Dark Rebirth

EVIL not a pretty word is it? No it never is and it never will be forever many things can be called evil but most are wrong for some things its impossible, but deep down with all of our beating hearts a little bit of darkness hides. Evil bad darkness monster everything opposite of good and like our souls it will never truly die as quoted from a wise old evil being himself he spoke, "Evil is everywhere no one can escape the darkness sooner or later it comes.

And when it does what will you do then?" he was right the dark powers of evil are just as strong as those of good sometimes even a little bit stronger, whether evil comes from humans animals monsters or even other worlds.

No matter how far you run how good you hide it will come and when it does, chaos will break free just hope & prey that you can survive the experience.

Lately happening in the split sides of the real world Earth and the digital world Digi-world the team of united children known as the Digidestined &, their monster friends Digimon. Have just defeated the evil Digimon emperor. Who in truth was a child like them named Ken and his Digimon Wormmon finally recovering from his mental breakdown trying to forgive and forget, all the monstrous things he did was the emperor thinking that it was all over.

But today as the sunshine's down in Central Park where the happy children played with their Digimon little did they know that an even darker darkness, was coming for now they enjoyed their time laughing and smiling with joy. A laugh is heard as a boy runs across the grass leaping for joy his brown hair dark as toast covered by clear blue goggles from his chocolate brown eyes.

Sporting a blue sleeveless T-shirt white sneakers and bright orange shorts. A baby blue monster with webbed feet little hands and a happy smile followed, the boy named Davis they ran across playing tag they passed 2 young girls.

One short brown hair hazel eyes wearing a pink and white striped out fit wearing a silver camera over her neck "Hey Kari got anymore tuna, sandwiches?" she giggled and passed the talking white cat with yellow.

Bear claw like gloves a sandwich "Sure Gatomon say Yolei on your computer, D-3 did Ken e-mail you yet?" "No looks like he's still thinking things all over". Yolei sighed trolling over on her tanned vest white shirt and brushed away her stringy purple hair from her thick circle glasses as the wind breezed in, her pink feathered bird Digimon Poromon laid there sleeping softly already.

Soon joining them a tall boy with blonde hair a strange gray cap and a yellow/blue greenish colored shirt from yellow shorts shining his blue eyes, beside him a small boy no older then 8 wearing a long sleeved purple shirt. And pants and brown shoes with big green eyes and softly combed thick brown hair behind them a orange mouse like hamster with bigger blue eyes, and bat wings for ears named Pattamon below him a white spunky ball. With a tanned color big black eyes and spiked ears named Upamon both smiled, together the whole gang sat down and ate their lunch happily as friends.

"I think its time we discussed what we do about the Digi-world problem" said the blonde boy T.K drinking his soda "What problem Ken is gone, defeated all thanks to ME right Kari?" Davis shouted out running to Kari. Annoying as he nudged her elbow to stand up to get her attention she groaned and elbowed him back HARD "As I RECALL Ken quit himself, after Wormmon died" "OW" they all giggled softly as Davis growled.

Cody added "T.K is right even though Ken is no longer the emperor who's to say, he won't change back to his evil ways we got to be prepared for anything". Upamon jumped to Cody's side and nudged him "I don't think that's what T.K meant" Pattamon nodded "What if some other evil Digimon took over, like Devimon or worse" Pattamon shuttered thinking back to past times. When he transformed into Angemon and nearly died battling the gigantic devil Digimon he died but not without a fight Gatomon agreed with T.K, Yolei pulled out her small computer looking over the maps of Digi- world.

"First things first Ken left a mess of control spires to clean up from and it'll take a long while till we wipe them all out" everyone nodded Davis leaped, up to his feet holding his blue Digivice a micro gadget to help them travel. In and out of the Digi-world and allow their Digimon to Digivolve "In that case let's get cracking and blow those towers to bits let's GO" his Digimon, DemiVeemon shook his head "Aren't you forgetting something Davis?". He looked back confused "What?" "WERE NOT DONE EATING" he gulped, as the team shouted to him still finsihing up their lunch sweat dropping.

Kari whispered to T.K trying not to giggle "He forget his brain if it wasn't stuck, in that thick skull of his" "What brain?" they both laughed happily together. Davis shouted at T.K burning red with jealousy "What's so funny TF?" "NOTHING" Kari screamed back Davis cowered back whimpering "Yes, Ma'am" they continued their picnic enjoying every last second they held. However not many are as fortunate when someone laughs somewhere else cries when someone is born another one dies and in this saddening case it, never held more closer to the truth sulking in his sorrowing sea of sadness.

Ken the lonely and heart shattered ex-emperor and perhaps future Digidestined was in his room crying his dark eyes and heart horribly out, ever since the death of his only friend and Digimon Wormmon last time. He hasn't seen any point in becoming a Digidestined not after all his carnage, and inhumanity he has caused to so many he weeped "I am not a human no. I'm worse I'm a monster I tortured enslaved and destroyed hundreds of lives.

All because I was lonely all because of my own stupidity GOD WHY OH, …..Sam I am only glad you aren't alive to see what a demon I have become.

Then again it's my fault you were killed in the first place" closing his arms over his tear filled face he preyed to god for some sign of what to do next, yet in mere moments a sign is slowly arising a sign of the blackest darkness. Suddenly the computer screen turned on an eerie dead blue light shined from its pixel monitor.

As if searching for something it shined like a massive pupil, on the chair the table the bed eventually looking at Ken and the light died. "I knew I would find a way no prison or deathly dimension like that fire farm, of rejects can hold me" the computer keys quickly typed by themselves. Without Ken even seeing it the computer keys continued typing on and on countless bizarre messages from the other side a dark sinister voice spoke, "Yet I lost my perfection to get here using up all of my primary powers.

None the less I am here trapped in this brainiac's computer what….strange this file the Digiworld….can it be…oh yes I don't believe my long lost eyes, an entire world of computer created monsters co-existing with planet Earth. Yet all of this energy and digital demons exist in this boy's computer but I can't access it like this I need help first the voice recorder amp up the sound, and then BOY" suddenly the typing ceased and a dark twisted voice shouted.

