For the Sake of You


Last one! Enjoy!

"Uhm, Petey?" Joe's full voice echoed through the small cozy living room as he was preoccupied with the strangled ends of the navy blue, polyester blanket draped across Lilly's midriff and legs, stopping at her legs. Her socked feet were propped up on a soft white pillow on Joe's lap.

"Petey? To Hawk Nelson." Lilly chuckled and glanced at Joe from her name book. They were currently trying to figure out what they could name the baby. They had no idea yet what the gender was.

"Ah, boi. Petey the pancake! Rest in peace, little fluffy guy." Joe faked a tear and reminisced on the ramblings of Jason Dunn.

"My God your weird." Lilly chirped, her soft voice sounding astounded.

"Will someone please radio for help?!" Joe sang The One Thing I Have Left by Hawk Nelson, trying to get a rise out of Lilly.

"Joe…" she warned.

"'Cause I think I'm allergic to myself!" he continued, this time, sounding nasaly.

"Baby, stop." She spoke sternly between lyrics.

"We point but don't know which directions!" Lilly lifted up from her pillow and smacked him on the thigh with her name book as he kept on, "We are America right now!"

He finally stopped as she yelled for him to and he doubled over in laughter. No one ever knew why Joe found things like these funny but he did.

"Okay, now, what about Emily?" Joe tried to calm down the laughter by changing the subject.

"Erm, don't get me wrong, I love that name…but it's too close to Lilly." She spoke truthfully, getting herself re-situated, "-And I thought we already decided upon Charlie Madison for a girl."

Joe sighed and started to play with the strands of strangled ends of her blanket once again, "Oh yah." He searched his brain thinking of something off the top of his head delinquently for the perfect name for a little Joey.

"How about Zachary?"

"After High School Musical no freaking way." Joe replied with a small chuckled.

Lilly giggled incoherently and read through the pages of her name book again, taking a few moments, letting the silence roam through the room freely until, "Oh my gosh. This is just about the cutest name for a boy ever." Lilly cooed and looked at Joe with wide eyes.

Lilly blinked and stared at him for a few more moments before Joe spoke, "Well, what is it?" he waved his hands, trying to get on with it and kept staring at her.


- - - - -

The next few weeks flew by quickly. –And after a little incident with Lilly almost fainting, the doctor instructed for her to stay in bed the last three weeks of the pregnancy, so her main focus point of attention were the television and most importantly, Joseph.

They grew even closer during this walk drought and found out more than they had loved each other even more than they thought they did. They found they wouldn't turn back anything in the world. Lilly definitely didn't expect to find herself with Joe after that nasty year of touring. That's the year they grew apart, the year that screwed up everything. –But this was a new year and a new way to find each other. –And what they found was way better than what they discovered as teenagers.

"Lilly! You need to stay in bed, it's what's best for not only your health but the baby's!" Joe shouted from the bathroom, where he was currently standing, drying off his wet toned body.

"-But Joey…" Lilly's voice trailed impatiently.

"No 'buts' Lillian. That would be illogical! I can't have it!" he chuckled and walked into the bedroom, where she was currently laying with a large comforter and pillows in Joe's mustard yellow PONED tee shirt and her own short blue and white underwear shorts.

"Joey, I need to buy stuff for the baby. Do you want our baby to sleep on the floor?" she reasoned, her voice turning baby-ish herself.

Joe slipped into the closet and slightly shouted for her to hear, "No, but, it will be sleeping with us the first few weeks anyway, who needs the crib now? We'll buy one than." His voice echoed.

"What if the world has a drastic drop of baby supplies." Lilly blinked.

"Impossible." You could hear his voice from the closet.

Lilly giggled and waited for him to return, "Don't you mean illogical?"

Joe appeared in her sight once again, sporting light blue and white boxers, also, holding a pair of his black skinny jeans, "Illogical. Yah, yah. I can't have it, yaddia yaddia!"

"It could happen," Lilly sighed and crossed her arms, "You never know."

"It's not going to happen. Now I'm going to go get some food, you stay here and watch your movie, mmkay?" Joe said while slipping into his black skinny jeans, struggling at the thighs for a moment. –But never fear. He's DJ Dangga, he made it happen.

Joe zipped his pants as Lilly pouted, "Joey, please?"

"No, Lilly." He reached over towards her, grabbing a gray tee shirt and kissed her forehead, the metal of his chained cross necklace hitting her chin with a small force.

"Joey!" she squealed and re-crossed her arms for dramatic effect.

"I'm not giving in." he grimaced and pulled the shirt over his head, revealing to Lilly's pondering eyes that it said: 'They See Me Rolling In My Front Lawn…'

"Ugh. I wuff yoo." She pouted more and grabbed a hold of his hand.

"…No…" he became weaker.

- - - -

"Which one do you think would look best in the baby's room? The light wood one?" Lilly questioned while holding onto her cup of shaved ice she demanded on the way in, "Or the dark one?"

"The dark one. Now can we please get out of here and get you in bed?" Joe whined and draped his arms around her shoulders affectionately.

"Come on, Joseph, it's not like it's going to fall out of me if I stand up." She giggled.

As much as he tried to hide it, his lips curled, creating a goofy smile on his pretty face, "It could. It's possible." Lilly ignored him and kept walking, the smile still visible on her face.

As they kept at the walking and looking of baby supplies, Lilly became worried herself. She was growing tired and sick at the stomach by every ticking second. She wouldn't dare mention it to Joseph though; the last thing she wanted was after shooting a baby out of her, to have to worry about the crib and last minute needs, like a few blankets and pacifiers.

Joe kept talking as she looked and tried to hide her face, she was afraid the sickness, shown through. Joe ranted on the quirks of all that is Kevin and Nicholas; not one bad thing to say about little Frankie,

Lilly stopped abruptly in front of Joe, going quickly into notice, she latched her hand to her stomach and breathed in deeply, "Lilly?" Joe asked with worry dripping from his tone.

"Joe-I—uh…I-uh-I think it's time."

"Time for like? What? To GO?!" Joe started grabbing onto her hand, beginning to lead her out the door.

"No!" Lilly yelled with frustration as she held onto her stomach, she was just about to speak when it hit her, "Joe…"

"Hmm?" he turned around again and stared at her. Oh my God, how could he be this stupid?

"My water just broke."

Joseph's eyes shot open in worry and he practically yelled, "What?!"

"It's time. The baby's coming." Lilly almost said anxiously.

"Right. Right." He said nonchalantly and finally realized what he had to do.

Joe picked her up and raced her to the car. He was not ready for this but he couldn't just let it be while he acted like a complete woos.

- - - - --


Yah, I know. But I SUCK retardedly at things like birthing stuff…as much as I wanted to do it, I KNOW it would have been awkward for everyone. At least you now the names…right?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this story. When I finish another story, I just might do an epilogue to this, concerning everyone's reactions….STILL NOT DOING THE BIRTHING SCENE! I'm almost as bad as guys when it comes to things like that. It's way too awkard.

Thank you to EVERYONE to reviewed like crazy! I love you guys to death and your reviews make me so thrilled to have been the author of this! Thank you again!

Taylor xoxo)