'He's back.' 'Wow!' 'He doesn't even look hurt!' I groaned as I heard the whispers. Yes Harry was back, but that didn't mean the whispers could start again.

I took a seat at the Gryffindor Table. Harry and Ron dropped down next to me and Hermione was next to Ron. My arm was still in a sling but I didn't mind. I looked over at the Ravenclaw table and waved at Willow. The room was covered in Slytherin colours, which could only mean one thing, they had won the House Cup!

I groaned and banged my head on the table. 'Welcome everybody to the final feast of this year. The House Cup as I understand, needs to be awarded. So in fourth place is Gryffindor on three-hundred and twelve points. Third, Hufflepuff on three-hundred and fifty-two. Second is Ravenclaw on four-hundred and twenty-six and finally Slytherin on four-hundred and seventy-two points!

The Slytherin table burst into applause as everyone groaned. 'However recent events have to be taken into account. I award fifty points to Ronald Weasley for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years.' Gryffindor erupted into cheers.

'Secondly, I award fifty points to Hermione Granger for her studying in class, which in the end, saved a few people.' The table again erupted in cheers, with me joining in this time. 'Thirdly, sixty points to Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage.' I heard whispers from among the table.

'We're tied with Slytherin.' I smiled. 'And finally I award both Taylor Weasley and Willow Gosermer ten points for the cool use of logic and for risking their lives to save their friends.' The hall erupted in cheers. Gryffindor had won the House Cup! And my ten points and broken arm had done that.

Dumbledore had changed the colours of the decorations to Gryffindor and the hall cheered louder. 'Now everyone tuck in!' I turned to Harry and hugged him. 'We did it! We got the Stone and Gryffindor won the House Cup!' I pulled away and Harry beamed. 'It was your ten points that won it for us! I blushed furiously and he laughed.

After dinner, Dumbledore had awarded the Quidditch Cup to Slytherin. Everybody then went back to their common rooms for a final goodnight sleep before the train ride home.

Most of the girls slept really well, as did I. After breakfast, everybody piled onto the train. I managed to find an empty carriage which Harry, Ron, Hermione, Willow, Fred, George and I took over.

'Well, that was an eventful year don't you think!' Everybody nodded in agreement. 'Now...I have to wait six more weeks before I see you all again!' Everybody nodded sadly. 'But we'll write every week...right?' Everybody nodded again and I turned to Willow. 'Summer won't be that bad. Just think about all the good times we all had this year and you'll be fine!'

She smiled and I quickly hugged her. 'Hey Taylor! When are you allowed to come over to the Burrow?' I shrugged. 'Whenever I want!' I smiled happily. 'Good, because I have a plan to prank Percy.' He leaned over and whispered it to me and my face lit up. 'Might have to borrow some of Fred and George's things but it sounds good!'

I turned to Harry who was laughing at one of Fred's crappy jokes. 'Hey Harry! How long do you think you can survive at the Dursleys?' He groaned. 'Depends. If I get Dudley's old room then perhaps a few weeks before I stress out!' I laughed. 'Maybe I'll show up on your doorstep claiming to be your friend and see what your Uncle says!'

Both Harry and I laughed. 'Depends. If you really want to get thrown out on the street, then go ahead. You'd probably have better luck climbing up the wall and into my bedroom window.' I smiled. 'I'm Spiderwoman! I will have no problem scaling the wall!' Harry nodded and handed me a piece of parchment. 'Here's the house you plan to scale!' I took the parchment as Will butted in.

'Hey you two! Stop exchanging addresses! It's only a six week break!' I blushed furiously and looked out the window. Ron snickered. 'Are best friends not allowed to exchange addresses?' I asked, turning to face Ron. 'I'm sure you and Hermione have exchanged addresses!' He blushed furiously and I smiled. 'Why is it different when we exchange addresses? Hmm?'

Ron shrugged and I turned back to Harry. 'Here's mine!' I said, handing him and ink splotched piece of parchment. He quickly glanced it over before smiling. 'If I ever make it out of my prison, I know straight away where I'm going to go!' I beamed as I turned to look out the window.

I could see the station in view and my heart sunk. Six weeks of not seeing Harry, Willow or Hermione! Could I do it? Harry seemed to have noticed how close to the station we were also. He grabbed my wrist. 'Taylor, can we talk after we get off the train?' I nodded and turned to Willow. 'Well...six weeks isn't really that long! I'm already counting down the days until I get to see you again!'

Will smiled. 'Aww...come on. It won't be that bad! At least your parents love you!' I nodded. 'Yeah I suppose so.' I turned to look out the window again. The station was about four minutes away, so I looked at the ceiling of the carriage and went into my own thoughts.

'Taylor! The train's stopped!' My eyes wandered to the window and I saw heaps of parents swarmed around the train. I stood up and saw that everyone except Harry and me had already left. 'I'm gonna miss you Tails!' He said, giving me a quick hug. 'I'm gonna miss you too Hare!' Harry smiled at me once more before leaving the train.

I hopped off the train also and searched for my parents. I found them, talking to Mr and Mrs Weasley. I saw Ginny and waved and she waved back. 'How was Hogwarts?' I smiled. 'The best!' Mum had spotted me then and gave me a quick hug. 'How was Hogwarts?' I smiled again. 'Couldn't have been any better!' She smiled and I hugged my father as well.

'Taylor!' I whirled around and saw Harry. 'This is my Uncle Vernon!' He said, motioning to the man who was glaring at me. 'Uncle Vernon, this is my best friend Taylor Weasley!' He grunted a hello before turning and walking away. 'Come meet my parents!' I dragged Harry over. 'Mum, Dad, this is Harry Potter, my best friend!' Mum smiled warmly and stuck out her hand, which Harry immediately shook.

'It's nice to meet you Harry. I hope we see more of you!' Harry nodded and shook my father's hand also. 'Well Taylor, my Uncle is very impatient so I have to go. I will see you when you plan to scale my house! Goodbye!' He said, quickly hugging me before running off to catch up with his Uncle, who was pushing Harry's luggage.

'He's a nice boy!' I turned to my mother and nodded. 'The bestest friend a girl could ask for!' I added as my father said good bye to the Weasleys. 'Let's go home and you can tell me all about you year at Hogwarts and tell me more about Harry!' I smiled and nodded. And as I walked off, I knew that next year would be just as eventful!


A/N: Rachos: YAY! I never thought I would finish it, but I proved myself wrong. This is the end of the group's first and the next story (Don't leave me!) will be their summers and their second year. Ginny will be in the next one and so will Dobby! Yay for Dobby! –dances around-

Taylor: I can't wait to tell everyone about my summer! It was awesome!

Harry: Mine was pretty eventful near the end.

Hermione: France was really great!

Willow: Mine was definitely the most eventful! Wait until you hear about mine!

Ron: Mine was normal.

Rachos: I hope you liked the final chapter! Please review and tell me if you like the story or if you didn't! As you may already know, the trailer for the next story is up, so read it if you haven't yet!