I own nothing of Twilight. This world and it's inhabitants are the creation and property of Stephenie Meyer.
A Shared Dream: Chapter 1, Happiness.
(Impromptu family night at the Cullen's house. Takes place soon after Eclipse. Jasper's POV.)
Pure happiness. That's how I'm feeling right now and it's all I can ever wish for. This is no simple feat. It's not a matter of choosing the glass to be half full on my part. Oh, how I wish life were so simple. Complete, peaceful, easy happiness for me means an environment free of the suffering of others. Free of doubt, worry, tension and pain. And this is a rare thing indeed. Well, at least with my personal history it's come to be something I treasure. I've lived a life filled with wars, battlefields, death and killing. Oh yes, and years and years... and years of high school. If war doesn't teach you a thing or two about suffering then sitting through class after class overflowing with teenage angst will do the job.
And so, I've learned how to fully appreciate happiness. And I appreciate that tonight my home is filled with contentment, peace, happiness and love. I can't help but take in my surroundings yet again. Most of our family is lounging around the living room. Three couches wrap around a coffee table and an entertainment system stands against the wall. Emmett was sitting on the couch across from me, but he's ended up sitting on the floor, scooting ever closer to the television. He's holding a video game controller in his hands, a look of intense determination on his face with low snarls occasionally pulling from his lips. Every time I beat him he inches toward the television again as if his proximity to the screen will turn the tables in his favor. I'm sitting on the far right arm of my couch... Bella and Edward are on the middle couch to my left. I'm not thirsty and the scent really hasn't been an issue of late, and Alice hasn't detected any problems for me in the near future. This is comfortable though. Distance is simply easier.
Alice is still happily digging around online. She's sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the coffee table with her back to the television, her eyes focused on her laptop and her fingers clicking away on the keys. Wedding books and magazines are scattered all around her, on the floor and the table.
An hour ago she'd been pointing out wedding details and options to Bella. Flowers, colors, fabrics, locations, decorations, catering, on and on... Bella did an amazing job at hiding her dread at Alice's grand schemes. That, and Alice did an amazing job at ignoring Bella's dread. I could clearly feel Bella's pent up emotions. From my 'inside view' she seemed constantly on the verge of grabbing Edward and making a mad dash for Vegas, but every time she'd hesitate just long enough to see Alice's face beaming up at her and a grin would cross her face in return. Love and happiness would swell inside her overpowering the embarrassment and insecurities. The hesitant smile was confirmation enough for Alice. My little pixie would immediately nod her head and delve back into the stack of wedding magazines.
It must have been a long evening for Bella. Alice had picked her up from Charlie's this afternoon giving Charlie some story about another girl's night sleep over, so Edward's little fiance had no escape from her enthusiastic wedding planner. Even after Bella curled up in Edward's lap and fell asleep there was no slowing Alice. She continues to gleefully dig around on the Internet for more and more elaborate wedding plans. Every so often an excited squeal interrupts her quiet humming as she stumbles upon some new treasure to add to the wedding to-do list.
Carlisle and Esme are home too. Carlisle got home late from the hospital and they've been chatting in the kitchen. Just casual conversation, mostly about work but I don't pick up on the quiet words as much as I do the feelings and they have the same air of contentment surrounding them that's adding to the overall peace of the house.
Emmett let out a low, appreciative whistle. My eyes snap to his seat on the floor but the sound was not directed to me, Rosalie is slowly making her grand entrance down the stairs. Bella is dosing in Edwards arms and has been for the last 20 minutes. Apparently, being certain that Bella was out for the night was Rosalie's queue to join us.
Rosalie flashed a pleased look in return to Emmett. Her eyes took in the pizza box and empty plate left on the coffee table next to Alice's laptop and then she shot a glare straight at Edward.
"Seriously, Edward. That's disgusting. This whole room smells like the high school cafeteria. If you're going to be entertaining a human in our living room, could you at least clean up after yourself?" And with a flip of her hair she strode across the room to sit on the far couch behind her husband. Nose held high, she's still attempting to look put out by the aroma of pizza dough and tomato sauce.
Emmett chuckled. Her show didn't fool anyone. We all know Rosalie's 'Irritated-by-Bella' act is just a stubborn habit now. And it's fading fast. Every day she lets the walls down more and more. In truth, her irritation has vanished entirely, now she merely struggles with changing the old habit. She keeps her distance lately only to avoid awkward scenes. Rosalie unquestionably wants to be the center of attention, but she wants to be there alone, shining in all her glory, not humbled and welcoming next to a human girl. She's also got a stubborn streak which doesn't want her to admit she may have ever been wrong or quick to judge.
Edward rolled his eyes in return, playing at being irritated. With the whole family at home safe and happy, including Bella in his arms he couldn't maintain any level of real irritation towards Rosalie. Besides, he has a better look past her facade than I do. I know Rosalie isn't honestly put out at Bella's presents like she acts, but Edwards knows the exact thoughts behind her newfound acceptance of his fiance.
With a mock exasperated sigh directed at Rosalie, he adjusts Bella on the couch and slides out from under her. After pressing a quick kiss on her forehead and making sure she remains comfortably sleeping he picks up the remains of dinner and walks to the kitchen with them.
Emmett and I are still going at it with the video game. I can't help but laugh this time as I win another round. It's not entirely fair. He's working with a broken controller, but he won't admit that he busted a button an hour ago. Breaking the controller is a big "game-over, you lose". Keeping the flimsy plastic buttons intact is all a part of the game.
And then it hit me.