AN: I couldn't stand the crappy translation any longer, so I redid it. Hopefully better this time; I still have no beta reader for my English stories ^^'

Translation of a little one-shot I wrote. It's Mullens POV and it's set after Leens death.

Am I selfish?

It's strange how things can change. The first time I saw you, I didn't care about you, just one more human being. Not worthless, however, uninteresting. But our paths crossed over and over again. And with each time we met, you started to unsettle me a little bit more. What led you to a place like this? When you smile, you look so gentle and fragile. But you are strong. Much stronger then I than I ever imagined.

I can't tell how it happened, but it became natural to have you around without me even noticing this.

When I needed some advice, you gave it to me.
When I felt anger and hate, you've been there to calm me down.
When I was lonely, you smiled and all loneliness vanished.

Who gave you the key to my heart? Or was it always yours to begin with?

Despite our uniforms you were closer to me than I wanted to admit. I can't free you from the burden of your wings, however, I wanted to help you carry them, wanted to ask you to stay with me forever.
Why did you leave us?

I can't stand the thought never to see you smile again when you greet me.

To never hear your voice again when you speak to me.

To never feel again that you are close-by.

You did so much for me, and now you are gone without me paying my debts. Is it selfish of me to wish, you would be with me again?