Title: Spiraling out of Control

Theme Set: Blue (actually it's "Seventh" from 1fandom but calling the 12th set 'Seventh' would have been a little weird… so I named it for the background color of the set...which can't be seen here...oh well)

Disclaimer: Got a few nice things this Christmas but ownership of Transformers wasn't one of them…awww…

Warning: a number of run on sentences, some ambiguous ones, swearing, blatant disregard for things like grammar, proper spelling questionable….much Flight giggling, pain and angst on both sides and the use of the word "foozle"

A/N: I thought this was over…*stares at plotbunnies* where did you lot come from?... Anyway, belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody :D


01. Focus

For most bots, it was dangerous to be the focus of a Wrecker's absolute attention and outright suicidal to drive him to the very brink of his control, but to Flight, it was just so much fun.

02. Civilization -

Cybertronians never really thought much of music –pleasant-sounding maybe but hardly efficient when conveying a point – which Fireflight thought was just plain silly as he laid his helm on the Wrecker's chassis, the rumbling tune of his lover's engines providing the perfect counterpoint to his song.

03. Sink

The implication behind Twist's comment, "you two look so cozy over there", sunk in after the jumpstarter joined the rest of the strike force and the orange triplechanger recalled himself telling the others, "if I ever get that mushy, slap me", when they caught their leader having a moment with his lovers.

04. Bullet -

His curiosity having gotten the better of him, Sandstorm bit the bullet and asked what the sprig of flora stuck to the Aerialbots' doorway was for – the resulting explanation thoroughly cured him of his ignorance.

05. Count

While a giggling Fireflight dashed off to search for his beloved after counting off the kliks allotted for him to hide, their teammates took bets on how long it would take him to find the Wrecker – nobody bet high.

06. Mental

When Slingshot told him, "you two nutcases deserve each other", Sandstorm could honestly have said that that was the nicest thing the little Harrier had ever said to him but was too busy lobbing a paint bomb at the white-winged bot to bother.

07. Coast

After watching the parade of irate bots storm by, smiling innocently all the while, Flight turned and looking down at the orange mech hiding behind his couch said, "coast's clear; let's fly."

08. Fence -

While he thought nothing of using stolen good he knew Flight would, and so always made sure to pay for the gifts he gave the Aerialbot – even if he knew he was being cheated from time to time.

09. Circle -

"Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows," crow the inebriated mechs as the bottle spins, finally stopping to point at the Aerials' tactician; the normally reserved bot winds up breathless with his engine running hard after lip locking with the triplechanger and consoles himself that there wasn't a bot watching whose wasn't – the loudest which was Flight's.

10. Thin

The 'we're just friends' excuse was wearing so thin the only person whose optics it still obscured was the one making it, and everyone else's nerves were stretched to the breaking point worrying about what would happen when it tore.

11. Room

"All right, new rule – unless you're in your quarters, you'd better be willing to share!"

12. Blaze

Whenever he made his beloved smile, his Spark would flare in his chassis, sending a warm surge throughout his frame - Flight relished the feeling; Sandstorm wondered if he ought to visit the medbay.

13. Thought

A rather morose train of thought of his got derailed when his beloved dug skillful fingers right there, growling, "Stop thinking" before going for his wings – he was more than happy to oblige.

14. Jealous -

Fireflight knew of Sandstorm's less than stellar dating record but even so, he didn't expect the huge Decepticon triplechanger looming over him to suddenly burst out bitterly, 'why, just why, did he chose you?'.

15. Sand

Sand had a funny way of getting under one's armor and settling in every possible nook and cranny, making it nigh impossible to get rid of completely – Flight wouldn't have had it any other way.

16. Doll

Sometimes, the Wrecker felt like one of those human dress-up dolls, with the way Flight kept using him as canvas, and could only be thankful that their species did not wear clothes.

17. Curl

Working late into the night, Sandstorm was startled when the doors opened, allowing a sleepy little jet to amble in and curl up in the Wrecker's lap.

18. Farewell

There were times that the smile he had on his faceplate while the orange triplechanger left was nothing more than a weak front that kept his fear at bay; if nothing else, he wouldn't let his lover's last sight of him be an unhappy one.

19. Story

While he has no idea how the story of his life would write itself out, he knew that, after meeting his team and his lover, it would at least end better than it had started.

20. Soft

"Get the frag away from him," growled a hard voice and the Decepticon who had somehow managed to get a lucky shot on the Wrecker's recon specialist looked up to see the even rarer sight of the normally easygoing jet looking dead serious about emptying his rifle into his opponent and very wisely, ran away.

21. Pool

Ironically enough, it was because he was so diligent about monitoring the little red jet's flight path that he completely forgot to watch his own and had to take an impromptu swan dive into the lake, from which he emerged dripping battered dignity like a drenched cat with a swagger that read "I meant to do that" and fooled nobody.

22. Serpent

Sandstorm watched in amusement as Fireflight was nuzzled silly by his new long-necked friend; from his position on the bank of the Loc Ness he mused that even supposedly mythological creatures had nothing against the Adorableness that was Flight.

23. Prey

As soon as the medics moved Flight from intensive care to a regular room, he picked up his rifle and slipped into the night; Sandstorm was going hunting.

24. Friend

Looking over the romantic setting his teammates had gone out of their way to set up for his date with the Aerial, a portion of his processor wonders at his fortune of friends while the rest of it points out that the slaggers were probably gonna be recording this.

25. Still

He tried, really he did, but honestly, how was he supposed to "not move" when the other bot did that?!

