Okay, this is AU and all human but its good, trust me.

"Happy birthday!" I whispered at my room mate Edward as I sat on the edge of his bed. Ive known him since i was 2. We went to daycare together and have been best friends ever since. We were eachothers firsts for everything...but we'll get to that later.

The matter of today is that today was Edward's 21st birthday, I, however was still only 20.

"Good morning Bella. What time is it?" Edward whispered as he put his arms behind his head and stared at me. Our bedrooms were right next door to one anothers and well...we were always together...long story. Ill explain later.

"About 11. Get all showered and then dressed cause we are going out for brunch." I said as I stood up.

"But its my birthday...dont you remember my birthday tradition?" Edward asked as he got out of bed and followed me out of his bedroom.

"Of course I remember tradition. We shall remember the good times during breakfast. Now hurry up!"

About fourty-five minutes later Edward and I were both dressed and smelled all pretty. We locked the doors to our apartment and walked to the corner cafe ironically titled 'Corner Cafe'. We got our drinks and sat down and began talking.


This is where you will learn our past. But please remember we are best friends and we were eachothers firsts for everything. Birthday tradtitions become weird when your best friend is a guy and you are always together...


"To start it off we need a cupcake."

"Bella, i hate cupcakes...and its like ...noon." Edward said.

"I know." I started digging around my purse until i found what i was looking for. "Thats why I got you a big chocolate chip muffin."

"Yay! I'll take it." Edward extended his hand to grab it.

"Not yet!" I took out a packet of candles from my bag and a lighter. I put a solitary candle on the muffin and lit it. "Make a wish."

He smiled at me, closed his eyes and blew out the candle.

"What'd ya wish for?" I asked

"Can't tell. It won't come true if i tell."

"Fine. So where do you want to begin with our journey in the past?" Edward asked.

"Day we met." I said lazily as I stirred my mocha latte.

"Haha, I enjoyed that day." Edward said biting his muffin.

"I cant believe we remember it." I laughed.

"Well im sure talking about every year on my birthday has something to do with it. Do you remember what i was wearing?"

"Oh god! Yeah, green overalls. But i wasn't much better."

"I know. Your Chumbuwumba tee shirt and acid wash jeans. You know remembering your clothes makes me sound gay. But your dumb for still having them."

I laughed and shook my head. "No! they have memories!" Edward raised an eyebrow "Fine i'm a freak lets move on. Do you remember the first thing i ever said to you?"

"Yes" Edward sipped his coffee. "You said 'Can you give me the play-dough? Your blending all of the colors and it looks like poopie.' Yes. What a way to start a friendship. You were very polite."

"If i remember correctly you threw it at my face." I sipped my latte.

"Okay" Edward smiled. "We became friends anyway. Maybe it wasnt a great day, but it sparked a great friendship. Lets move on to" Edward thought for a second "Haha my fourteenth birthday."

I blushed automatically. "Oh yes. You asked me to be your girlfriend and i said yes."

"Yes. You were my first girlfriend." I blushed again. "Dont blush Bella. As I remember it you were pretty happy that i asked you. You also gave me my first kiss that night." Edward smirked and sipped his coffee. "Then you broke up with me over a tootsie roll. First break up." Edward held a finger up. "But i got a kiss."

"Yes but remember on your fifteenth birthday you said the kiss I gave you on your fourteenth birthday was only a quick kiss and didnt count." I giggled at the memory.

"Come on! That was just so I could kiss you again." Edward sipped his coffee quickly.

"And it worked, right? I got mad and kissed you." I blushed again. Edward stretched a crooked smile and crossed his arms.

"Yes there on fifteenth birthday held my first make out session." We drank our coffees in silence for a moment. "You were my first for quite a few things werent you."

"And you were my first for just as many. My first cruch on any boy was you when i was seven and i had another crush on you again when i was thirteen."

"Those were returned by the way." I nodded my head and sipped my latte again.