Ken arose quickly & gasped at his flashing monitor appearing on the screen was a pure black screen in the center a voice bar for the evil being's voice, "Boy ah Ken it is according to your profile how glad I am to have met you". The awe stricken computer genius stared blankly at his screen more baffled at this thinking it was all a hallucination "What who are you whatever you, are and how did you get into my computer?" for a few seconds dead silence.

Then "A reasonable question my boy but surely a dark creature of the night like yourself knows what I am" Ken growled and grabbed the monitor tight, grappling his tear soaked hands to the shaking machine "I am NOT like that. Or like you I don't even know what you are why should I trust you?" Ken calmed down awaiting his answer. "Because I can help you my dear Ken I, know more then you imagine of being turned against from the cruel world.

To have all come after your hide after a mere case of mistaken identity and failure to see the true goals of all life between Earth and the digital world", "How do you know about that?" "Put you hand to the monitor now Ken. Bring the means of how to travel to the Digiworld and I shall answer everything" reluctant instantly Ken's face became as pale as his computer, staring endlessly at the machine or was it a machine now he wasn't sure.

His mind raced with ideas & questions about the voice Digiworld everything, "I….don't know" "I can help you understand it all Ken and end. Your suffering Just touch it" taking a gamble maybe this was all in his head maybe not either way he didn't care he grabbed his Dark Digivice black as, his forgotten heart pressed it with his hand to the screen a brilliant flash of light appeared.

In seconds Ken was gone leaving nothing behind but smoke totally unaware of the glowing green egg left in his chair back in his home, meanwhile traveling at the speed of light we join the Digidestined children. Happily helping their Digimon destroy the accursed control spires sounds of laughter & joy echoed to the sky "Yeah all right Digmon drill those spires", "Rock cracking" the armor Digimon jammed his massive razor drills down. His beetle antennae and wings stuck out from the bold gold metallic suit covering his massive body bearing 4 black hoof like hands a drill nose and 3, drill finger set of claws and toes tower spire after spire crashed into pieces.

Following all around Veemon now Flamedramon a massive fire hot shot monster with triple claws a tall silver horn and blue reptile skin blasting fire, balls threw the dark rocks next to him Yolei's newly changed Hawkmon. Is Halsemon a gigantic eagle beast with razor talons & a super steel silver, mask as he flew threw the air blowing them down joined by T.K and Kari. Flying happily aboard their changed Digimon Pattamon and Gatomon into Pegasusmon a new form of Pattamon spanning a golden set of armor suit, with golden head mask star shooting wings and all hiding an orange horse.

Right by his side the other angel fighter Nefertimon a massive sphinx like cat with a long sleek feline body covered with soft white fur and ruby claws, her face & head all covered in a silver steel like stone mask head rest piece. Spanning long white things wearing golden bracelet locks over her front ankle paws with bright red ruby's in the center after a long hard day's work, the Digimon return to their rookie forms and take a breather with the kids. "Well that was very boring" Davis groaned scratching his blue flame jacket Veemon grinned "But no more spires that's good".

"I agree with Veemon, the sooner we destroy those horrible things the better & it's all Ken's fault". The young boy Cody said firmly Armadillomon looked at him oddly "Gee Cody I never heard you say anything bad about somebody except for the old, Digimon emperor that is" as they spoke Yolei added "But he's gone now. And Ken is back to normal well at least I hope he is he's been real moody lately" "Yeah I saw him at his house looking out a window I waved to him, but he just ignored me he looked like a zombie in a trance or something".

Kari said raising her pink gloved hand to her face worried a bit T.K bit his lip and gently placed a hand over her shoulder "He's just upset you know, for a long time he was confused I'm sure he's better now" "I hope so T.K".

They replied Davis grew bright red and growled his jealousy boiling for T.K as he touched Kari he slapped his hand away yelling "OKAY, OKAY we, get your point Kari doesn't need your filthy hands mucking up her shirt".

Staring blankly the 2 looked at him confused "But Davis I haven't touched anything today all we did was help the Digimon destroy the control spires", "AH HA so you admit you let your Digimon do all the work and sat there. How lazy are you TF?" Yolei yanked his goggles and growled angrily at him "You DOOFUS the Digimon are the only ones with the power to blow them, up were just kids" Davis frowned and said nothing grumbling away angrily.

Veemon followed him replying "Don't worry buddy Kari can reject you harder next time" "VEEMON" everyone but Davis laughed smiling brightly, Davis then ran off growling like a mad cat as Veemon ran quickly after him. As he ran farther and farther ahead Cody told them he'd get Davis back replying "I'm the only one who didn't make fun of him today well not yet", he and Armadillomon ran just as fast after Davis and Veemon into the forest.

Yet so concerned with the destruction of the control spires and getting Davis back from his latest hissy fight no one at all noticed nor heard the rumblings, of Ken shaking behind trees & bushes shaking like a terrified newborn baby.

His eyes were swirling from dark blue to purple veins pulsated over his body, as he gasped for air hiding behind the tree holding his panting weak lungs.

"No….what's h-h-happening to me?" "A lot worse unless you explain here. What the Digimon are where is this world and what in the blazes is a Digidestined?" a different voice that spoke from Ken's lips shouted to him, appearing to have 2 totally different people in one body arguing for control.

Ken groaned in mind shattering pain as he spoke "Digimon ACK monsters they have powers and abilities like yours…whatever you are in this world, data and information takes form of creatures in an entirely new Eco system. The Digidestined however are humans like…me or not anymore the point is there human children.

Chosen by an unknown force to have the abilities……, to harness and control…the……. powers of good to battle….evil Digimon. It is said there perfect humans" a word of incredible interest peaked the evil creature's mind "Perfect humans now there's a familiar word oh yes indeed, and if what you say is true these children have enough supernatural powers.

To transform me into my perfect body again gaining full recovery of my powers" Ken baffled by this sweated and shook his terrified thoughts away, asking "What are you…talking about?" "Highly classified from you my boy.

