A/N: In this story there was never a Phantom of the Opera novel, musical or movie.

Chapter One

At last, he had found him.

He had found the underground lair where he was keeping Nyssa and Tegan as his prisoners. A homicidal lunatic with an angelic voice, a voice that could hypnotize people and make them his slaves. The man wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who got in his way and that included the Doctor and his companions.

They had come to Gannett Seven because the Doctor had wanted to show them the lavender waterfalls and granite mountains of this beautiful planet. Instead, they found a city that was being terrorized by a man named Erik Ackerbie. Erik and his people had a very special gift. They could sing with voices that were otherworldly and that was another reason why the Doctor wanted to show his companions the planet. But Erik's voice, unlike those of his people, was on such a high-frequency that it had a hypnotic quality to it and he used his ability to control people and turn them into mindless puppets that carried out his every whim. He had managed to enslave and kill several people before he was arrested and committed to an asylum. He had spent several years there before one of the aides made the mistake of getting too close to him. He was able to hypnotize the aide and order him to kill his co-workers. In the confusion, he slipped away and hid himself where he thought no one would ever find him. And no one had been able to locate his whereabouts until the Doctor came along.

The Doctor had tried to put a stop to him and in retaliation, he had kidnapped Nyssa and Tegan and now had them in his thrall. The Doctor had discovered his hidden entrance at the base of one of the granite mountains and after navigating through the labyrinthine corridors and avoiding several death traps, he finally faced his adversary. Nyssa and Tegan were chained up in the corner, completely mesmerized, but thankfully unharmed. The Doctor glared at Erik who was dressed in a blood red robe.

"So, Doctor, you made it through my traps without dying, you are indeed clever," Erik said.

"Let them go," the Doctor demanded pointing at Nyssa and Tegan.

Erik glanced back at them.

"No, I don't think I will, Doctor. They are incredibly charming. I think I shall keep them as my pets," he said.

"You don't have to do this, Erik, you don't have to kill and enslave people. If you surrender yourself and come with me, I will get you all the help you need," the Doctor said urgently.

Erik snorted.

"You mean go back to the asylum where they drugged me and kept me confined like an animal? No thanks, I think I'll pass."

"Then I'm afraid I have no choice. I must stop you before you harm anyone else."

Erik laughed.

"And how will do that when you are under my power, Doctor?" he sneered.

Before the Doctor could stop him, Erik began to sing a haunting melody. A smile spread over his face when he noticed the Doctor's eyes glaze over. He continued to sing as he walked towards him. Stopping in front of him, he stopped singing and waved his hand in front of the Doctor's face. He chuckled when he got no reaction.

"You see, Doctor, no one can resist me," he said. "Not even someone as clever as you."

He paused a moment pondering what he should do with his latest captive.

"Hmmm," he mused as he stared at his mesmerized expression. "It would be a shame to kill someone as intelligent as you; perhaps I can use you as a weapon. Send you off in your time machine to change time in my favor so I will not only rule over this miserable planet, but the universe as well."

He grinned.

"Yes," he hissed. "I think that's what I'll do. So, my slave, be a good boy and lead me to your time machine."

The Doctor didn't say a word as he turned and walked out of the room. Erik chuckled and followed behind him.


"So, this is your time machine, eh?" Erik said to the Doctor, as he gazed at the TARDIS. "Amazing. Who would have thought that time travel was possible. I can't wait to see this ship for myself. Now, slave, open the door!"

The Doctor reached into his jacket pocket and grabbed his key. He unlocked the door and stepped aside while Erik went inside. He paused and looked around at the minimalist interior of the console room.

"This is beyond imagination," Erik said walking over to the console and staring at it in wonder.

He looked back at the Doctor when he entered, shut the doors and stood a few feet behind him.

"I have changed my mind, I want to go along with you. I want to see the wonders of time and space myself."

"What about the women, master?" the Doctor said in a dull tone of voice. "Shouldn't they come with us?"

Erik considered that.

"Yes, I think their company will be appreciated while we are traveling the universe. Very well, we will go back and get them."

"No need, master, I can set the TARDIS so it'll materialize in front of them."

Erik beamed.

"Astounding. Then do it, slave. Fly us to my living quarters."

"Yes, master."

The Doctor started up the TARDIS. Erik looked around at the interior while the Doctor put in the coordinates of Erik's living quarters.


The TARDIS materialized a few feet away from Nyssa and Tegan who were still under Erik's power. Erik stepped outside, pulled a key from his robe, and unlocked their chains.

"Stand up," he commanded them.

Both Nyssa and Tegan obeyed.

