Disclaimer: I don't own the show Life With Derek, but I wish I did!

A/N: So, here is part one of my two-shot entitled as you can see: Drunk Girl. It is loosely based on the wonderfully sad song by Something Corporate, one of my favorite bands ever. I'm deeply sorry for all the mistakes you'll find. I actually considered getting a beta for this, but then I didn't want to wait and wasn't sure how long it would take for me to find one. Anyways, here it is, mistakes and all. I hope you enjoy it. And also, the second part and the conclusion shall be up soon. Tell me what you think! I hope you enjoy the cameos! Oh, and sorry that the summary is so vague, hehe.

-Drunk Girl- Part One—Casey's Bedroom, the Living Room and the Party

"Wow, Case," said Vicky in a sickeningly sweet, but totally fake sounding voice, "this is actually a really cute dress."

She was in Casey's room, standing in her closet, holding the light green taffeta dress up to her body and checking herself out in the wall mirror that hung on the closet door. She examined the strapless, just past the knees dress from all different angles and smirked at her reflection.

"Yeah? I like it," said Casey tersely, rolling her eyes. She turned the page of the fashion magazine she was reading quickly and almost ripped it.

"It's really pretty," continued Vicky. "Different than almost anything else you own. You don't own a single green thing it would seem. Just overloads of pink and purple. Except for this." She continued to admire it in the mirror.

"It's actually called 'fresh aloe,'" Casey corrected, tossing her magazine aside and getting up from her bed.

She had her hair up in a high ponytail and was wearing a cami and sweatpants. Her face was completely bare of makeup and she tried to hide her annoyed expression as she swiftly took the dress away from her cousin Vicky—Victoria's hands. She immediately went to go put it back into her closet but Vicky stopped her when she grabbed her elbow.

"Come on, Case. Let me wear it tonight?" she asked excitedly, hopping up and down a little. "It's the perfect dress for me to wear to the party. No guy will be able to resist me."

Casey didn't even pause to contemplate her answer.

"I'd rather you not, actually."

Vicky pouted, sticking out her ruby red lip glossed lips.

"Why not?"


She didn't want to tell her that she had been saving that dress specifically for a special occasion, that the dress had a certain sentimental hold on her. She hadn't worn it out yet, but she knew it looked gorgeous on her and the thought of having to share it with Vicky almost made her want to gag. It was her dress.

"Well why not? It's not like you're going to the party."

"That doesn't matter. It's my dress and I want to be the first one to wear it out." She stared defiantly at her cousin and they both didn't even flinch.

"Fine, I guess. Have it your way. It probably would have been too big anyways."

"Yeah, because I have bigger boobs than you," said Casey quietly as placed the green dress back into her closet. Then, she turned away and went back to her bed, lying on her belly and flipping open Vogue once more.

Vicky crossed her arms across her chest self consciously and frowned at Casey once more.

"Hey," she said, offended. "I'm a C-cup."

Casey looked up at Vicky and laughed.

"Who are you trying to kid, Vic? You're a B-cup and you know it. I'm a C-cup."

Casey giggled after she said it and started to read an article on Rachel McAdams, the cover girl. Vicky just stomped her foot agitatedly.

"Well, whatever. I'm a big B-cup," she practically huffed.

Casey just grinned happily from her place on her bed.

"I don't even understand why you're not coming to the party with me and Derek," Vicky said, changing the subject quickly. "You know it's going to be fun."

Without even looking up from her article, she answered, "I know it's going to be a bunch of drunken, hormonal teenagers all in one room, trashing some poor girl's house and doing a bunch of other disgusting things that I'd rather not have to witness and be a part of."

"So, what's the problem?" Vicky asked, walking back into Casey's closet, hoping to find something else to wear.

"I'm just not really into that thing, Vicky."

"There's got to be another reason."

"There isn't"

"I don't believe you."

Casey sighed, resigned.

"Well, if you really must know, Noel was planning on coming over later and we were going to watch a movie and eat popcorn. So, I already have plans. But even if I didn't I wouldn't choose to go to the party."

Suddenly, Vicky was out of the closet and at the foot of Casey's bed.

"And who is this Noel you speak of? A new boyfriend? Casey," she clucked, "you held out on me. You told me you weren't going out with anyone!"

Casey laughed at Vicky's reaction and sat up.

"Calm down, Vicky. I wasn't keeping anything from you. Noel is just a friend; one of my good friends, really. He was my costar in the play I did last fall. You would have seen him if you had bothered coming that night I invited you." Vicky had the decency to look flustered.

"I'm sorry, Case. I had a date that night. Zac Michaels, so hot, you know how it is," she spoke quickly. Casey nodded understandingly and refrained from rolling her eyes.

"And how is Zac Michaels right now?"

"I don't know," Vicky said waving her right hand dismissively. "Last I heard he was dating some bleached blonde sophomore with bigger breasts than both of us and zero brains to fit into her teeny tiny head." They both wrinkled their noses in distaste.

"Well, that sucks."