My sincere apologies but I feel it is the older children that formed the Digidestined the ones your allies T.K and Kari once knew as the former, members" struggling to hold control Ken walked to follow Davis and Cody.

Unaware that Ken was doing just what the creature wanted him to do "I get it you think the original 8 Digidestined including Kari and T.K will perfect, your old body but what do you need me for?" the wicked being laughed.

Watching threw Ken's trembling eyes as they travel after the running children awaiting his chance to see the true powers of the Digidestined kids, "All in due time my boy for now I need to make sure my hypotheses is true".

Finally reaching the end of the running line Davis panted dead out of air as Veemon stopped by him panting as well "Davis your finally listening to me, & your okay right?" "Actually I'm just too tired to come up with an excuse".

Veemon face faulted as Cody arrived with Armadillomon shouting to Davis to come back "No way I'm sick of being treated like the dork of the group", "Davis no one ever said that your just causing too much friction with T.K".

Cody said walking to Davis secretly as Ken watched growling with anger of spying upon them "I hate doing this I told you I'm a whole new person", "And soon Ken I will be too but not unless you be silent and let me watch".

Chatting with the hidden creature Ken argued only to have him & everyone else interrupted hearing a gigantic howl of rage from the bushes, Armadillomon shouted "Cody Davis bust your butts it's a mad Digimon".

A mighty roar of dark rage screamed from the shaking bushes the kids ran fast, shouting in shock watching the ferocious monster break free from the trees. Standing as a towering terror he bulked a massive muscular body with lava red lizard like skin boiling scales and spikes ran from his maxed out chest, the beast stomped his dark liquid green feet looking like a big T- rex's legs.

Razor claws came from his awesome sighted 4 arms that rippled with a dark green sickening color veins bulged from atop his rippling massive monster, muscles all leading to a enclosed helmet like bug gorilla mutant like head. Its beady red eyes shined from darkness above its spitter bug mouth and sharp teeth the monstrosity roared from its reptile like jaws "Who wants a, fight HUH" Cody grabbed Armadillomon looking at the massive Digimon.

"Who is that?" Veemon answered trying to sound brave but shaking as he spoke "That's Pummelmon a fully evolved ultimate type fighter Digimon, his attitude is like fire always looking for new foes to fight he loves battles". Pummelmon stared down and snarled at the kids "And I am gonna love trashing you brats" he raised all 4 arms and bashed them into the ground, shattering rocks, dirt, and stones as the Digimon gang scattered quickly.

"I think its time for the reinforcements right Cody?" "You got it Davis okay, Veemon Armadillomon its time to armor Digivolve" the Digimon nodded. Holding high their orange and red Digivices as they shined into bright lights of pure energy watching as the power in mere moments fused into the two, Digimon changing Armadillomon into Digmon & Veemon to Flamedramon.

Pummelmon simply snorted and balled up his huge fists like a boxer, awaiting as Flamedramon stood up for the fight. "Think your hot stuff you, ain't seen nothing yet Fire rocket" Flamedramon pulled back his fiery claws.

Surging with fires he attacked and rapidly fired fireballs from his claws crashing them at Pummelmon who easily blocked each one using his fists.

Flamedramon leaped at him to slash him but missed & was slammed down. Pummelmon ducking and grabbing his arm bashing him down with speed and strength "NO way Flamedramon are you okay?" "GAG don't worry, Davis sucking dirt's a good sign" "But this isn't time for my mach punch". The 4-armed fighter fired sonic bursts of crushing blow after crushing blow, going so fast sonic waves of power bashing pummeling down Flamedramon.

"Looks like its my turn I got you covered Flamedramon here's gold rush". Digmon launched his drill claw hands like missiles zooming at Pummelmon he turned and gasped staggering from the direct blast to his gut "Cheap shot, you rock headed robo-boob try my Shatter core on for size Digmon HAAA". Cody's eyes widened with fear energy gathered rapidly into Pummelmon's fists glowing with supreme powers he placed the clawed fists to his mouth a, blue flame glowed as he blasted a dark blue fire like electrical blaster beam.

Digmon dug under ground barely dodging the destructive blast the battle raged on threw the wincing eyes of Flamedramon watching Digmon burst, from the ground and head butt Pummelmon only to be blocked by his arms. Taking his chance Pummelmon raged out on Digmon with super sonic fast punches toppling back the bionic bug down "Give it up I'm an ultimate you, 2 weakling don't got the power or guts to be called real fighting Digimon".

Davis snarled shouting angrily to Pummelmon "OH yeah well you big dumb slobbering four armed freak why not say that to my face" Davis taunted him, Pummelmon turned and snorted smoke from his mask like face screaming. "That a challenge twerp?" "No just a distraction Flamedramon get up" "Digmon while his back is turned" "Double attack" Cody and Davis said, their Digimon leaping to their feet blocking Pummelmon left to his right.

"Rock cracking" "Super scorching fire rocket" Digmon used his super steel drills to collapse the ground beneath Pummelmon watching him as he fell, Flamedramon powered up a super charged fire rocket punch for this shot. Leaping from his lizard legs scorching unstoppable fire speeds and slam punched the baffled beast off his feet flying backwards crashing threw trees, as he howled in pain Cody and Davis clapped hands shouting "We did it".

Flamedramon shook claws with Digmon only to melt them Digmon jumped in pain whaling "OW watch the drills they melt and when they do it burns", "Sorry guess I'm too hot to handle" Digmon sweat dropped "Or an idiot". While the happy Digidestined and Digimon cheered over their victory the creature was practically drooling his evil eyes staring along with Ken totally, captivated by the monsters battle "This world is unbelievable my dear boy.

These monsters children with incredible powers wait" Ken jerked his head taking control for a second "What's with you?" "Silence I can sense it yes, my powers of detection are back I can feel Pummelmon isn't done for yet. As well I sense 2 other extremely powerful creatures on their way" Ken gulped feeling the power threw the creature's sense he stood up and shouted, frightfully to Davis and Cody.

