This is (as said in the summary) a series of one-shots taking place in (and skipping large periods of) George Coopers childhood. Now, this is going to go against Terrier, SOTL, the Immortals quartet, POTS, and the Trickster books, George grew up in Scanra, close to the Border with Tortal in this. This is also a partner story with my other story, Alanna The Orphan, so it kind of follows the same guidelines o what happened to Alanna & Cedric, if you want to know about that story (you should because eventually these two will merge, sort of) look it up, or go to my profile. Also, going along with my other story Alanna the Orphan, George has an animal companion. Other than that I just hope that you all enjoy this first chapter.

Disclaimer: I wish I did, but I do not own any of the Tamora Pierce characters, locations, or books.

The brown haired boy, still gasping from the run up the steep mountain-side, crouched behind two of the large boulders that dotted it. He looked through the small crack between them and watched as his village was razed by his own country's army. They had been camped around a mile away for a month, demanding what little food and provisions that the village had now, just before winter. When the villagers didn't have any more to give a company of soldiers came, took everything of value from the poor houses and small smith, then burned it all down, all by the orders of Scanra's 'great' general, Iofur Doblinse, or Iofur the mighty. Who just happened to be in charge of the cruelest bunch of soldiers ever to try and attack Tortal, Scanra's mercanarys. One of the reasons that Iofur loved working with that bunch of cut-throats was that not only were they indifferent to what enemies they killed, they were also willing to kill helpless villagers in dirt poor villages.

The boy was around seven, and with the monkey that was perching on his shoulder he cut a strange sight to the shepherd who, while chasing a stray sheep had journeyed far from the cave were he lived had stumbled on to him and the evil going on below. The Shepherd, being a kindred spirit, was drawn to the boy who now, so obviously, no longer had a home. Although he wanted to offer this boy a home, he had doubts. He led a poor life and didn't offer any opportunities for a young boy. He probably wouldn't come anyway. So, the shepherd left, back to his cave, trying desperately to forget the boy.

The shepherd returned the next morning, saying to himself that he was going to check on the wreckage of the village, but really going to see the boy. He found the strange youth curled up close to the rocks, asleep, though shivering and drenched by the cold mountain drizzle. He finally decided to take the boy to his home; and so the Shepard, former holy-man took George to his cave to rest…………

I'm REALLY sorry it was so short, it was really only a prologue I'm sorry if it wasn't that good……… please review and hopefully there will be more soon.