' exactly a model girlfriend. I pretty much treated him like crap. The whole Amber and Ashley thing…they are nice girls once you get to know them…" She smiled slightly at the face that Lily made. "But you're right, they weren't my friends until they found out I was Hannah Montana. It was just nice you know? I mean all through middle school and up until this year I was a nobody at school. Then everyone found out I was a pop star and I was finally someone, I was finally popular. I guess that got to my head a little."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "A little?"

"Okay a lot." Miley smiled sheepishly.

"Well what about why you got so angry about me and Oliver? Do you still like him?" Lily asked.

"No. I think I was just upset because I knew all along that Oliver loved you. That's why I broke up with him; I didn't want to be his second choice. I was jealous because when I walked into that room and saw you two…" Her voice broke. "Ollie never looked at me that way-ever. He never kissed me like that either. He's so head over heels for you that he doesn't notice anything else. I was just being a jerk, it was all jealousy."

Lily's blue-green eyes had been brimming with tears through Miley's whole speech. When she finished, Lily let out a sob of relief and threw her arms around her friend.

"I was so scared that I had lost you as a friend forever." The girls clung to each other.
"I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you at school for the past couple of weeks." Miley apologized.

They giggled and released each other. "Sweet niblets! Look at us; we're acting like a couple of drama queens- crying over this."

Lily laughed as she dried her tears. "Sweet niblets? The last time I heard you say that we were in 8th grade."

Miley smirked and shrugged. "That's the Tennessean coming out."

They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. "Oh! Miley, aren't you going out with Jake?"

Miley smiled. "Hold on." She pulled out her slim pink phone and called him.

"Jake? It's Miley."

She smiled slightly at his answer, a faint pink hue touching her cheeks.

"I won't be able to go out tonight. Best friend time. Is it okay if I call you later on tonight?"

She paused for his answer. Smiling again, she cooed into the phone. "Okay, thanks so much. Love you babe." She hung up and grinned at a gaping Lily. "I'm free. Let's hang out. We have a lot of catching up to do!"

When Lily got home later on that night, Oliver was waiting for her on her front porch.

She smiled as she practically flew into his arms. "We're good." She sighed and buried her face into his chest.

"And us?" He asked.

"We're perfect." She lifted her head and kissed him.

"Good." He sighed against her lips. "So what happened?"

"Well at first it wasn't looking too great. But I asked her why she was so upset, and then we both burst into tears and apologized to each other. She even called Jake and told him she couldn't go out with him and we hung out all night." She explained.

Oliver grinned. "Great. So everything is back to normal?"

Lily nodded, smiling from ear to ear. "Yes. Well right now it is."

Okay so I am EXTREMELY SORRY for taking so long to update. I am a horrible person I know. It just kept coming out wrong, so I gave up on it for a little while. Then I kept procrastinating…and you know, it was just a vicious cycle. SO anyways I finally decided to get my lazy butt in gear and update. I'm still not to happy with it, but let me know what y'all think.