"Guys watch out Pummelmon isn't defeated", Ken was yanked back down before his face was seen the creature snarling with rage. "What?" cried Davis he gasped turning around only to see a giant, green fist grapple his neck tightly gagging him Cody got the same along. With Flamedramon and Digmon as the 4-armed abomination Digimon Pummelmon grabbed them by all their necks.

Tightening the grip on his muscular 4 arms choking the life out of them,

"Davis he's…..too strong", "Cody don't…give up" "No more strength" panted both of the Digimon. A dreaded sense of doom filled the hearts of the children as Flamedramon lost, power going back to Veemon and Digmon returning back to Armadillomon. Pummelmon grinned evilly his grimy fangs clenching his claws over their shrinking necks inflicting excruciating pain while he laughed "No one has, ever done that to me and no one ever will say goodbye you Digital freaks".

"Goodbye Digital freak" "Give them all you got Angemon" Pummelmon turned around confused only replying "Angemon?" "And Angewoman", both Davis and Cody cried for right behind Pummelmon stood T.K & Kari. With dead cold serious faces staring down the giant while above them stood their angel evolved Digimon of Angemon and Angewoman fully charged, and armed for combat "Vee head butt" "Diamond shell" the Digimon said.

Veemon and Armadillomon that is using their head bashing and rolling attacks they broke free from the massive fists did the same for Davis and, Cody leaving Pummelmon still as stone awaiting the oncoming attacks.

"This is gonna hurt" Kari laughed and nodded "You bet" Angemon reared back an orange energy fist shouting "Hand of fate HA" Angewoman had, pulled back her white feathered arm removing a wing tipped arrow shooter.

Electric energy surged like wild fire into arrows she cried "Celestial arrows" the combined power of the awesome attacks crashed down on Pummelmon, like a ton of exploding bricks the massive blast catapulted him skyward up.

Tumbling screaming whaling his 4 arms in a frantic panic finally vanishing into some massive mountains without a trace the T.K and Kari sighed with, relief and turned waving to Davis and Cody while Yolei and Hawkmon.

Soon arrived she asked impatiently "Wow I saw the Digimon fly into the sky Hawkmon said he was called Pummelmon" Cody nodded walking to them, as Armadillomon replied "Something was wrong this guy wasn't controlled. By any dark ring he said he just wanted to fight" "Who cares we kicked his tail I am a Digimon battle genius" Davis said cocky as ever everyone sweat, dropped groaning Gatomon ran to Kari hopping on her back "Lucky thing.

We cleaned enough spires out for us to Digivolve regularly" "Yeah hope Pummelmon learned his lesson too" Kari gently smiled but then it faded, turning her delicate brown eyes to T.K she saw a shiver of worry in him. Like if he knew something they didn't his body wavered as if a ghost walked right threw him "T.K is something the matter?" he looked to her and nodded, "That Digimon wouldn't have attacked unless he knew something we didn't.

Ever since we defeated the emperor all the evil rings lost their power and this guy didn't have one" Yolei scratched her chin slowly seeing that T.K, was right she added "Your right maybe something scared him pretty badly.

He could have sensed a weird danger and went out to destroy it" Hawkmon flapped his wings landing besides Yolei nodding "I agree with both theories, Digimon are not naturally evil they attack for a purpose never randomly".

They all soon decided to head back to Earth and talk to Izzy the most intelligent of the Digidestined children for some advice they quickly found, a TV transporter placed their Digivices to the screen and teleported home. Finally appearing from his sinister spying the creature cackled a sickening snake like laugh glowing purple energy flaring like fire threw Ken's eyes, "Those kids are more resourceful then I thought this is the perfect set up.

If those kids can transport in and out of this world with their Digimon that, means I can too but to regain my powers and be assured of total victory.

I will have to return to your home and scan threw your computer more", Ken growled holding his mind with searing pain as he staggered to the TV box.

Before he placed his dark Digivice to the screen he asked the monster sweating with fear and curiosity "What do you want with my computer?"

The creature snickered & laughed as they transported back to the real world.

"Simple those Digidestined brat packs are the key to returning my true perfect form and to do that your computer will make the perfect tracker", strings and thoughts of darkness soared threw the shared minds of Ken.

The dark monster they returned to Ken's home and began to work instantly, accessing the online service & Ken's superior computer programming skills.

In mere seconds the creature was scanning and locating the homes of all 8 original Digidestined meanwhile back at the homes of the new Digidestined, "Ho boy what a day I think my stomach is gonna eat me inside out soon". Everyone laughed at Kari's joke all agreeing they were really hungry T.K looked at the sky seeing the sun set "Yeah its getting late better head home", Cody picked up Upamon and nodded "Grandpa wants me to practice more.

Kento lessons bye everyone" Cody ran off while they waved to him goodbye before everyone went their separate ways T.K looked at Kari as she picked, up Gatomon and laughed with a smile to himself he thought "Man oh man. She looks even more beautiful every time I look at her…but I don't know if she even likes me let alone wants to hey that's it" T.K shook his head and, walked to Kari biting his lip "Uh Kari?" she turned to him answering yes.

Davis watched them closely sneering a little thinking to himself "Making moves on my girl TG I don't think so" Davis pulled up his arm sleeves, expecting to shove T.K away from Kari the 2 kids were simply silent. Each one nervous as the other waiting for them to say something until they both, pleaded out "Want to have dinner at my house?" they cupped their mouths.

Deeply blushing they smiled to each other T.K said first "Funny thing we said that the same time well I'd like you to eat at my house mom a great, cook and I am sure she wouldn't mind" before she could answer Gatomon.

Tapped her claw on her leg and whispered to her ear "Kari why not have a sleep over at your house too" "Gatomon are you sure I don't want him to, think I'm weird" Pattamon laughed and T.K looked at him asking oddly.

"What's so funny?" "Oh come on T.K if you wanna impress her showing your filthy room is not the way go at her house plus she won't have to pack, anything just you" the 2 nodded turned back to one another silent yet again. Too nervous to speak Demiveemon watched them young kid's blush at their faces whispering "They need help guys" Pattamon and Gatomon nodded, with a simple wing bop on the head and claw to the butt they replied.

