"Boxing!" roared Emmett. Everyone was fighting over what to play on the wii.
"Don't be stupid, we're playing tennis!" snapped Alice.
"No," said Edward, "we, as in me and Bella, are playing bowling."
"Baseball." whined Rosalie.
"This is ridiculous," said Carlisle, "Esme and I, are playing golf."
"Baseball." whined Rosalie again.
"Come on. Why don't you play boxing with me, then we can play baseball." Just then Jasper came in. He noticed what we were fighting about and joined in.
"Hey! Everyone knows boxing is the way to go."
"Fine!" cried Alice, "I've changed my mind I want to bowl with Bella and Edward!" Alice walked over and stood with us.
"Come, my ariose angel, let's go with the boxing side." Carlisle practically sang to Esme. She pulled away.
"I disagree. You must always go with the underdog, my gem of a gentleman." she cooed back, and walked over to stand by us. Then there were two sides Team Bowling, and Team Boxing. Team Boxing had Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Carlisle. Team Bowling had Edward, Bella, Alice, and Esme.
At that moment, Edward and Emmett started fighting, teeth bared, crouched down, they were wrestling each other on the floor.
"Alice!" yelled Edward, "Claim Team Bowling's side!" Esme and Alice took over the upstairs, - which had everyone's bedroom, and the bathroom. After Rosalie, Jasper and Carlisle took the dining room, kitchen, and living room...
The War had begun.
When no one was looking, I stole the wii, and went up to our territory. After the battle of Edward and Emmett, Team Bowling went to discuss startegies. Alice had the first watch and was patrolling the top of the stairs, she could look over the banister which hung over the Kitchen/Dining Room, that forced Team Boxing to do there "Meetings" downstairs.
"We can't let them leave the house. They won't try without their cars."
"But how?"
"There keys, we have to hide them where they won't ever look." He paused a moment then turned to Esme.
"Quick! Hide their keys in the microwave!" Esme did as she was told and was back in a flash. "Alice, just in case, go out to the garage and put sugar in their gas tanks. In a couple seconds, Alice was back.
"They've marked their territory." she said grimly.
"How?" asked Esme nervously.
"They used blue spray paint. They marked everywhere except upstairs." Esme looked horrified.
"Then we must do the same." she said. Alice went and got spray paint. She came back with twelve bottles. I didn't ask.
"All I have is red, and green."
"We'll use the red, there's more of it." said Edward. Edward sent me and Alice to spray our territory. We put lines on the floor marking boundaries. Alice thought it would be a good idea to mark the refrigerator, since sooner or later, I would have to eat. When we were back, They were still talking.
"Where is the wii?"
"It took it." I said. Everyone turned to look at me. "I took the console, but Rosalie had all the controls."
"We must retrieve them. Only Jasper has a power. It should not be that difficult. Bella will have to stay, then we will all go and take the controls. Bella, you need to hide the wii."
"The oven?" I suggested sarcastically.
"Anywhere. You need to hide too. Everyone know the plan?" We all nodded. "Let's go!"
They were gone in a flash. I sat with the wii. I decided I should hide under Edward's bed. I went under and lay quiet. I heard a sound nearby, I didn't think anything of it. I heard someone.
"I can smell her." It was Carlisle.
"She's afraid." Jasper too. He sounded evil, it scared me even more. "I have an idea." I felt a wave of deep sadness crash over me. I had no choice. I started to cry uncontrollably. When they heard my sobbing, Jasper lifted up the bed and Carlisle pulled me out.
"Quick! They're attacking downstairs!"