I think we all need to take time off from, you know, serious life, kick off our shoes and breathe. So here's one of the best chapters I've ever uploaded in my life! Yay! Enter Mr. Bunny. Oh yeah, I'm writing in a six year old's point of view. So have fun and travel back in time! I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this, but I think it has potential, so I'm going to keep it.

Miss Sobriety - Cute is what we aim for. I love this song! *Head bangs to an alternative song*

Daddy wasn't home from work yet, and Mommy was in bed taking a kitty nap. I didn't want to wake Mommy up just yet, because she's like a monster if she doesn't get enough sleep! So I sat in my room, under my bed waiting for her to get up so she could play with me. Long minutes passed and I was becoming extremely lonely, all by myself. I took a deep breath and turned onto my other side to stare at the wall. It was dusty down here and I wondered why Mommy and Daddy didn't clean under our beds. I reached out to try to brush it away from my face, I couldn't hold my breath any more! So I let it out fast and all the nasty dust went in my face!

"Ahh!" I spat, I didn't say it too loud, because Mommy was sleeping. I pushed myself away and used my hands to throw myself out from under the bed. A face was looking into my eyes now, he was quite cute I could tell, but I still lay very still. A plump little bunny! He was purple all around with long rabbit whiskers and a fuzzy tail! "Who are you?" I asked, tilting my head. I wondered if he could understand me.

"Mr. Bunny, they call me!" He danced with his words, and hopped over to me, crawling into my lap. "I can take you to a fun place." He offered. Should I go? I thought. Then nodded and loosened up.

"I'm really lonely here, so yes! But I don't want Mommy to be lonely when she wakes up, so it has to be fast!" He just looked at me, but when he spoke, his words were sweet.

"Okay! Come on! Lets go!" He jumped out of my lap and onto the floor, I followed him to my closet. He struggled to open the door, so I did it for him.

"Why are we going in here? I thought we were going to have fun!" I said, arms crossed in front of me. The bunny tapped one of his feet.

"Hold your horses Missy!" It said to me, and quickly added, "We're going to have plenty of fun in here! Don't you worry!" We entered the closet and shut the door behind us. Mr. Bunny mumbled something under his breath and told me to open the door again.

"Okay," I turned the door knob and stepped out, light was shining on my face. "Wow! Look at this place, Mr. Bunny! It's so pretty!" My mouth was hanging open, butterflies were fluttering about, other bunnies, all the colors of the rainbow came to greet Mr. Bunny. As they chattered, I looked all around, trees with sparkly dew on the leaves. The flowers were the most beautiful colors I had ever seen! It was a welcoming area indeed! Then I sensed someone behind me.

"Well hello there, Aleera!" Said a voice behind me. A small hand touched my shoulder. A friendly touch, and a smile from the tiny woman made me feel so happy to be there.

"Are you a fairy, ma'am?" I was having fun already, and we hadn't been there ten minutes! The pixie laughed and sat on my out stretched hand. Her pixie dust trailed behind her, falling onto my hand as she sat down. "How do you know my name, miss?" I asked curiously.

"I'm a pixie, and I know everything about you already. Theres nothing you will ever be able to hide from me in the world! Because I'm part of you." She touched the area on my chest that my heart was hiding behind. I didn't understand what she meant, but I knew she would tell me more. So I waited. "You see, I'm your... well." She tilted her head and looked at the sky, her hand on her chin while she was thinking.

"You're like my fairy godmother? Like Cinderella!" I smiled at her and sat on the ground, she flew to sit on a near flower.

"Well, sort of, but not completely, you see every fairy is assigned a child, and you are my child! I'm supposed to watch over you." She said between laughter. This world seemed to be quite giddy.

I don't know where to go with that. So ideas? I'd like some please! Review if you read it. Flames are welcomed, but they will be ignored and used to make nice reviewers cookies! =^,^= I'm working on some other short chapters. If they turn out gay, then I won't post them!

Until next time! SasoDeiFan