"OW" Kari went first "Come to my house we can have a sleep over" "I'd love to", looking at each other's eyes as they widened up they blushed happy smiles. And agreed the Digimon clapped high fives and followed their masters down the path to Kari's home Davis boiled his face to a flaming red veins bursting, all over his mortified face "ITS NOT FAIR KARI IS MY GIRL MINE!!!!!".

Demiveemon hopped onto his fluffy brown hair playing with his goggles "Cool it Davis besides T.K and Kari need to figure out what were gonna do, for tomorrow in the Digiworld" Davis frowned sadly walking to his home. "I thought I was the leader not HIM I swear he's more annoying then even huh, Yolei?" suddenly turning around Davis and Demiveemon had just noticed. Yolei and Poromon where gone following her trial or in other words getting lost for a few hours and finally spotting her from a lucky high point of view, Davis spotted Yolei entering the hotel home heading up to Ken's apartment.

Scratching his chin he ran quickly up on after her being as quiet as can be Yolei grinned to herself "T.K and Kari got dinner tonight so rather then do, what Davis which is absolutely nothing I'm getting my own little date Ken". The plucky young girl knocked on Ken's door she asked loudly so his parents could hear her "Excuse me could I please speak to Ken someone?", Davis growled and yanked her ear from the door she squealed in pain "Hey.

Davis what are you doing?" "Absolutely nothing like you said and since we don't trust Ken to be a Digidestined then he's definitely not safe to DATE", Yolei whimpered as Davis dragged her off taking her back with him home. Ken's mother went to the door to answer until a sudden animal like voice cackled "NO I don't want to be disturbed" Ken's mother backed away, biting her lip and left both Ken and Yolei who was now gone to be alone.

Speaking of the boy genius or I should say evil genius thanks to the creature's help the combined conflicting souls typed away on the computer, scanning each profile and data that they could find about the Digidestined. After an endless amount of typing Ken's body collapsed to his bed in dire need of rest Ken struggled holding his head in pain "What is it now I need, sleep" the creature spoke "I don't but since I will need your full strength.

And capabilities of your weakling excuse of a body to get my job done I shall agree with you" the creature finally surrendered his mental control, over Ken so he could sleep in peace he dreamed his mind racked with fear. Nightmares of unimaginable darkness loomed over the twin souls of Ken's body the young genius Ken cried tears of terror and heart stopping fright, while the creature's twisted dreams worked perfectly into his monster mind.

Plans of power revenge and death weave into his thoughts planning for tomorrow but before the day ends we join back to Kari and TK enjoying a, quiet dinner at Kari & Tai's home Tai and his mom went off to bed early. Leaving the young obviously noted love birds to eat together they forked around with their food barely even eating it almost constantly lifting eye to, eye at one another "So uh…how's your dinner?" "Well… it's a little hard.

To swallow and chew and basically eat for that manner" he laughed smiling brightly until he stopped and cupped his mouth staring at Kari endlessly in, embarrassment with his baby blue eyes he replied sorry Kari simply smiled. And laughed along with him "Mine too our mom cooks all the time of course doesn't mean that it's always edible Gatomon and Agumon make, very good trash compactors some time" she giggled & gently pet Gatomon.

The female feline crossed her paws miffing "Yeah this kitty compactor is sick of steak shakes" Kari laughed and picked up Gatomon heading off up, to her room Pattamon popped out from TK's chair replying "Go for it pal". "Huh go for what?" "Come on do I gotta spell it out for you follow Kari it's a sleep over after all" TK sighed and buried his face into his folded up arms, he panted a breath of despair & confusion across the table blowing the food.

Like the food his mind never stopped moving and going over and over the same cycle "How can I Pattamon when I was little I didn't care what I said, or did I did the bravest things fight giant Digimon even run and trip up. The Dark masters now I don't even have the guts to tell the girl I might actually, be in love with the truth without knowing if she will like me back or not".

The flying Digimon patted his friend's golden blonde hair rubbing his back obviously seeing his tired and tense muscles "I understand its your choice, TK you'll find the courage to do it one day" looking to Pattamon slightly.

TK smiled and nodded pulling out his sleeping bag he slipped off his gold and blue blended shirt putting on a white sleeping shirt as he stretched into, the bag and room for Pattamon of course and happily snuggled off to sleep.

Totally unaware a large pair of diamond like baby eyes blinked and pressed her hand to stop a tape recorder the child like female voice suddenly giggled, watching the 2 sleep as she closed the door she smiled replying "I knew it". Night came and passed daybreak shined its beautiful run rays into the tiny apartments and homes of the Digidestined children their Digimon snoozing, happily in their beds & blankets faithfully beside their Digidestined partners.

On a particularly child namely the sweet hearted Kari who stood her chocolate brown hair dangling form her innocent face looking down her, deep brown eyes onto another sweet face TK watching him sleep in peace. She placed her pink gloved hand over his peach colored skin she smiled whispering "He's so warm no wonder he's got a heart filled of warm love", a small smile came upon TK's lips she giggled gently biting her lip softly.

Glancing around quickly to make sure no one else was up it was a sunny and brightly lit Saturday morning which means school was no longer a problem, she whispered "I wish this wasn't the way we had to have this TK I don't. But I feel this is the closest I can get to you without turning jelly when I say I……" she leaned in puckering her soft lips leaning towards TK's lips too, before her sentence could finish before this long deserved kiss can settle in.

"KARI EMERGENCY RIGHT NOW" suddenly everyone screamed Kari leaped back holding her mouth to grasp air and hide the fact she nearly, kissed TK who was already up frantically looking around spooked to death. "Where the fire oh Tai it's only you" TK said claming down and Pattamon Kari growled grabbed Tai by his huge hair shouting into his ear very angrily, "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN you scared the bejesus out of us Tai".

"Sorry, sorry but we got a major problem Izzy e-mailed me and everyone else we need to get to the school pronto some mutant Digimon is blowing, the Digiworld to bits looking for the Digidestined" Kari & TK both gasped. In a flash of what seemed like endless hour by was merely a few minutes the Digidestined ran to the school dashing off to the computer lab TK Kari and, Tai sighed in relief seeing that Davis Cody Yolei and Izzy already made it.