"Yes they were. That circles back to your fourteenth birthday."

"Bella, bella, bella. Lets not forget your sixteenth birthday."

I laughed quietly at the memory. "I was so scared that night. And then i asked you if you were a virgin too and you said you were, and i became all giddy." I looked out of the shop window onto the street trying to hide my smile

"I remember. Then when you asked me if I could be your first because you knew i wouldnt judge you or anything and i said yes."

"There lies our first time...which was together. Do you remember what you said to me when i was down to my bra and panties?" I shook my head.

"I do. I said 'you are so skinny, i might break you.' "

"Yes and you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were going to snap me."

"But i tried to be gentle."

"And you were...but then i felt akward around you for like two weeks." I began to laugh. "I wouldnt look at you for two weeks!"

Edward got excited. "Yes! and I was terrified that I hurt you. Or you had changed your mind or something. I was so scared that we wouldnt be friends anymore." Edward started laughing "We were so weird."

"No, what was weird was that we weren't even dating when that happened." I drank the last of my latte then popped two mints.

"We only dated once." Edward said.

"Yeah i know." Edward looked at me. I saw a small glint of saddness in his eyes. "You were my date for prom. Does that count?"

"No, but you did look pretty. I remember all of the guys giving me dirty looks when we danced."

"Girls were furious that i took you as my prom date. Remember the girl that tried to trip me by the punch bowl because you were my date...and i had a fist fight."

Edward laughed. "You're a pysco. You got us kicked out of prom for fighting."

"You didnt get kicked out, i did. You just were a gentleman and followed. I didnt even start it. But you were very hansome in that tux." I raised an eyebrow when i saw the hint of a blush touch Edwards cheeks.

"I danced with you on the shore that night." Edward smiled. "First i love you's."

"Excuse me." A waitress that was now standing at our table snapped us out of our dream land. "If you dont order something else you are going to have to leave. You have sat here for about three hours."

Edward smiled. "We'll leave."

"I'll take the bill." I practically yelled. Edward groaned in anger. I turned to him. "It's your birthday! I'm paying."

After I payed we walked out onto the block. Edward kissed the top of my head. "Thank you."

"Happy birthday." I said as i hugged him. "What do you want to do next?"

"Hang out with you." He said simply.

"Fine, we're watching Halloween though. And a movie starts at 5:30 we can go to that. Paaaarty!"

Edward laughed. "Sounds like a plan. As long as im with you."


"I am actually excited." Edward smiled. "You're fun."

-Leaving the theater-

"Fine, lets go get dinner." I smiled.

"Pizza?" Edward asked.

"No! I made reservations at the new Italian place."

Edward held out his arm and I hooked it with my own. "Lets go."

About halfway through dinner Edward began acting strangly.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.


"Fine. Truth or Dare." I said. Edward looked at me confused, i shrugged.


"Good. Tell me whats wrong."

Edward huffed. "Fine." He slid a jewlery box across the table. "Ya know how we are eachothers firsts for everything?"


"We'll weve never really followed the protocall for what you are supposed to do. I mean we made out without dating and we did 'it' without dating. We live together...but i dont know if that one counts." He cleared his throat. "I don't really know what your supposed to do in a situation like this...all i really know is I...I am in love with you." He took a deep breath. "I dont mean brotherly love I mean real-"

"I love you too." I blurted out. Edward smiled.

"Okay...well. I am really nervous because though we havent really dated exactly we never date anyone else because we only want to be with eachother. I know i only want to be with you. And we have been together...since we were 2." Edward stopped talking and stared at me.


"Well...I want to make it official. Not dating official but. I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. When we are all old and saggy, i want you to be sitting in the rocking chair next to mine." I suddenly realized i had begun to cry. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes." I nodded and kissed him, and hugged him, and kissed him. He opened the box and there held a ring with the inscription reading 'forever comes first'.

"Bella?" Edward asked.


"My birthday wish came true."