"Not that much. I got to make out with him before he lost his mind and started dating her." They shared a big smile and Casey went back reading. Vicky, however, wasn't quite finished with their conversation.

"So Noel's coming over and you're just going to watch a movie and let me guess, he's super cute, right?" Casey laughed at her cousin once more and then sighed. She knew she wasn't going to get through her article with Vicky in her room. She put her magazine down again and sat up once more. Vicky smiled victoriously and perched on the end of Casey's bed with her.

"Actually, he really is pretty adorable; in a really funny, awkward kind of way."

"So wait, in your play, did you kiss him?"

"Yeah!" They both giggled. It had been a while since they had bonded so much and Casey didn't mind it too much. It was nice having another girl her age around the house, even if it was just for the three day weekend ahead.

"And, was he a good kisser?" Vicky demanded.

"Not bad at all," Casey admitted sheepishly, a small smile on her face. "But, of course I was dating Max at the time so I didn't get to enjoy it quite as much as I might, let's say, now." Vicky laughed.

"So, do you like him?" That's when Casey turned her face serious.

"To be honest?" Vicky nodded enthusiastically. "Not really."

"What? Come one, don't lie to me!"

"I'm really not lying. I think of him only as a friend."

"But he sounds hot!"

"Well yeah, he's good looking and everything but I'm just not—"

"You like someone else, don't you?" Vicky cut her off quickly, determined to get all the answers.

"What? No!" said Casey, but she was blushing.

"Okay, now you're lying to me," she accused.

"I'm really not. I don't like someone else." She tried to keep her face from betraying herself again. It worked. She didn't blush.

"Then why don't you like Noel?"

"Because he's my friend!"

"Casey, he's skipping what Derek tells me is going to be one of the biggest parties of the school year to sit in your living room and hang out with you. It kind of sounds like he likes you."

"How would you even know that? You don't know him. You can't just know that he likes me."

"Well, he probably does. I mean, come on. You're…pretty."

"Gee, thanks."

"No, I'm serious. You have to admit. The girls in our family are hot. Lizzie's what, like, fourteen now? She's turning out quite well. And me and you?" She pointed at them with her French-manicured nails. "We're knock-outs."

"You're so modest."

"No, you're too modest. I'm honest." She smiled widely for Casey. Casey threw a pillow at her head.

"So, tell me more about your secret crush."

"I'd really rather not."

"Ooh, so you admit that you have one?"

"I just don't want to talk about it."

"And you're sure you and Noel won't show up to the party?"

"Probably not."

"But you'll consider it?"

"May…be," Casey said slowly, dragging out the word. Vicky grinned triumphantly.

"That's all I ask. I mean. It should be fun. Derek says that the whole hockey team is going to be there, not to mention some of the other sports teams."

"Ugh, that means Max might be there with his new girlfriend."

"Does that bother you?"

Casey thought about it.

"No, not really."

"Because you like Noel?" Vicky guessed.

"Vicky, no! I told you, he's just a friend. How many times to do I have to repeat myself?"

"Jeez, I'm sorry. It's just that you like some guy and you and this Noel have some sort of date tonight and you won't tell me who the crush is and it sounds like Noel likes you, so I can only assume that maybe you like him, too?"

"Did you always talk this much? And this fast?"

"I'm insightful. I have a lot to say." Casey considered this but then decided not to comment on her cousin's statement.

"But you're wrong," she said instead. "And it's not a date. We hang out all the time now. Like I told you, he's one of my best friends. And I like it. It's nice having a good guy friend."

"Oh, Casey. You're so in denial. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's not just waiting for you to let him make a move."

"Look, it's just not like that." She was getting really frustrated now and rubbed her temples to try and clear her head. "Noel and I just have a lot in common. And we have fun hanging out. More fun than we would have going to that party."

"Oh, I don't doubt that, but I have a feeling you just might cave and come later on."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because you won't be able to get my beautiful voice out of your head, just asking you over and over again to come, please come. Plus, you have a totally hot dress in your closet that's just dying to be worn."

"Is hot like your word of the day or something?"

"Nah, I just like to use it. It's a very versatile adjective to express my likes." Casey just shook her head.

"Right, okay."

Vicky got up off of the bed and headed for the closet once more. She came out a minute later with a short purple dress.

"How do you think this will look?" Casey tilted her head and considered it.

"I think you just might be able to fill that one out nicely." Vicky stuck her tongue out at Casey and went back into the closet, this time searching for some shoes.

"At least we have the same size shoe. That's pretty helpful."

"Yup," answered Casey, distracted. She was thinking about her "fresh aloe" colored dress just hanging there in her closet, waiting to be worn out.


An hour later, Casey was alone in the house, waiting for Noel to arrive. The younger kids were all out for the night, and so were George and Nora. They were all expected back the next day, so Derek, Casey and Vicky basically had the house to themselves.

Casey had brought up the subject of Derek to Vicky as her cousin got ready for the party. She had settled with the lilac colored dress and matching velvet flats.

"What do you mean is it awkward?"