They ran to the screen panting Tai asked "What's happening find anything else on this new wackozoid Digimon?" Yolei nodded biting her lower lip, "Yes but its not a Digimon its even worse I didn't believe it at first either". TK raised his eyebrows confused "Believe what who are you talking about?" "It looks like old habits die hard especially for the Digimon Emperor Ken", Cody said angrily clenching his Digivice rightly in his hands eyes turned.

And gasps of shock and despair filled their hearts and minds there in the Digiworld was Ken wearing the dark outfit of his former Emperor identity, blasting massive laser blast's vaporizing everything with in his evil sight. Cody screamed angrily and zapped into the Digiworld in seconds uttering "I knew we couldn't trust that lying monster" Davis TK and then Tai quickly, followed Yolei grabbed Kari helping her "Let's go Kari we gotta stop Ken".

She reluctantly sighed hating this endless fighting as they all transported to the Digiworld with their Digimon in seconds arriving on the battle scene, filled with no longer forest's happy Digimon and fresh blue watered lakes. But simply fried trees screams of pain and fires of destructive carnage swarming over anything it could burn the children sighed with endless woe, TK sighed sadly and quickly took command "Forget Ken for now anyway.

We got a fire storm we need to put it out somehow" "I got it Hawkmon armor Digivolve to Halsemon and blow those flames away" Yolei spoke her, hawk Digimon nodded replying he transformed quickly into the eagle beast.

"Brilliant strategy Yolei Hawkmon armor Digivolve to" using the armored egg of love "Halsemon the wings of love" the towering metal masked bird, monster flew over the fires and dived into the ocean gathering up water.

Fling back out on his furry and metal wings he cried out "Tempest wing" and became a swirling whirling tornado gushing gallons of water around, dousing out the flames in mere moments cheers of rejoice echoed loudly. From the Digimon and Digidestined Veemon cried up to Halsemon "Nice job buddy just watch out for danger" "Don't worry I have an eagle's eye, I see all and AGH" a second later a huge laser blast shot him down quickly.

Halsemon grumbled weakly "And need glasses or at least first aid" drained of power he reverted back to Hawkmon Yolei ran to save him but stopped, turning around behind her glasses tilted her eyes bulged with fear and rage. Ken the Digimon emperor in the dark night blue out fit and all metallic arm holders frizzled spark black hair with 3D like glasses a dark shadow cape, the only thing new was a strange green reptile skinned claw for Ken's hand.

Bearing razor blades of flesh on Ken's twisted left hand and Davis screamed at Ken "You big old jerk you said you gave up this job haven't you learned, your lesson" Ken laughed a dark and totally different laugh then his old one. Taking off the glasses everyone cringed back in fear seeing a red reptile blade eye no pupils or eyelid just evil snake eyes staring into their souls like, "Sorry children but Ken can't come out and play yet I've got some chores.

To do like destroying the Digidestined how finally we meet" Davis snarled with Veemon by his side "Nice try but new contacts and a fake voice gag, won't scare us" everyone including the creature face faulted groaning loud. Yolei whined "Your goggles are blocking the air to your brain dimwit" "Davis don't you see that's not Ken it sounds like there's a demon spirit, inside of him" the creature cackled in his sickening laugh at Cody's remark.

"Half right and wrong little child I have taken over Ken but only for a little while until I can shed this ugly skin sack and reborn myself in my real body, I am no demon nor a Digimon I am something far, far more then deadly". TK frowned stepping forward shouting to Ken "Please Ken fight this thing you got to after all the evil you have done this is your chance to stop him", the creature laughed his red eyes widened to white he mentally shoved TK.

Forcing him down Kari caught him and helped him back up "Are you all right?" "Yeah but Cody is right some THING is controlling Ken" he stood, the children & Digimon stared at the beast waiting a few moments silently. Finally Hawkmon raised his wing like a student and asked "If you're not a Digimon or a ghost then what pray tell are you?" "And more importantly, what do you want from our friends?" added Armadillomon staring coldly.

Laughing softly his voice just quivering with a hollow dark soul Ken's eyes flared red in seconds his reptile hand extended like a rope at Cody's neck it, grappled over his neck the young boy shouted in pain feeling the claws dig. Deeply into his flesh energy was drained from him bit by little bit the creature laughed his arm glowing white brightly "CODY" screamed, Armadillomon the yellow armored Digimon slashed his claws out rapidly.

The dark hand blades sliced away Ken's reptile like hand gushing a few drops of neon green blood it appeared the hand recoiled and Cody dropped, down panting hard Ken laughed as his right hand became reptilian as well. Using the energy from Cody he growled in pain his back bulged with veins muscles yanking & breaking out like weeds a snap and a ripping noise came, out popped a long and green skinned tail covered with black spots around.

The top tip of the tail sporting an orange hood like stinger wavering left from right pure dead silence filled the fried forest the creature grinned his, newly grown fangs and spoke "Looks like all the plumbing is working again. Since you miserable brats have dug your own graves by coming to me guess I should let out my little secret my name…is Cell a mutant Android fighter, created by the deceased scientist Dr. Gero also called Android number 20.

I was born a biological supreme fighting machine to destroy & conquer the world, armed with the power smarts and cells of the greatest fighters in the world. Alien and human blood flows threw my veins and now Ken's as well after completing my transformation back then I absorbed humans, as well 2 other Androids to become perfect and obviously this isn't the same planet.

Nor dimension that I originated from never the less I was king of the world and like this world there were defenders warriors with the same powers I, stole from them they were no match for me until the accursed gold fighter. Gohan exploded his super human/alien rage powers and destroyed me luckily evil never dies nor does the soul and until I exacted my revenge, mine would never rest I worked hard years and years of attempts to escape.

But to no avail that is until my dead creator used his brilliant mind and found a way to break out using computer technology my soul had escaped outside, but using all my powers to assure escape I was accidentally sent elsewhere. Not my old world but YOURS" the kids simply stared and words couldn't even begin to form from their trembling blue lips hearts pounding minds, racing Tai gulped and shouted to the one know as Cell "We get that part.