26. Exhausted

There was a part of him that was always on the alert, no matter how tired he was, that always brought him online in time to hug and kiss his lover before the other left for an early morning mission - the part of him that would never forgive himself if he actually recharged through (what could possibly be) their last moments together.

27. Bold

He wants to yell at the other bot for taking such dangerous risks, that he's not worth the other's life, but knows that if their situations had been reversed he wouldn't have hesitated either.

28. Hook -

Most knew that the orange mech was as sharp as he was vigilant and would rarely fall for the same trick twice - if even at all – unless a certain red jet was bait, in which case he'd fall for it hook, line and sinker, over and over and over.

29. Attraction

A few disgruntled bots asked Sandstorm just what was so great about the spacey jet and Sandstorm always answered, "everything".

30. Will

Despite his very comfortable situation, he knew there was much to do and thus vowed, "I will get up," but then his beloved pressed himself more thoroughly against his frame –"or not".

31. Bed

Peering upwards from his position on the floor, all tangled up with Fireflight, the Wrecker wondered why they even bothered to start on the berth.

32. Bell -

While Flight had a fondness for soft tinkling chimes, he had absolutely no taste for those deep resounding voices housed in tall stone towers that summons all who could hear.

33. Joy

When Sandstorm paid back a debt (one so old the other con artist had practically forgotten about it) Smokescreen got down on his knees and thanked the Wrecker's newly discovered conscience – Fireflight has no idea why Smokey was hugging him while kneeling and just said "uh, you're welcome".

34. Decade

A year, a decade, a century, it didn't matter - he'd wait.

35. Test

The Aerials ran their wingmate's lover through the "Spanish Inquisition Gauntlet" (what's his favorite color? Place? Creation date? Etc… etc…) only a few metacycles after they had gotten together mostly as a joke and were in turn stunned to have him answer every question correctly.

36. Gentle

All of Sandstorm's defenses had been primed against cloaked treachery or outright brute force so when Flight approached him with nothing but plain honesty and gentle kindness his processor foozled long enough for the Aerial to slip in before it could regroup and come up with a whole new game plan.

37. Hunger

Was it normal to want somebody this much?

38. Mute

It was a trial for them both when a frustrated interrogator took his anger out on the recon expert's vocalizer; never more had he wanted to hear his beloved's voice, a desire that could only be matched by the other's longing to soothe his lover, and all there was, was silence.

39. Quicken

The very thought of his beloved in danger was enough reason to break the sound barrier.

40. Absence

"Absence makes the spark grow fonder" – Anyone who had caught a glimpse of the little red jet staring wistfully at the empty sky knew just how true that statement was.

41. Maze

The orange triplechanger could not understand why everyone was either amused or outraged that he had simply bashed through the walls instead making his way through the maze to reach the center where the prize, Fireflight, was; the shortest distance between two points was a straight line after all.

42. Close

He was pretty sure there were grooves on both their frames from the tightness of their embrace and yet he still wanted to get even closer.

43. Reign

There was no question on who was the boss of this relationship.

44. Crush

Watching his ecstatic teammate launch himself at his newly-arrived lover in a tackling hug, Skydive congratulated the smaller jet on having found a mech who not only could take such loving abuse, but actually enjoy it.

45. Run

Charging pell-mell down the corridor, Sandstorm wasted not a thought on missions or whatever, his being solely focused on the giggling bot running with him, hand in his.

46. Art

Protesting every time Flight used him as an impromptu canvas was just a habit – so was taking captures of the works of art before scrubbing them off.

47. Pressure

He could feel his rage building up within him, tremors beginning to shake his frame, but when a familiar hand clasped his, all that tension quickly ebbed away.

48. Echo

Seeing the display of Decepticon depravities inflicted clearly on his lover's frame, he could feel an answering wrench in his chassis.

49. Heal

Air Raid knew the strike force were collectively beyond exhausted, having been on yet another string of seemingly-endless, ridiculously-dangerous missions with hardly a breather in between, but nevertheless dragged the orange recon specialist to the medbay, knowing his wingmate just had to see lover was back (and alive) before he could heal from all the hateful lies that Decepticreep had said about the triplechanger's condition.

50. Clear

They seemed so woefully inadequate yet strangely fitting so he screwed up his courage, retrieved his voice from wherever it ran off to and said the words, "I love you".


02. Civilization – Based off a background story of Jazz's by Ajremix (And Now for Something Completely Difference chapter 27)… makes sense to me even if both Soundwave and Blaster turn into boom boxes…

04. Bullet – The flora is mistletoe, the tradition is to kiss/make-out under it and "to bite the bullet" is to accept something unpleasant without complaining, in Sandy's case, it's to admit he doesn't know… he is an information broker after all.

08. Fence – "fence" (informally) means a person who receives and disposes of stolen goods.

09. Circle – "Spin the Bottle" game; kiss whomever the bottle lands on

14. Jealous – This would be Octane… read What's Wrong with a Little Destruction chapter 133, Octane and Sandstorm

32. Bell – "For Whom the Bell Tolls" a book by Ernest Hemingway about an anti-guerilla effort during the Spanish Civil War bearing gruesome details of war; the title comes from Meditation XVII by John Donne. The "bell" basically refers to the church bell (which are usually rather large and deep sounding as to get a wider range) that calls the congregation to worship though in a darker context means the person is being called to/by God signifying death… (Wiki)

"Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris (Now this bell, tolling softly for another, says to me, Thou must die.)" (Wiki)

Metallica also has a song by the same title


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