Disclaimer: Do not own.

A/N: Just thought I would try my hand at a Loliver story. Let me know what you think!



Lily's POV

When he walked in, she did her best to ignore him. Tried not to be drawn to those gorgeous dark eyes. It wasn't working. She avoided his smoldering gaze as he started towards her.

He went past her, running his fingers slowly up her bare arm. She shivered, biting back a gasp of longing.

She glanced around. Her friends hadn't noticed what had just happened.

He took a seat behind her. "Hey Lils." He said softly, his warm breath tickling her ear.

She clenched her fists, digging her fingernails into the soft skin of her hands. It was all she could do to keep from whirling around and kissing him.

Her back involuntarily arched when she felt his fingers on her neck. "Your tag was sticking out." She could hear the smirk in his voice. He knew the way he was affecting her.

She mentally slapped herself for making it obvious. She stiffened up and looked towards the front of the room.

"Lily!" She turned slightly to see her best friend, Miley, smiling down at her. "What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost."

Lily shook her head. "I'm fine." She sighed inwardly. Well if he didn't know a couple minutes ago, he certainly knew now.

"I'll be right back Miley. Save my seat." She stood up and walked out of the room.

She felt his eyes on her as she left.

She came out of the bathroom minutes later. Walking down the quiet hallway she felt that familiar feeling of someone watching her.

"…" Someone grabbed her from behind and yanked her into a nearby empty room.

"What the heck?" She exclaimed.

He was looking down at her, his eyes darkening with each passing second.

She backed up just as he grabbed her and smashed his lips against hers, the force of his body slamming her into the wall. She whimpered as her body connected with the solid concrete.

He had moved on from her lips and was now trailing hot kisses down her jawbone and neck. She moaned slightly. He lifted his head and found her lips again.

This time she responded like she always did- with complete abandonment, forgetting all the rules she had set for herself. She always scared herself when that happened.

They came up for air. He leaned his forehead against hers, his dark eyes staring into her cerulean blue ones.

She took a deep breath. She always seemed to have a lack of oxygen when he was around.

"I've missed you." He whispered huskily. His hands found their way to her waist and he pulled her closer to him. If closer was even possible.

She nodded. "I've missed you too." Her long blonde hair, perfectly curled a few moments ago, was now slightly messy from the frenzied kissing.

Best friends from the time they were five years old, they had discovered their intense attraction for each other along the time that Miley had decided she liked him.

The last thing that Lily wanted to do was hurt Miley's feelings, but when she was with him every coherent thought flew from her head. She wanted nothing more than to be with him and when she wasn't, she was staring at the numerous pictures she had of him, wishing she was.

Oliver Oken was truly the love of her life.

They were now eighteen years old, a month away from graduating and falling more in love every day.

They had both changed a lot from their middle school years. Oliver's hair was not quite as long as it used to be, but it was still long enough to have that extremely hot, messy look.

He had of course filled out quite a bit also.

Lily had transformed from her tomboyish looks, into a gorgeous, tan blonde. She was still the skater chick and her style proved it, but now she had the gracefulness and femininity that she had lacked when she was fourteen years old.

She came out of her reverie to notice that Oliver was no longer staring into her eyes; he was now eyeing her lips hungrily.

She smiled slightly and pulled his head down to hers; kissing him the way she knew he loved.

General POV

A loud crash sounding from behind them caused the two to break apart.

Oliver saw Lily's blue eyes widen and dreaded what he would see when he turned around.

He slowly turned to see Miley standing in the doorway, mouth wide open in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How-how could you-you do this to me?" She half-sobbed, heartbreak evident in her voice.

"Miley…" Lily started.

"DON'T! Don't even talk to me, you back-stabbing, boyfriend stealing, little-" Miley spat out, before Oliver stopped her.

"Stop it!" He ordered. "It's not Lily's fault."

Miley glared at him. "Oh and I suppose she didn't intentionally kiss you just now either?"

Oliver sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "Miley, we aren't even dating anymore. Why are you mad?"

"You know you would have come back to me if she hadn't dug her claws into you!" Miley's eyes narrowed in fury.