But what does Ken or any of the Digidestined have to do with yourself?" Cell, smirked raising his green claw finger to Tai "Like before I used my tail here. To absorb living humans to gain power and energy and since you Digidestined are more powerful inside and out then regular humans well, let's just say my menu for the day is ready and I am very, very HUNGRY".

Slowly and eerie like Cell stepped closer and closer grinning evilly his razor fangs at the terrified children seeing Kari scared Davis stupidly followed his, gut & not his brain raising his Digivice up high "That's enough you meany. I'm the head cheese of the Digidestined and if you want me come and get me" Cell fired a powerful eye blast and shattered the tree next to Davis he, gulped & whimpered "Veemon" "No problem Veemon armor Digivolve to".

The blue Digimon whirled around and in seconds' flash transformed into the furious fire fighter Digimon "Flamedramon the fire of courage" he shouted, he raised his fiery claws preparing to attack Yolei shouted loudly to Davis. "Idiot if we kill this guy we kill Ken too we need to find another way" "I won't kill him just knock this Cell guy out of him" Flamedramon nodded,

and flared his fiery powers "Fire rocket" he blasted multiple fireballs out.

They crashed and exploded landing a direct hit but as the smoke faded a wicked smiling Cell stood there totally unharmed covered up by a green, charged force field Flamedramon stuttered "My turn AH… Kaioken attack". Cell roared and pulsated his massive muscles as they bulged with in Ken's body the green shield shattered in seconds his body became energized with, red supernova fire Flamedramon leaped at him full speed to attack again.

Cell laughed and in a flash vanished suddenly a green claw bashed into Flamedramon's face then his gut head legs red fire burned like electricity, Cell's super speed attack was pummeling the daylights out of Flamedramon. A mighty uppercut sent him skyward Cell leaped up grabbed his foot crushed his claws into his blue skin hearing Flamedramon scream "CELL", "BUH BYE" Cell laughed he spun around faster, faster & even more faster.

A red green and blue blur covered their twirling bodies and it finally exploded a crash of energy toppled Flamedramon spiraling down speeding, like a bullet crashing threw painful dirt and grass splashing into the water. The mutated Ken landed turned around and glared his red reptile eyes from his 3-d glasses "Who's next?" "NO Veemon are you all right speak to me", he waited but the water was silent as stone he snarled to Cell with sad rage.

"You heartless monster if he's hurt I swear" "Temper, temper my boy your Digimon was a fool and so are you I am unstoppable in Ken or in anyone", Aramdillomon Hawkmon Pattamon and Gatomon stomped towards to Cell. "Armadillomon….no" Cody cried weakly as Tai held him back from battle "Sorry Cody but he hurt you once and I won't let that happen again" said, the yellow shelled Digimon and nodded the rest Cell grinned walking closer.

"Aramdillomon Hawkmon Gatomon Pattamon all armor Digivolve to" clouds of energy formed shining down their bodies transformed into bigger, and stronger forms "Digmon Halsemon Nefertimon Pegasusmon attack". Shouted the Digidestined in seconds they ran full speed and attacked Cell TK added "But be careful don't kill him Ken is still inside" "Watch out", Tai said Cell then leaped left right up down with amazing speed power & grace.

Blocking with his green skinned claws and metal gauntlet shackles Cell blocked the wings of Halsemon drills of Digmon hooves of Pegasusmon, and claws of Nefertimon he laughed and simply blew them away mentally.

"This one's for Cody gold rush" Digmon blasted his triple drills Cell leaped forward like lighting his eyes blasted lasers destroying the drills he then, whipped out his green claw fist and bashed both into the Digimon's belly.

Then jump kicked his metal hide away "Tempest wing" Halsemon whirled into a tornado and picked up Cell carrying him like crazy threw the tunnel, Cell was stuck but no signs of worrying were upon his face or his evil eyes. An idea perked up he launched his stinger tail randomly at the whirlwind first he missed but after a few more tries he struck dirt or actually Halsemon, "Its….impossible he stopped me" the tail then slowly pumped its sick veins.

Energy drained faster and faster Halsemon began to stutter flying there weakly as Cell got stronger Yolei screamed "Back off Ken RIGHT NOW", the plucky genius whipped back he gloved hand and slammed a stone out. It bonked off of Cell's head he frowned & growled angrily changing his eyes, a warm tingling feeling ran over his face like water but thicker it was blood.

Ken's flesh was weaker then he is Cell charged an energy ball into his claws & targeted it at Yolei "Your one human this world can do with out" "Eagle, eye" red beams exploded Cell away he flew back screaming to the ground. "Eagle eye fire again and AGAIN" countless laser blasted Cell down sizzling his green peach skin as he crashed back into a barbecued black tree, Yolei gave a thumbs down to Cell the others cheered "Looks like its over".

Tai spoke but too soon Ken's pale sick face lifted back up grinning a sick evil smile in seconds his back exploded tearing flesh cape and shirt apart, massive green insect like wings appeared spreading out long and dark skin. "I told you silly fools never mess with the ultimate supreme fighting machine HA" Cell flapped his massive wings and blasted off like a rocket, Halsemon flew full speed preparing to attack "Eagle AGH" he shouted out.

Confused totally his face was filled with a colorless pale his eyes bulged filled with unimaginable pain Cell shown below him went so fast at him, slammed his fist into Halsemon so hard it imprinted on Halsemon's back. "Halsemon are you okay?" Yolei looked at him terrified he could only gag meaning no "Come on Digmon hurry Halsemon is a sitting duck up there", the massive mole monster nodded & leaped off his yellow mechanical legs.

Davis told him watching high before the rescue could come Cell pulled out his green claw it charged glowing brightly slowly forming hundreds of tiny, ball like bombs he simply smirked and blasted a barrage of massive endless. Laser blast's thousands paraded down crashing down Halsemon onto Digmon they screamed whaling in pain landing painfully on Yolei & Davis, Tai and Cody ran to them "Oh man guys are you all right?" "Been better".

