Claire smiled shyly and said, "Well. This is what happened."


Claire rocked nervously back and forth on the heels of her shoes. What was she going to say? What was Cam going to say? Suddenly, she smelled a scent of lavendar, citrus, spicy berries, and sandalwood... right behind her. Claire took a deep breah, channeled her inner Massie, and turned around.

"Hey, Cam," she said, in what she hoped was smoothly.

"Hi, Claire. . .ummm," Cam said.

Was he also this nervous?

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her capris to prevent Cam to see how hard they were shaking.

"You got my text the other day right? You know. . .that one."

"Which text?"

"Ya know. . .that one. Ya know?"

Claire giggled softly and nodded her head. "Yeah, I know. What about it?"

Cam looked up at the leaves on the tree for a second and then looked into Claire's blue eyes. "I want you back. I'm sorry about everything I did to you doing the summer. I was just. . .uupset, I guess. But I dumped Olivia and I hope you'll take me back. Please."

Ohmigawd. This was everything I had been dreaming about every night since he dumped me, Claire thought. Everything. But then . . .why am I not saying yes immediately?

"Because then you'll look like a desperate needy person" zoomed into Claire's head immediately.

"I hope I'm not sounding mean or anything, but," started Claire slowly. "was the only reason you want me back because you saw me with Dempsey on tv?"

Cam's eyes widened and he hastily said, "NO, of course not!"

"Then why did you suddenly want me back when you ignored me all summer, and during the first few weeks of school you pranced around with Duh-li, I mean, Olivia?" Claire tried her best not to let her voice sound shaky. She wanted to know so bad.

Cam opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Open. Close. Open. Close. Finally, he gave up and just looked down at his shoes.

Claire crossed her arms.

"I admit, I did get jealous of you and Dempsey," Cam blurted out. "But I was trying to make you jealous in the first place with Olivia. So . . . yeah."

"Okay," Claire said, meeting his eyes.

"So you'll take me back?"

"I might. But, first, I want you to prove it to me. Prove to me that you really like me. Okay?" Claire reached out and gently held Cam's hands in hers. Cam looked down at their entwined hands, then into Claire's blue eyes.

"Okay. I will."

End Flashback

Claire finished telling what happened with a small triumphant smile. Dylan, Kristen and Alicia were busy squealing and hugging Claire. All Massie did was smile and say, "I would give you a hundred points but that's a lot. Fifty." Massie tapped something on hr palmpilot.

Claire shrugged and said, "Sure."

"Oh. And nice job talking to Cam." Massie grinned at Claire, who grinned back.


"Hey, BOCD, this is Alicia Rivera bringing your latest news. We will be having another tryouts for the boys soccer team today after school at 3:30. Results will be up tomorrow morning in front of the office. Good luck to all who try out. This has been Alicia River for BOCD, and I heart you."

"WHAT?" yelled Derrick Harrington, jumping up from his seat in the cafeteria, his eyes flaming with anger. "ANOTHER? WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY ANOTHER?"

"Dude, what is your deal?" said Plovert, throwing a crumpled up napkin at him.

"What is up with your whole 'tude?" asked Kemp.

"What is up with YOUR whole afro?!"

Kemp rolled his eyes and continued stuffing his face with french fries.

"Derrick, dude, it's just another tryout. Why are you worrying? We'll sitll get our same positions," said Josh.

Plovert nodded and said, "It's not like there's any real competition around here." Cam cleared his throat and said, "You're forgetting him and him's accomplices." He gestured straight ahead. Derrington's eyes narrowed and said, "Them? Wimpy humpty Dempsey and his loser friends? They don't stand a chance."

"Then what is your deal with another tryout?"

"I just didn't want to jeopardize my position as captain two years in a row," he said snobbily, stuffing five french fries into his mouth.

Just then, Massie, hand in hand with Dempsey, walked by (of course followed by the rest of TPC). Massie smirked at Derrington and said, "Good luck at tryouts. You'll need it, especially with Dempsey as your opponent."

"I don't need your luck," he scoffed back with a mouth full of food. Massie wrinked her nose and said, "Nice comeback." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Massie is so annoying," grumbled Derrick, and looked up at his friends when they didn't say anything back, and was surprised to see them all giving him a sly grin. "What?" he asked.

"You so still have the hots for her," said Kemp.

"Yeah, sure I do. Not."

"Say whatever you want," said Josh, while Kemp and Plovert started saying, "Massie and Derrick sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Derrick rolled his eyes, and then stuffed even more french fries into his mouth. After he had gulped down his soda, he said, "All I know is that we're going to show Massie Block that we don't need her stupid luck. We're going to ace those tryouts, no matter what it takes."

A/N - R&R please!