At Sakura's birth she was promised to the first son of the Uchiha clan, Itachi, their wedding was to unite the treaty that the Haruno clan and Uchiha clan signed. Growing up Sakura never knew about the agreement till…..

Chapter 1


Let's assume that Sakura is 9, Sasuke is 10, and Itachi is 14 and not yet left to join Akatsuki.


"Sakura answer the door" her mother called.

"Hai," Sakura replied as she ran to the door,

"Ohayo gozimasu," she said with a big smile as she opened the door.

Her smile widened, "Itachi-sama, how are you?" she asked.

He patted her head and smiled, she blushed, and then behind him approached Sasuke with a smirk.

"Please come in" she said opening the door fully and gestured her hand for them to enter.

Itachi and Sasuke entered.

"Haruno-san is mother home"

"Hai, I'll get her for you" Sakura said as she ran to the kitchen

"Momma Itachi-sama and Sasuke-kun are here"

"Alright dear,"

Mrs. Haruno carried a tray of drinks by Sakura with a plate of treats.

"Hello Itachi-san, Sasuke-san" greeted the mother. She and Sakura placed the trays on the wooden coffee table.

"Please help your-selves," she said.

Itachi smiled then gave a gaze to the mother, meaning there was business, Sakura's mother could tell.

"Sakura, why don't you show Sasuke-san our new dog."

"Hai," then started walking.

"Come on Sasuke-kun" she shouted with a smile, then continued to walk.

Itachi nudged Sasuke to follow Sakura, so he did, as soon as he out side the door, then the conversation began.

"Does she know?" Itachi began.

"I was hoping to tell her on when she was a little older, she's too young to understand."

"Did she ever ask about the mark?"


"The real reason I'm here is to talk about her training"

"Hai, I understand"

"By the time we wed she must be powerful enough to be my match, or the Uchiha head will not acknowledge the treaty."

"I know"

"For right now I will train her, and soon Sasuke will take my place."

"Hai," she had a worried look since Itachi was very powerful.

"I will train her tomorrow at sun down"

Meanwhile outside Sakura showed Sasuke her dog, for some reason the dog hated Sasuke. As soon as the door opened the dog stood by Sakura then walked around the garden. Sasuke smirked at the dog and suddenly the dog chased Sasuke and grrrrd at him repeatedly.

"Nikamaru, heal" she knew that Nikamaru wasn't happy.

Just before the dog was about to pounce and attack Sasuke, Sakura pushed Sasuke out of the way and Nikamaru bit Sakura's hand by mistake. He let go when he opened his eyes and let go and began to whimper guiltily.

"It's alright Nikamaru, I know you didn't mean do mean it." She said and patted Nikamaru's head while managing to hold the pain inside.

"Sakura-san, your hand is bleeding" Sasuke said.

She went to the garden hose turned it on and washed the blood the bite mark was visible.

Itachi came out he saw the commotion with his Sharingan.

"Sakura-san, give me your hand" he took out a handkerchief and wrapped her hand.

"I know that must have hurt, you can cry."

"No, I'm okay" she said in a smile, "Thanks for worrying about me Itachi-sama."

Then Nikamaru came up to Sakura and licked Sakura's face, she giggled, Itachi smiled at her giggling.

Itachi gave Sasuke a glare. Sasuke lowered his head, then came towards him.

"By the way Sakura-san, close your eyes for a minute" she closed her eyes and he took out something wrapped in silk from his pocket.

"Happy 10th Birthday Sakura-san" he said after he locked the chain around her neck.

She opened her eyes,

"Thank you so much, Itachi-sama" she tugged his shirt, he bent down, she then kissed him on his cheek" and blushed with a smile.

Itachi smiled back at her.

"Sakura-san, we have to go now, sorry we can not stick longer"

Sakura was disappointed but didn't want to make Itachi worry so she just smiled, and thanked him as he exited the Haruno house.

Meanwhile Itachi and Sasuke were heading home,

"Little brother, tomorrow I will be training Sakura so I won't be able to help you with your training"

Sasuke got angered.

"Why do you have to train her, she is not one of us yet."

Itachi could tell his brother was angered, and continued anyway.

"After I'm done training her you will take over from me."

"Why should I …." He stopped when he saw his brother was being irritated by him.

"Fine, but I won't go easy on her"

"That's okay" Itachi replied.

Then he lifted his brother and gave him a piggyback.

"Brother" Sasuke said,

"Let's go get something to eat shall we" Itachi said.

Sasuke nodded.



"Sakura-san, would you train with me today,"

"Sure, but I'm not as good as you."

"That's alright" he said, and took her hand as they went to his training grounds.


Author's note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please send reviews if you can. I know this chapter isn't good but the next chapter is quite interesting. 