Disclaimer: The following series and characters belong to their respective corporations: Nintendo, Disney, and Square-Enix, including their respectful developers. The following characters of this fic: Kyle Nasher, Dirk Lionheart, Alana (Lana) Blade, Drew Devin, and Nived Werd belong to author Mace the Manakete in agreement to his written consent.

Preview to the Kingdom Hearts Chronicles Series—

The heroes leaned towards Kyle to hear him out. Kyle cleared his throat and spoke, "I have a feeling that Dirk and I might be the Warriors of Light."

"What?!" everyone exclaimed.

"Not just us, but Lana and Drew as well." Kyle said.

"That's preposterous!" Dirk said, "What makes you say that?"

"This is no joke Dirk." Kyle exclaimed, "When we were at the manse and you disappeared, the Wire Frames and the Heartless ambushed me. Before I knew it, I was in this white empty void. A voice spoke to me and informed me of my best friends and I, being the Four Warriors of Light, and one of us, warriors, to be the wielder of the Sacred Keyblade. That wielder is me."

"That sounds logical." Donald said.

"Gawrsh, and scary." Goofy pointed out.

"That explains these text messages you kept receiving." Dirk said, "What was it saying? As darkness… takes the world or something, four warriors will come?"

"Yes, and what's frightening, is that the voice kept repeating these words that were on the text messages, including something about blessings."

"Blessings?!" they exclaimed.

"'Every soul cannot survive without blessings'" Kyle quoted, "that's one of the voice's quotes that still frightens me."

"So what are you saying?" Luigi exclaimed, "That without blessings, our souls die?"

"And so are we." Kyle responded.

"Empress Minnie just read a letter from the Emperor," the voice of Pete sounded from behind.

The party turned to watch him approaching the throne, "You mean—?"

"That's right." Pete grumbled, "The Emperor's alive and well, believe it or not."

"That's a relief." Roxas stated. But Pete wasn't finished, "Yeah that's a relief all right, for a limited time."

"What does that suppose to mean?" Donald shouted.

Minnie let go of the letter, floating midair at the eyes of the entire party. "See for yourself." she finally spoke.

Roxas took the letter and read, "Everyone, I am sorry for taking off from the empire so suddenly. I sure hope my abrupt leaving did not bring about any unpleasant rumors. Something terrible has happened to our neighboring world the Mushroom Kingdom, and it could mean the start of a terrible disaster in the other worlds...

"Legend has it, that dark looming shadows took over many places and were skilled at ripping the precious hearts of innocents."

"These shadows…" Drew asked, "What were they called?"

Duckworth shuddered as his eyes went wide open, "speaking or hearing their names just gave us chills, but since you insist. They were called Heartless."

The figure then moved its skinny fingers as if to summon magic; but what he was really doing was dragging Eiric higher up the tree.

The figure stretched his palm again and Eiric cried in pain.

"Say hello to a new era, Keyblade Master." The figure grinned, "Meet your doom, here and now! Clavisisparus Debilito!"

With a snap of his finger, the sword—or the Keyblade—that Eiric was holding exploded into million light dusts. Eiric kept screaming in pain.

Mario grabbed Bowser by the tail and turned him about face, "Listen here Bowser! Where's Princess Toadstool?"

"Wuh-wuh-what?" Bowser shook his head.

"Don't play innocent here you fat koopa!" Luigi accused, "Where's Princess Toadstool? We know you have her."

"Yeah!" The baby brothers cried.

Bowser raised up, "What are you talking about?"

"You know what we're talking about, poacher!" Mario said.

"Princess Toadstool is not with me! Yet." Bowser said.

"Liar." Luigi exclaimed.

"Yeah! And a pants on fire!" Baby Luigi mocked.

"Look here!" the annoyed Bowser boomed, "I came here for the princess, and the princess I came here for. So if I did kidnap her like you 'stated', why would I be landing on your property?"

"Cause you're dumb?" Luigi pointed out.

The anaconda was still moving restlessly. Bowser and Dirk were on the verge of dropping to the ground.

"It's useless!" Dirk exclaimed, "We can't defeat this thing!"

"We can! And we will!" Bowser boomed, "And I know the perfect plan!"


Bowser grabbed Dirk with only one hand and flung him to the top of the snake. Dirk grabbed the snake's eyelids upon landing. The snake continued to move around.

"Are you trying to kill me or something, Bowser?" Dirk yelled.

"Just hold him still!!" Bowser commanded.

The rest of the heroes watched Dirk and Bowser trying to tame the anaconda, "What is Bowser up to now?" Mario asked.

"I dunno, but I think they're trying to stop the snake!" Goofy replied.



The chime caused everyone in the room to stand still. It was the last bell. The heroes were too late. They watched Zelda's petrified body rejecting the Holy Triforce from its core. The bright shining Triforce flew up into the sky and vanished.

"Zelda!!" The thunders roared in reply to Link's cry, the clouds began forming a swirl, and the entire scenery turned frigid and bleak.

Two swords clashed each other on the coldest of nights as Ike and Lyn squared off in a lethal match. Lyn's merciless eyes stared into Ike as the two swords intertwined.

"What do you want from me?" Ike huffed.

"I'm here to kill you." Lyn panted.

The swordfighters recoiled. Lyn bounced toward Ike again but Ike blocked her attempted sword slash. She delivered another one again, and again, and again. Ike kept blocking every move. Another strike from Lyn and Ike countered it and quickly moved out of the way, behind her. Ike did not had the chance to read Lyn's next attack when she quickly turned around and threw a sweep slash. Ike jumped but made a bad landing and sprained his ankle. He let go of his sword as he fell on the muddy ground. Lyn aimed her sword.

Nergal snapped his fingers and out of nowhere, a huge crystal ball floated from above and landed gently on the floor. The figures approached the ball and examined the Magic Ship still flying.

"Ah, Princess Toadstool's gang…" Jafar asked, and then faced Nergal, "How about this? We should finish them while we can."

"How about we don't…" the unknown figure said. The figures faced him.

"Are you suggesting, we test them first?" Hades added with a smirk.

The figure scratched his head, "…you've read my mind haven't you?"

"There're not the only people we should all be testing." Nergal said with a frown look on his face, "There's one more."

The eleven figures looked at Nergal interestingly, "Who?" Palamecia exclaimed.

"I've met him." Nergal said, "And we have to be careful as he is also traveling the Gathered Worlds as we speak."

"Him?" Maleficent cried, "Tell us who 'him?' is"

"The prince of Ivalice." Nergal said, "He has returned."

"You must be Raven." Kyle spoke to the psychic teen. Raven nodded.

Kyle cried, "Why is my Keyblade not sealing the keyhole?"

"Boy, you are impatient aren't you?" Raven smiled, "I can't give you much of the answers, but Master Kaepora will explain it all."

Kaepora Gaebora rocked his head back and forth before speaking, "The Sacred Keyblade currently has no power to seal the Gates of Darkness, even thought its purpose is to seal them all. Nasher, you noticed the Keyblade's appearance several times right?"

"Appearance… oh, you mean." Kyle summoned the Keyblade again and showed it to the owl, "that ghostly look?"

Kaepora nodded, "Its missing its true essences: the four elemental crystals. If these crystals are fused into the Keyblade, the Keyblade will reclaim its former glory and will no longer be translucent. Therefore, it will be able to seal the Gates."

And so this was a taste of what to expect on the Kingdom Hearts Chronicles. So how was it? Did you like it? Please send me a review. Your opinions are highly appreciated.