Tai frowned and yanked the massive Digimon off the kids "Actually Digmon I meant the kids you just sat on" "Oh sorry" the weak Cody peered, down at the kids groaning "Digmon is right they've been A LOT better".

"Kari stop hitting my with the frying pain I swear he's not in my head" Davis uttered twitching in pain Yolei coughed replying weakly "That hurt", "Looks like its our turn Nefertimon" "Right come on Pegasusmon let's go".

Cried the armored angel Digimon as they flew into the sky Cell eagerly awaiting "What a treat the Digidestined their demise and their Digimon's, total destruction as well my completion all in one glorious day how perfect". Not even amused the angry Digimon soared full force and began attacking top speed and strength metallic hooves ruby claws wing tooth head legs feet, nothing was spared nor hit with his new wings Cell seemed too fast to strike.

TK and Kari watched anxiously clenching their hands with fear and terror "This is insane no creature can move like that it's like their just metal flies", TK said to Tai "I know but we can't give up he's harder then their armor". Kari snapped her fingers "I got it the metal even with all his power Cell still has Ken's body so that means" Nefertimon heard and nodded to Kari's idea, eventually tiring out the Digimon stopped panting for breath Cell however.

Was reared and ready for combat "Pathetic for monsters of data and power you computer cretins are a joke surrender now you know your only delaying, the inevitable" for a minute or so neither moved Cell watched the 2 closely. Believing they gave up he raised his claws ready to strike until "NOW" Nefertimon Pegasusmon charged and bashed their metal head helmets with, incredible force into Cell's gut he snarled in pain and yet also frustration.

They head butted him down then swooped for an attack to the floor Cell leaped back expanding wings for speed Pegasusmon flew right after him his, orange yellow wings blasted wings of gust at Cell who simply ignored them. Then reared back a yellow energy bomb and blasted it at Pegasusmon landing a direct hit toppling the horse Digimon "Your next rat cat" "We'll, see try Rosette stone" a massive tombstone pillar launched from Nefertimon.

As it flew down Pegasusmon leaped to his feet and charged forward at Cell while Nefertimon flew behind him the dark being knew their tricks easily, his stinger tail sprayed his thick acid at the stone and flew up to the dark sky. Melting the stone pillar Pegasusmon and Nefertimon crashed into one another while Cell blasted a massive ray explosion down from up above, shouting "MASENKO HA!" dust filled the area & total dark silence echoed.

Kari and TK ran to their Digimon's aids shouting their names vanishing into the dust "Nefertimon don't worry I'm here you did your best" "Don't move, we need you guys out of here before its too late" "Its already too late child. Your lives the battle and the day are mine" opening his fanged filled human jaws Cell blasted a huge mouth force ray directly at TK Kari & the Digimon, screams of terror shouted from the trembling voices of their shaking friends.

Suddenly the ray stopped a light shined hope was restored but yet "What is this what is happening?" a pink and yellow shield shined bright as sunlight, standing in the center TK Kari holding their Digivices up using their powers. The symbols of Hope and Light charging their life energies into the shield and recharging the Digimon Pegasusmon bellowed "Nice try Cell or Ken, whoever you are the point is the powers of darkness are nothing compared.

To the endless powerful crests of Light and Hope" "Its Impossible" "GO" cried TK and Kari together their Digimon dashed at full speed towards Cell, baring wings and claws of steel they cried their twin attack "Golden noose". A magical yet electrical golden energy rope spiraled out grappling over Cell he struggled but could not escape cheers of the Digidestined cried for joy, "All together now let's send Cell back to where he belongs" Davis shouted.

Shattering threw waves and water stood a dark lone wolf covered in black armor sporting a golden twisted blade shark teeth edged battle black armor, with golden claws and fangs Davis grinned holding his D-terminal proudly. "For once Davis thought about someone else besides Kari who knew?" Cody joked Davis face faulted quickly stood up pointing his yellow-gloved hand, to Cell "Time for the true power of the Digidestined everyone ATTACK".

"Raidramon the storm of friendship Thunder blast" "Halsemon the wings of love Tempest wing" "Digmon the drills of power gold rush" "Pegasusmon, flying hope Star shower aqua steed and wind Maine" "Nefertimon the angel. Of light Queen's paw rosette stone and cats eye beam" together the powerful attacks combined into a unified force of unstoppable supreme energy force, Cell screamed a shriek of his own insect monster voice yet Ken's as well.

Falling and fading away into the blood red sky made by his own twisted evil and dark deeds Cell/Ken vanished out of sight blasted back to the real world, "WE DID IT" TK screamed he hugged Kari the children rejoiced happily. After the long hard battle their Digimon reverted back to their in- training forms preparing to head home for sleep & prey Ken has escaped Cell's evil, "Whether or not Cell is gone for good I think Izzy will want to hear all this".

Yolei agreed with Tai picking up Poromon "Right when I get home I'll e-mail Izzy and tell him to come to my house" the others nodded and walked, to the TV monitor transporting home all left last was Yolei and Poromon. "Yolei is something wrong?" "What no what makes you say that?" "I'm your partner for life I know when your upset or worried and when your sick, something tells me your worried" Yolei sighed pushing back her purple hair.

Walking to the TV and zapping home she e-mailed Izzy and snuggled off into bed already in her pajamas with Poromon yawning she said "Your right, its Ken I hope he's okay he's been threw a nightmare" Poromon nodded. Closing his eyes he replied before creeping off to bed "Cell didn't have much control he said it himself he needed you kids & look what happened," "Your right I'm just glad we never have to see that insect freak show again".

Little did she know dreaming away her happy head dreams of boys Ken and more boys did she see her computer screen activate neon green letters typed, a message reading "Don't let the bed bugs bite that's my job HAHAHAH".

Like the sun and the moon day and night good and bad though defeated today evil lurks in the darkness where most fear the battle is won.

But not the war, the Digidestined is about to discover their most darkest challenge ever. Monsters demons zombies they strike and arrive in countless amounts where there is good dark will always be there to wait hide then finally…...STRIKE.

To be continued……