NN-chan: well I decided to do a fanfic, it's my first so don't think its going to by perfect, I will try my best!

Ichigo: So where is the hollow?

NN-chan: Wrong fanfic Ichigo bleach one is next door!

Ichigo: umm sorry (walks next door)

NN-chan: signs well its time for the disclaimer!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own naruto, if I did I would be rich!

NN-chan: story time!


Inner Sakura or Kyuubi


AN author's note


Naruto just beat up Sasuke at the valley of the end…….

Chapter 1

Naruto panted, shaking slightly. He was exhausted. After two gruelling hours of fighting Sasuke at the Valley of the End, he had finally managed to knock the boy out. Attempting not to drop as he walked forward, he stumbled towards the raven-haired boy on the ground, each ragged breath shaking his lithe frame. A smile etched itself upon his face, and as he swallowed and coughed, he chuckled lightly. "Sasuke...if you thought...I'd let you go, you're...terribly wrong. You're...too much of a friend...too...lose..." His speech done with, Naruto sighed, collapsing on the ground and letting a wave of blackness surround him.

Thirty minutes after both boys had lost conciousness, Kakashi and Sakura arrived on the scene. Kakashi took stock of the situation immediately, nodding knowingly to himself. "Sakura-chan, grab Naruto-kun. I'll take Sasuke-kun myself. We need to get them to the hospital." The man grimaced, wondering about his students health.

The pinkette nodded. "Hai, Kakashi-sensei!" Stooping to pick up the blond, she flung him over her shoulder. With a last look about, they disappeared into the calm afternoon, leaving the scene behind them in their efforts to get the boys to a safer location.

I hope Sasuke-kun and Naruto are alright, thought Sakura, deeply worried about both her teammates.

It was three days later at the Konoha Hospital that our favorite blond shinobi awoke, blinking twice before his surroundings came into focus. What...what happened? Naruto thought, trying to make sense of the past few days. Then, it all hit him, just like a flash of light. "Sasuke!" Jumping out of bed and ignoring the pain in his muscles, the boy ran out of the room, glancing about nervously before running to the reception desk. "Oy! What room is Uchiha Sasuke in?"

The receptionist glanced at him momentarily before reading off the list in front of her. "Hm...let's see here. Ah, here it is, room 201, young man," she replied back.

Without even taking the time to answer her, the blond dove down the hallway, reading the numbers on the doors as quickly as possible. Suddenly, he saw the room, a large 201 printed boldly on a wooden plaque. Smiling, he stepped in, flinging the door wide open. "Oy! Sasuke-teme, I..."

However, the boy stopped mid-sentence, gazing unbelieving at the scene that confronted. Sakura sat on Sasuke's bed, and at the moment, the two were exchanging a heated kiss, Sasuke's tongue flickering back and forth against Sakura's lips. For a moment, Naruto couldn't move or talk. Then, without any further thinking, he turned his back to the sight, running back up the hallway...running faster than he had ever run before.

Only when he found himself deep within a valley of Sakura trees did he stop running. Surprisingly, no nurses had stopped him as he threw himself down the halls of the hospital, but that wasn't on his mind at the moment. Placing his back up against one of the beautiful, pink-flowering trees, he sighed, allowing himself to slink to the ground. What was he doing? He knew quite well that if he brought Sasuke-teme back, Sakura would go with him. What was the problem? Why couldn't he just let go?

Of all the questions that he asked himself, he knew that none of them could be answered there. In fact, he knew that most of them would never be answered at all. Picking himself up off the ground, he sighed once more, finding himself a quiet wooden bench and laying back against the frame.

Maybe he would take that 3 year trip with Ero-sennin after all. Besides...it would take his mind off of other things...

I sat beside Sasuke-kun's bed...just...glaring at him, but I didn't feel like checking him a thousand times over like I normally would, just to see if he was all right. No, I was more worried about Naruto at the moment, wondering if he would make it or not. Why am I caring about Naruto more than Sasuke-kun right now? I thought to myself. Of course, my inner personality wasn't going to let me live anything like that down at all...

Maybe you're falling for him, girl!

No way! No...no way I'm falling for that loud-mouth, annoying, blond, cute Naruto-baka! However, I had slipped slightly...and my inner let me know it.

Oh! So, now it's cute Naruto, huh? Whatever happened to just plain annoying, loud-mouthed Naruto, hm?

I was about to reply when I heard a shuffling noise in front of me. I had to snap out of my own mind for the moment. We'll worry about this later. I...have to concentrate...

Sasuke groaned, opening his eyes to see a white ceiling above him. For a moment, his mind was blurry, and then it all clicked through. Naruto...beating him...at the Valley of the End! Somehow. Somehow, he had won...and had brought him back to Konohagakure! Kuso...Naruto...I was so close to getting away from this place! Sasuke thought. Looking to the right, he met the green-eyes of Sakura, blinking at him. As if by magic, a plan clicked through. I've got it! The most important thing to that dobe is Sakura. So, if I take Sakura away from him, Naruto will crumble. I have you now, you stupid teme! Without more than a pause from his thought's, Sasuke snatched out, grabbing Sakura's hand and pulling her in close. She squealed slightly, but was stopped...as his lips met hers.

I couldn't believe my eye's! Or my lips! Sasuke-kun was kissing...me? Me! Sasuke-kun, the Emo King of Konohagakure...was kissing ME! Plain old Haruno Sakura!

But...it didn't feel right. I wasn't melting into the kiss, and it didn't make my knee's give way or anything dramatic like that. It just felt...normal. Maybe even forced.

Then, I made a horrible, fatal mistake. Lost in my own thoughts, I let my mouth open, and Sasuke-kun took no time to take the plunge. I tried pushing his tongue out of my mouth, but I wasn't strong enough. Either I had become much weaker than I had ever imagined, or his strength simply overwhelmed mine.

Soon, I heard the door open, and glanced nervously to the left to see a stunned looking Naruto. I wanted to break away, to tell him that it wasn't what it looked like. To...to let him know that this wasn't real! But, Sasuke-kun held me firm, his tongue still delving deeply into my mouth.

Without a word, Naruto turned, running from the room. That was when Sasuke-kun broke off long enough for me to stand. As I took off, hoping to catch Naruto before it was too late, I thought I caught a glimpse of a smile on Sasuke-kun's face...as though...he had planned it to happen that way.

As Sakura fled the room, Sasuke laid back against the pillows, a small smirk forming on his face. My plan's working sooner than I thought it would. Now, Uzumaki Naruto...now, you crumble!

So what do you think R&R please remember this is my first fanfic! Also thanks for the reviews I tried to sort out the dialog. Also Another Thanks To Uzuki-kun! Who edited my story for me!