Ssssoooo...sorry for the late post I keep trying to find time to update it...anyways I love all ur reviews and so yeah...please enjoy but first I would like to thank:




Aoi Faith

Gabryell-P- (thanks for the complement...I hope you pass your test)



Lunavixen910(very nice indeed)

CraZyMeL2008(im really bad at trying to make my chapters long...i will try though...)

on with the story!!

The Tears

Naru's POV

"Naru, you need to sleep. You have been up since Mai fainted which was two days ago" a voice said behind me as I was reading over the file to see if I was missing anything. I turned around to see Lin with a worried expression on his face. Everyone else was facing me as well. "I'm fine Lin, I will go back to sleep when Mai wakes up. If she doesn't then I wont go to sleep." I said turning back to the file. "Mai wouldn't want you to over work yourself. She would want you to take care of your self before you do anything that involved her." said a quite voice behind everyone who happened to be Namine. Ever since Mai had been in a comma like state she hadn't said a word. "And you cant really work if you have no energy.

With a sigh I got up and said "Wake me up in one hour." with that I left the room and went to my room and turned my alarm clock on. When I hit the bed I was out cold only to be in a dream. I looked around only to find darkness. "Hello Naru." said a cheerful voice that I could never forget.

I turned quikly to see Mai with a smile on here face. "I wont wake up until this case is solved." she said with a smile still in place. "What do you mean?" I asked my face with a emotionless mask on but on the inside I wanted to run and hug her so much but resisted the urge to do so.

"I don't have much time" she said her smile faltered a little but was back in place after a few seconds.

"I don't understand what your saying, I want to help you but you aren't saying anything." I said my mask coming loose my worry for her was showing "please tell me what to do to help you" I said in a voice was less than a whisper. Her face showed shock then went back to a smile.

"I have to go before he finds me." she said tears falling from her eyes the smile still in place. "Wait, Mai! Please don't go!" I said my voice broken my insides churning as I watched her. "Ask Madoka she will know more. I'm sorry but I have to leave now." she said as she started to fade.

"Mai I will figure this case out just wait a little longer." with that I shot out of bed, beads of sweat running down my face. My breath uneven. I got out of bed and headed for the base.

Mai's POV

I was in darkness again after I talked with Naru the tears still streaming down my face. I couldn't stop them. My smile had disappeared. I turned to see me as a little girl as the scenery of my families death came to the dream. I saw me and my sister and mother walking up to the house. I knew what he was going to make me watch this over and over. I felt more liquid seep out of my eyes. He wouldn't stop I knew that. I said the first thing that came to mind. "Naru, please hurry I don't want to be here." I said as I watched my mom and sister fall to the ground.

Naru's POV

"Damn it, where is Madoka? I need her now" I said sounding full of frustration. I kept think back to when I saw Mai tears rolling down her face. The thought alone made me hurt inside. The longer I took the more she was alone. My mind running a million miles a minute. Trying to think of what was here causing this.

"You have to stay calm" said a small voice behind me. "If you freak out you cant help her. But your Naru, the person Mai said would help her through anything no matter what." I turned to see Namine looking at me. I then said "Your right I need to stay calm." I tried to think of something to calm me but I couldn't.

"You will solve this case I know it." Namine spoke in a whisper. "Why do you put so much trust in me...You barely even know me." I asked not knowing what else to say. "Mai said she trust you with everything, so I'm doing the same. She also said you would never let anything hurt her. Please help her." She finished saying as everyone came back into the room. I turned to see Madoka walk into the room. "Madoka please tell me what you know." I asked. My voice was cracking when talked. I looked at the faces of my coworkers. Their faces filled with shock then regained composure. "I will tell you all I know."

MUHAHAHAHAH CLIFFIE!!i will try to update soon but no promises