Chapter 3!

Sesshomaru was livid. He had been gone only a few hours and she had escaped! He was well past angry, but there was a pang of something in his gut. He was upset that she would just up and leave like she had. But Sesshomaru realized he had been nothing but cruel to the girl, he had been the one to drive her away, this was entirely his fault. He had found the guard in the garden unconscious, the scent of magic laced in the air around him. He turned enraged eyes on Iyasu.
"You left her to walk to her room alone." She lowered her head in shame her eyes to the floor and nodded. Sesshomaru almost roared, scaring Iyasu to stumble back a few steps. He swiftly spun around on his heel and stormed through the garden to the wall. He leaped over the wall and followed her scent into the forest. He grew angrier when he noticed where this direction led; back to his half-brother. He ran faster, secretly hoping to catch her before she made it to his brother.

Kagome looked up to see the familiar roof of the well house. She jumped out and landed gracefully on her feet. She opened the well house and ran inside.
"Hello? I'm home!" Her voice echoed through the house but no one answered. Kagome knew what that meant; her family had probably gone on vacation, or to see a sick relative. So she was stuck here alone, with almost nothing to do. So she sat in front of the T.V. watching some stupid show, her eyes glazed over as she began to think things over. Sesshomaru was an anomaly, a hot one, but still. She thought about all the things that had happened to her, Inuyasha, Naraku and Sesshomaru. She knew she was waaay over Inuyasha, she had been though hell for two hundred years and after a while she had stopped thinking about him. Her eyes popped out and she chocked. She had been thinking about Sesshomaru through most of the years with Naraku. He had been one of the main people that had gotten her through that horrible time. "No way that is so not possible, no I refuse to believe that. He hates me, he could never love me. Love? Wait what the hell. This is so wrong! This is Sesshomaru we are talking about." Kagome got up and headed for the shower, hoping to relive some of her stress. She relaxed herself in the warm water. Letting it wash over her tense muscles. She sighed when she had to get out, walking into her bedroom she dressed in her pajamas and laid down in her bed. She lay there for a while tossing in her sheets, somehow missing the warmth of a certain Taiyoukai.

Sesshomaru rushed into the clearing snarling, she was nowhere in sight. He snarled again when his half-brother burst into the clearing.
"Sesshomaru! What the hell are you doing here"! Inuyasha stopped yelling when he saw the red leaking into his brother's eyes.
"Where is she?"
"How the hell should I know, you kidnapped 'er. Besides why should I care about the bitch?" Sesshomaru slammed Inuyasha against a tree.
"You will not insult her, Inuyasha, now, where is she?" his voice was deadly calm, Inuyasha was begging to panic. Inuyasha was taken aback, why would his brother care so much about Kagome?
"I don't know where the wench is, and I don't care!" Inuyasha spat. Sesshomaru squeezed his throat harder and Inuyasha had to struggle for breath.
" A-alright, I might have an idea." Sesshomaru loosened his grip a bit allowing his brother to breath. He gasped for breath a little. "She-she might have gone home." He coughed out.
"Where is her home?" Inuyasha raised his hand and pointed at the well. "In there." Sesshomaru growled. "Now is not the time to play games with me Inuyasha."
"I ain't playin' games with you Sesshomaru, that bitch lives through there, it's a portal or somthin'. Just wait, she'll be back. She always comes back." Inuyasha smirked and kicked Sesshomaru off him and ran back to the village.

Kagome shot up and frantically looked around her, she let out a relived breath. It had been a dream, she was thankful that it was only that. Naraku had abused her for so long, the nightmares just wouldn't end. She sighed as she took another shower and dressed. Sesshomaru would probably come looking for her, and knowing him, he just might destroy the village, and she would not allow that. She grabbed her black Jan sport backpack and took some of the essentials. She could hunt her own food, so she didn't need that; it was clothes, that were a must. She opened her dresser and looked for some outfits. Jeans, short shorts, tank-tops cargo pants, wife-beaters and her army boots. All, of course, in black. Slinging the pack over her shoulders she made her way to the well.

