I was sitting in an uncomfortable neon orange plastic chair. I had an appointment with a specialist, a doctor James Holt. The receptionist looked up and said Isabella Swan the doctor will see you now. I stand up, take a deep breath, walk through the doors, and into the examination room. A nurse took my temperature, drew some blood and told me the doctor would be there in a few minutes.

I looked around the walls were bleach white, and there were a few pictures on the walls it was if a man and a women it was an average looking room.

Flashback- when I was 10

I was in a similar room the doctor told me the reason that I have been having joint pains, headaches, feeling weak and tired was because you have Leukemia, but it is treatable. You are lucky we caught it so early you will have to go through chemotherapy. I started to cry. (A/N-leukemia is a cancer that is forms in your blood cells in your bone marrow)

End of flashback

This was my check up for remission. I had never told any of the Cullen's, I never even told Edward. The doctor comes into the room with a grim expression. Oh no I knew that expression the doctor told me "Ms. Swan your cancer is back, it isn't treatable this time it is to far along, and I'm sorry but you only have two months to live." I thought to myself I should have seen the signs the joint pains and the feeling weak, and the headaches. Oh no what am I going to do I have to tell Renee and Charlie that I have cancer again, I have to tell all the Cullen's that I the reason I am dieing is because I have cancer in my blood. How ironic I'm going to die from the very thing they need to survive. Then it hit me, the reason my blood smelled so sweet to Edward, and I had the cancer before I knew him.

DR. Holt asked if there was anyone I would like to call? I told him no, I left paid the co pay $35. I took the elevator down to the ground level and went to my car. I drove straight to the Cullen's house, I would tell them first. When I got there I walked up to house and let myself in I yelled for Edward he was at my side in a second literally. I told him that I wanted to talk to all the family. He looked at he angrily. I told him it had nothing to do with them changing me. So I went into the living room and waited everyone was there within 10 seconds.

I took a deep and told them that they were like a second family to me, which is why I am telling you thing. When I was ten years old I was diagnosed with leukemia, which is cancer in the blood cell but Carlisle you probably knew that. I went to one of my remission check ups today, because I haven't been feeling well. I took another deep breath the doctor, he told me that the cancer was back but this time it is too far along and I have 2 months to live. He told me I was luck that I lived this long. All there mouths were opened wide with shock, and they were staring at me. I couldn't take it this was the reason I came to Forks because of the stares. I said to them either say something or I leave, and won't come back.

This seemed to wake them from there daze. I was starting to feel faint but I ignored it I turned and was about to walk out of the living room when I heard Rosalie ask, "why did you never tell us?" I told her there were only a few people who ever knew about my cancer, and I didn't think it would come back. That is why my blood smells so sweet it's the cancer I should have known all the signs were there. I just chose to ignore it. I came back and looked for a place to sit down. Emmett and Rosalie saw this and moved over I smiled at them in appreciation. I told them you can ask me any question and I'll try to answer it. Edward asked, "So there isn't any treatment?" The doctor said I had grown resistant to all treatment methods. Esme asked why did you not tell anyone? I said the few people that I did tell told everyone and when I got to go back to school starred at me like I was death so I moved here instead. Jasper asked why he never felt any distress you have been feeling lately I told him that unlike most humans I can shut down my in tire body heart included my heart and emotions.