Hey guys, I'm not really sure where this is going, but I had an idea of doing a Harry Potter fanfic mixed with John Tucker Must Die, the idea is from that film but its not really the same. I'm defiantly not straying away from 'the marauder's advice' but I thought I should give this story a go. Let me know what you think :D


'I cannot believe Black did that to you!' said the seventh year Lily Evans.

The same thought whirred around the heads of the four other girls in the dormitory. It was a girl's night in, with Lily Evans, Emma Mason, Penelope Tate, Kate Fawn and Laura Collins.

At the time before Lily had said this, Penelope was telling a story about the well known womaniser, Sirius Black.

Every girl who had dated Black hated him, every girl that hadn't thought he was intelligent, funny and hot. How very wrong they were.

All the girls in the dormitory had dated him except Emma and Lily. It was obvious why Lily hadn't, for one reason, it was because she hated his guts for what he had done to her friends, and the other was because James Potter would simply kill Black if she did. Emma Mason was different to the other girls, although she was pretty, she didn't swoon when Black smiled and didn't worship the ground he walked on.

Penelope had been hurt for the last time, like everyone, she had gone out with Black, thinking she could tame the egotistical jerk; obviously she was wrong like the many other girls who had tried.

Everyone knew Black went out with at least four girls a week, but still the girls lined up to date him, knowing what they knew.

'I hope one day no one wants to date him; it will wipe the smirk off his face for being the jerk he is' said Laura with a hint of venom in her voice.

'Everyone talks about getting revenge on him but no one has ever done it, apparently they all love him too much' Penelope shot back.

'Well, there are five of us and one of him, we should get him!' Lily said smiling.

As the other girls were thinking up a plan to get Black back, abruptly Emma sparked into life, it was like a firework had exploded in her head, she started talking so fast it was like rockets were coming out of her mouth.

'Remember the breast implants Potter and he gave Snape in fifth year-'

'We should do the same to Black!'

'I like where your going, we should sneak into their dorm tomorrow night, and put this plan into action.' Penelope positively buzzed. She was so excited about getting Black for all the things he had done to her.

'Now, if we do this we have to do it right. We can't let him know or he will think we are doing it in a weird way to get him to like us. Any suggestions about other things we should pull?'

'We could charm his mirror to turn his reflection to really ugly whenever he looks into it.' Lily suggested.

'We could make his eyebrows grow at an alarming rate.' Emma threw in.

'Those are good to start with, but we need to hit him where it hurts, what we need to do is make him, undateable.' Penelope said while smirking to herself.

None of the girls knew how bad Black had hurt Penelope, she wanted revenge and for the first time the girls wanted to help.

No one except Lily, Penelope, Emma, Laura and Kate knew that Sirius Black's womanising days were numbered – he was going down!

I know it was short, but please tell me what you think.