"Get in the time machine," he said pointing inside the TARDIS.

The women walked inside and walked over to the Doctor. Erik walked inside and closed the outer doors.

"Now, Doctor," he said slapping his hands together. "I think it's time for us to begin our conquest of time and space. Start up the time machine."

"Yes, master."

The Doctor closed the inner doors. He started up the TARDIS while Nyssa and Tegan stood nearby with blank looks on their faces. Erik walked up beside the Doctor.

"Where are you taking us?" he demanded.

"Tetrazarlion, master."

Erik frowned.

"What's on Tetrazarlion?"

"The Tetrazarlions are a warlike race. They have a huge army that you could hypnotize and use as part of your conquest of the universe."

Erik laughed delightedly.

"What a good idea, Doctor. I would never have thought of that myself, but you're right, it would be easier to conquer time and space if I have an army at my command. Very well, take me to the general's headquarters on Tetrazarlion so I can hypnotize them into submission."

"Yes, master."


The TARDIS powered down and Erik looked at the Doctor.

"Are we here?" he asked him.

"Yes, master, we are on Tetrazarlion."

"Excellent! Open the doors!"

The Doctor opened the inner doors. Eric laughed as he burst through the outer ones. He was in an office. Sitting at a couple of desks were two very surprised men.

"Aha! You must be the generals then!" he said to them. "Well, you are under my command from now on!"

"I don't think so," the Doctor said.

He spun around and saw him leaning casually against the TARDIS with a smile on his face.

"What? You aren't…hypnotized?" he said in disbelief.

"No, sorry chap, I'm not hypnotized and I never was," the Doctor replied, shrugging.

"But, how?"

The Doctor reached into his ears and pulled out two transparent earplugs.

"I was wearing these," he explained. "Specialized earplugs that block out high-pitch sonic frequencies like the one you use when you sing. I could hear you speaking in your normal voice, but when you sang, I was completely protected from your hypnotic influence. After that it was just a matter of playacting and manipulation to get back my TARDIS and my companions."

Erik looked at the men who by now had risen up and were walking towards him.

"Then, who are these men?" he said.

The Doctor grinned.

"These men are the wardens of the Tetrazarlion Detention Center. You see, Tetrazarlion is a prison planet and these men here know me since I have dropped off prisoners in the past. If you see any of the other men I dropped off, please give them my regards, won't you?"

Erik yelled as the wardens seized his arms.

"I will hypnotize all of you!" he screamed at him. "You will suffer for this, Doctor; I will make you and your companions pay for crossing me! I will---"

He was cut off in mid sentence when one of the wardens brought down a truncheon on his head, knocking him out.

"Thanks so much for doing that," the Doctor said cheerfully. "I trust you know how to handle him?"

"We'll take care of him, Doctor, don't worry," the warden said. "He'll get a brain scan like all the others and once we compile a list of charges, he'll be put to work in the caverns with the other prisoners."

"Um, one word of caution, you did hear him mention he can hypnotize people. He does it by singing so I suggest you muzzle him somehow so he won't influence you into letting him escape."

The wardens nodded.

"We will take care of it, Doctor," one of them said.

"Splendid," the Doctor said slapping his hands. "Well then, I'll be on my way then and if I find any others that need to be locked up, I will be sure to drop them off here."

He waved at them, stepped back into his TARDIS and closed the doors. He walked over to Nyssa and Tegan. He grabbed ahold of Tegan and started shaking her.

"Tegan, Tegan, wake up!" he said.

He sighed when she didn't respond.

"You're gonna hate me for this," he muttered.

Drawing his hand back, he slapped her face as hard as he could. Tegan staggered back as she put her hand to her cheek.

"Hey! What the bloody hell did you do that for?" she said angrily. "I got half a mind to deck you for that!"

The Doctor nodded.

"Yup, back to normal," he said.

Tegan watched as he slapped Nyssa in the face. She blinked and reeled back.

"What? What happened?" Nyssa said, holding her hand to her face.

"The Doctor's finally gone off the deep end, that's what's happened," Tegan said shaking her head.

She and Nyssa looked around the console room.

"Wait a minute, how did we get in here?" Tegan said. "One minute we were walking outside the pub and the next minute we're in the TARDIS. What happened to us?"

The Doctor sighed.

"It's a long story and I'll tell it to you once we get the TARDIS in the vortex," He said powering up the ship. "Let's just say a certain someone finally had to face the music."

He smiled at them.

"Hopefully, that's the last we'll ever see of Erik and his hypnotic voice," he said as the TARDIS dematerialized and flew into the vortex.