Sorry this has taken so long, but I've been busy with college other stories and I was in a minor car crash the other week, but here it is and I hope you like it.

This is the final chapter. I like to make sequels, so I may for this at a later time.

Disclaimer: They're not mine.

Chapter 10

Grissom walked over to the couch carrying two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. One was for him and the other was for Sara. He had taken to looking after her whilst she recovered.

He had sensed she wasn't quite ready to go back to her place and he didn't blame her. She hadn't put up too much of an argument in staying at his place with him and being taken care of.

"Thank you." She said as she took her drink and held it in both of her hands.

"Not a problem." He said as he sat down on the other end of the couch next to Sara. She was sat with the legs up and her feet resting where he was now sitting but he had gently picked them up and placed them back down on his lap.

Sara smiled at the tingle his warm body sent through her own. She loved that he was looking after her, but she couldn't help but get closer to him the more time she spent her. She had decided she should probably think about going back to her own place, as much as the thought secretly scared her.

Her wounds were slowly healing although her emotional scars ran more deep, but he was even helping her deal with them. Every night so far they had stayed up talking and not just about her abduction. They talked about everything, even Grissom.

They had talked about what it had been like for them growing up, and about their families or better their lack of family. They had talked about work and the guys there, they had even discussed how deep down Eckley was probably a good guy.

Whilst they drank their hot chocolate they watched a film. They were both trying to concentrate on the film and not thinking about each other, that neither had any idea about what the film was actually about.

Sara decided to give her eyes and racing mind a rest. She leaned against the couch, resting her head on the back of it. Grissom continued watching the film for a minute, then he turned to face her, she looked like she was already asleep.

He gently took the mug from out of her hands and placed it along with his down on the coffee table.

"Sara if your tired you should go to bed" He said as he tenderly stroked her leg.

"No I'm not I'm just resting my eyes." She mumbled.

Grissom knew she was pretty much asleep. He stood up and turned off the TV and the lamp that was on. He then turned around and walked back over to the couch. He scooped Sara up into his arms.

He was quite surprised when she didn't try to resist and even more surprised when she wrapped her arm around his neck. He just smiled and carried her to the guest bedroom where she was sleeping.

He managed to pull the blankets back then gently placed her down. She was already wearing the clothes she slept in because she had taken a bath earlier on and changed straight into her pajamas after it.

He pulled the blankets up over her and tucked them right under her chin so she would be warm. He couldn't resist leaning down and kissing her on her forehead.

He walked out leaving the door open slightly. He walked across the hall into his own room. After changing into a pair of sweat pants he too climbed in bed. He liked having Sara here, there was no denying it. Part of him wished she would consider staying for a while even after she had recovered.

He must have fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He didn't know why he was suddenly awake but he was. He looked at the clock next to his bed, it was 2.15am. He sat up as thought he heard something. Then it heard it again it was louder and defiantly a scream.

He jumped out of bed and ran across the room, he threw the door open and ran across the hall and into the guest bedroom where he had heard the screams coming from.

He ran over to Sara who was tossing and turning and hitting out in her sleep, she was obviously having a nightmare.

He knelt on the bed and caught her wrists. "Sara, Sara please, Sara wake up." He pleaded.

Hearing his voice made her jolt up, awake. She was panting she was still partly asleep she almost hit out at Grissom but became aware of who it was. Instead she threw her arms around his neck and held him close to her and began to cry.

"Shh. It's okay it was just a nightmare. You're okay." He said reassuringly.

He held onto her for a minute until her crying stopped and her breathing became more regular. He slowly pulled himself away and wiped away a tear. "You want to talk about it?" He asked.

"It was Laurie. He had me again he was trying to kill me, he was choking me and hitting me." She told him.

He could see she was shaking slightly. "Come on why don't you try to go back to sleep." He offered.

She shook her head. "I don't think I could." She confessed. "Will you stay with me, just till I do?" She asked him nervously, feeling a little pathetic that she couldn't sleep because of a dream.

Grissom nodded. She helped to pull the blankets back and then he climbed in under them. He fixed the blankets over the two of them and they both snuggled further down the bed and got comfy. They lay on their sides so they were face to face.

"I was beginning to think I was ready to go home, but I guess not." She said, again feeling a little pathetic at how desperate she must have sounded.

"I don't mind, your welcome to stay here as long as you need Sara." He told her.

It made her feel a little bit better she knew he was as lonely as she was, even if neither of them were willing to admit it to anyone else.

Grissom reached out his arm and brushed a strand of hair off her face, carefully stroking it in between his fingers and thumb for a moment, it felt so soft against his skin.

Sara shuffled forward and buried her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, a little hesitantly. When she didn't flinch he guessed she didn't mind.

As she lay close to his chest she could smell his scent, the thing that drove her wild at times. What she didn't know was her warm breath on his chest was driving him wild. He slowly began stroking her back at first his hand was above her shirt, but then he slipped it underneath her shirt so he could feel her skin.

Sara pulled back so she could see his face. She looked at him for a second then kissed him. She was relieved when he kissed her back. As she rolled onto her back he let his hand move round to caress her stomach.

After a minute they both pulled back for air. "I love you Sara." Grissom said.

"I love you too Gil." She said before she reached up and kissed him again

He had promised himself that he would tell her how he felt about her and show her how much he loved her, now he kept that promise.

The End

Thanks to all my readers and reviewers, you've been great.

One last time, please leave a review.