Sesshomaru had been sitting at the well for hours now, growing more and more impatient by the minute. He relaxed his head against the wood and closed his eyes for a moment. He jumped up when he sensed magic in the air and the intoxicating scent of Kagome. She flipped gracefully out of the well only to be met by two golden eyes, two very angry eyes.
"S-Sesshomaru, I- I can explain I" She was cut off as Sesshomaru threw her to the ground. And she let out a small cry when her head collided with the ground. Sesshomaru was on top of her in a second, his eyes almost completely red. "S-Sesshomaru, I- are you" Sesshomaru looked at her for a moment wiggling under him trying to get away. Sesshomaru crushed his lips upon hers in a dominating manner. Kagome stopped struggling beneath him, to shocked to do anything, after a while she started to respond. She reached her hands timidly and tangled them in his hair, pulling him closer. Sesshomaru growled lightly in his chest and Kagome immediately took her hands away and stopped responding, thinking it a warning. Sesshomaru stopped and looked at her, her lips red and panting.

"Why did you stop?" She looked at him confused and turned her head to the side to avoid eye contact.
"I- but you growled, weren't you mad I-I" He put a finger to her lips to silence her.
"This Sesshomaru was not angered by you, quite the opposite." She gasped and blushed profusely. "W-what?" Sesshomaru grinned slyly. "Come, we must return to the castle." He said as he stood an offered a hand. She hesitated a moment before she took it and stood. She folded her arms together and rubbed her hand on her arm as if she were cold. Kagome looked around nervously and scuffed her feet. "What is wrong, Kagome?"
"Its just, I." She looked down her bangs covering her eyes and Sesshomaru could smell the scent of her unshed tears.
"What is it? What troubles you?" Kagome grabbed her shirt above her heart.
"I, I don't want to get hurt again." She whispered. Sesshomaru's eyes widened. She was afraid of getting hurt again, it was his entire fault, again He stepped forward and enveloped her in his arms. She latched onto him like a lifeline, and she cried, cried until Sesshomaru was sure her tears were dried out. So they sat there for a while Sesshomaru rocking her sobbing form until she finally fell asleep. He gazed down at Kagome, her eyes were red and puffy, she looked so fragile, and he felt the urge to protect her. He cradled her in his arms and held her close.
'What could have made her cry like this, it could not have been her stay at the castle, it would have to be something done to her over time. Oh Kagome, what are you hiding from me?'

Kagome woke up in the familiar room as she had before. She looked around; at the end of her bed was a beautiful kimono. She slipped out of her silk sheets and held the kimono up.
'I can't believe he is going to let me wear this. It's so nice, what if I ruin it? What if he gets mad and- no Kagome, just wear it. He will probably be furious if you don't.' She quickly slipped it on, loving the feeling of the silk on her skin. She walked to the door but stopped, maybe she could just walk through it. She walked forward fully intent on walking through it, just as she had before, she was just about to reach it when, 'Bam' 'Thud' 'Owww" Kagome rubbed her nose. 'Okay, that was a bad idea.' Kagome looked up as Aahiko opened the door.
"Are you alright Lady Kagome?" Aahiko held out a hand to the fallen woman and she gratefully took it.
"Thanks." She muttered while looking at the ground.
"My pleasure, but tell me, what are you doing on the floor?" Kagome looked down and laughed a little.
"Well last time I fell through the door, so I figured this time I could walk through it." Aahiko looked at her as if she had grown another head. "What?"
"Um, Lady Kagome, it is not the door that allowed you to go through, it is you that let you go through." Kagome looked at him blankly.
"Huh?" Aahiko let out a light chuckle.
"I believe it is one of you powers, as it is mine."
"You mean you can walk through walls too?" Kagome poke him in the chest.
"Yes I can, and if Lord Sesshomaru allows it, I just might be able to teach you." Kagome beamed up at him. "Now, as much as I would love to stay and talk with you all morning, Lord Sesshomaru is waiting for you in the dining hall." Kagome smiled.
"Oh! Okay then, lets go."

Sesshomaru sat down in his chair in the dinning hall. Playing back his encounter with Kagome over and over. It bothered him that she was keeping something from him. But why did it bother him, he loved her but was he in love with her.
'Uhg, now I'm getting a migraine.' He sighed and ran his hands down his face and rubbed his eyes. He was getting way to many migraines, and it was starting to play on his last nerve.