Hey guys, sorry i haven't updated in a really long time! Ive been so busy, hopefully you will like this chapter, so please review!

'Penelope you can't do this to Sirius, because we all know that Remus will get hurt in the long run!' Emma shouted. They had both been arguing for an hour over the 'Black Plot'.

'I can do what I want! If your so worried about Remus why don't you just go and ask him to help us?' Penelope questioned.

'No! He will never agree, he's one of Black's best friends!' Emma screamed agressively.

'Fine, then i'll just go and ask him.' She stated calmly while checking her hair and smoothing down her clothes.

Although Emma protested, Penelope brushed it off while making her way down the Girl's staircase, towards the common room.

When Penelope smiled as she touched Remus' arm, Emma prayed that he would tell Penelope she was crazy and refuse to help, but her heart sank when the confusion on his face turned into a nod and Emma knew that he had agreed.

As the days wore on, and the meetings in the Room of Requirement became even more frequent, a meeting was held to come up with another plan. But Emma dodged every idea they came across and refused to be a part in any idea.

'We need a better plan, something really brilliant' Remus though out loud.

'My, my, Mr Lupin, to say your Black's friend your certainly getting into this' Penelope stated while waggling her eyebrows.

Although there was no hard feelings between Emma and Remus, there was still an air of awarkwardness, and Emma could feel that Penelope was flirting with Remus to annoy her, but as upset as that made her feel, it hurt even more to sense that Remus was flirting right back to get the same effect.

Lily and James who were also in the Room of Requirement, still working over a solution to get around the plan.

As days went by Remus, Penelope, Kate and Laura tried to think of another plan to bring down Sirius while James and Lily tried to think of a way to overcome the problem. None of the marauders blamed Remus for joining, as James could remember a very bad time in their third year.

At the beginning of the Maruader's third year, Remus had started dating a girl named Jodie Candlet. He was absolutely crazy about her, everyone thought they would last forever. She was perfect to Remus until the day that broke his heart. Remus had found Jodie and Sirius kissing near the black lake.

Although Remus was heartbroken he didn't blame Sirius. He was one of his best friends and he never wanted to change that. But although he forgave Sirius, to this day, he still wanted some light hearted revenge.

However, the revenge he thought of would be something that embarass Sirius, but also made him laugh. Whereas the revenge Peneope wanted to get was something very very different.

As the days of awarkwardness between Emma and Remus turned into weeks they drew further apart, however this seemed to draw Penelope and Remus even closer. Their togetherness was formed to annoy Emma, but they did seem to enjoy eachother's company.

One night, after a very hard day of lessons, James and Lily who were now seen as Hogwarts cutest couple were sat cuddling around the fire. They were accompanied by Penelope and Remus who were balancing studying and snogging.

Emma was sat alone in the corner reading through her textbook on charms, looked up to see Penelope ruffling Remus' hair while he laughed. She couldn't help but feel despair and let a silent tear fall down her face. Sirius who was at that moment, talking to his fanclub saw Emma crying.

He strolled over and knelt by her chair and asked what was wrong.

'Nothing, Black, just leave me alone' she replied while wiping away her tears.

Sirius, who was taken aback, grabbed her hand and pulled her up the boy's staircase towards the Marauder's dormitory.

'Now, what's wrong, Emma?' Sirius said, using her first name for the first time.

Suddenly, Emma couldn't hold it in anymore and started weeping, her tears falling thick and fast. Thinking quickly Sirius pulled her into a warm embrace and started stroking her hair while muttering 'it's going to be ok' and 'don't cry'.

Sirius had an inkling on what Emma was so upset about, although he'd never say it he had always thought that Emma was different and he liked that, she had never fallen at his feet and always answered him back with sarcasm.

Through her tears Emma opened up on everthing. The 'Black Plot', Penelope and Remus and her just being generally upset about the whole thing and how it had effected her and Remus' friendship. Although Sirius was stunned by Emma describing a plan against him he found it funny and started chuckling.

'What are you laughing at?' Emma sniffed.

'Penelope formed a plan against me? To emotionally scar me? That girl is messed up, she knows how I am with girls.' Sirius stated.

While Emma giggled, Sirius handed her a tissue and she realised she had seen him in a new light, she felt a rush of friendship towards him at how caring he had been.

As Sirius pulled her into a hug and said 'quit crying', Remus walked through the door and was shocked to see them hugging. As they heard the door slam, they sprang apart.

'What are you doing in here, Moony?' Sirius asked, who was a tad annoyed at the interruption.

'Thought you had taken advantage seeing Emma cry, that's all' Remus stated.

As Sirius tried to think of a comeback, Emma turned around, looked straight into Remus' brown eyes and shouted calmly 'he was looking after me, a good job if i do say so myself as none of my so-called friends even bothered!'

It had been a couple of hours since Emma's outburst, and the Marauder's were all still awake in their dormitory.

James was trying to teach Peter how to play chess and was failing quite miserably. Sirius was sat with a pen and paper sketching what was probably the layout to a new prank while Remus was finishing an essay for Transfiguration.

'He, Prongs, do you want to prank someone with me tomorrow?' Sirius asked loudly.

'Sure! Any day is a pranking day, who is it? Snivellus?' James replied while telling his rook to move a space forward.

'No, its that Penelope chick.'

'You can't prank my girlfriend, Sirius!' Remus said while sitting up.

'Sure I can, she deserves it, and since when is she your girlfriend, you were dating Emma last week!' Sirius stated with a flick of his wand that closed his curtains around his bed, and everyone knew the conversation was over.

Thankyou for reading! Please review :)!