"Well, I mean, I'm just curious. The last time you were here, your mother was getting married and you were making out with Derek. Now you guys are hanging out like nothing happened and you're just friends?"

"Hey, that was a onetime thing," Vicky pointed out. "And we're not really hanging out. I'm hanging out with you, aren't I?"

"Okay, fine, but you don't mind seeing him even though he never called you?"

"Casey. I knew he wasn't going to call."

"Then why did you kiss him?"

"Because he looked like he'd be a good kisser." Casey just looked at her. "And he was, if you were wondering which I can tell you were from your look."

"I wasn't."

Vicky raised her eyebrows.

"Sure you weren't."

"Okay, so it's not awkward, that's good," Casey said, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"Yeah. And it's not like we're going to the party together. He's just my ride."

"But you don't know anyone there besides him."

"I'll know you."

"I'm not going."

"Oh, you will," she said confidently.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I already told you."

"You really think I'm going to hear your voice in my head and it's going to convince me to go to this party?"

"Yup." She nodded for effect. Casey shook her head.

"Whatever. I need to get changed. Noel's going to be here soon."

Now, Casey was just sitting on the couch and she was seriously contemplating her night. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if she and Noel showed up at the party. The same party that the two of them had scoffed at the idea of attending just days before when they had first made plans to hang out.

"It might be fun," she said to herself. And then the doorbell rang.


Somehow when Noel got to her house, she convinced him that maybe the party wouldn't be too bad, and he actually agreed. She was surprised by how little it took to get him to change their plans, but was also pleased that he wasn't making a big deal about it and actually seemed a little excited.

So now, she was up in her bedroom changing her outfit and pampering herself so that she looked just right for a weekend party. Noel waited patiently for her downstairs on the couch.

When he arrived at the Venturi-MacDonald household that night, his face had visibly brightened when Casey opened the door, he was that happy to see her. And when she suggested the party, how could he object? He was actually pretty pumped because they would be going together and it would sort of be like they were going on a date. At least, they'd show up together and maybe some people would think that they were together.

He of course knew that Casey didn't feel for him the same way that he felt for her and, he was okay with that. He knew that one day she'd realize that he existed, that he was the perfect guy for her and then he would sweep her off her feet and kiss her senseless. He would wait for that day, patiently like he waited for her right now.

After being gone for a full fifteen minutes, Casey ascended the stairs quickly and Noel had to remind himself to breathe because she looked so beautiful. She was wearing a light green shimmery dress. It was strapless and just covered her knees. She was also wearing some silver round toed pumps that made her about four inches taller and accentuated her dancer's legs even more. He couldn't stop himself from staring at her.

"You look really nice," he managed and Casey seemed to really enjoy his comment. She smiled modestly and put on a light sweater.

"Aww, thanks," she said and headed for the door. "You ready?" she asked. He held up his keys.


And so they left.


When they got to the party, it was already in full swing and so crowded that it was hard to recognize any of the people in the crowd.

"My cousin Vicky should be here somewhere," Casey told him, searching the crowd in vain. There was almost no chance that she'd find her, and Noel didn't have the heart to tell her so.

"Oh yeah?" he said instead. "I remember you mentioning that she'd be visiting. I haven't met her yet, I think."

"No, you haven't. But you will, I'm sure."


A half hour later they were admittedly having a pretty good time. They were both sipping sodas and lounging on the couch in the living room of the house. It was fun for them to observe the drunken teenagers that were their classmates.

"It's crazy that we're all going to be seniors and then going off to University," said Casey conversationally. Noel nodded.

"Yeah, but look at us now." He motioned to the party in front of them.

They both watched amusedly as Ryan, "the Fridge" in Casey head, toppled face forward on to the floor just a few feet in front of them. It was pretty hilarious despite the complete ridiculousness of the situation and they both couldn't help but laugh. He stayed down on the floor and people stepped over him as they walked by. He appeared to be in a drunken stupor.

"Wow, crazy," said Noel and Casey just grinned at him. She was so happy to have found a friend that had the same morals as her. They both didn't need to drink alcohol to have fun.

"I wonder where Emily is," Casey pondered next.

"Once again, I think it's just going to be you and me tonight. Unless she just stumbles across us…" he said slowly as Emily appeared out of nowhere and jumped into the small space in between them on the couch. Casey laughed and immediately stood up. She didn't want to ruin her dress.

"Casey! You look pretty!" shouted Emily. She was obviously a bit tipsy. Casey knew she wasn't drunk though. "And Noel! You look good, too." Noel blushed and looked down at his blue polo.

"Thanks, I guess, Emily."

"Oh, no problem." Then she turned her attention to her best friend.

"Casey," she said in a serious, accusatory tone, "I thought you said you weren't coming. We could have come together."

"Oh yeah. Well, I changed my mind. I hope you don't mind." Emily just grinned in response.

"Nah, I'm glad you came!" she shouted again and then she was standing up again and hugging Casey. And just as suddenly as she had appeared, she was swept up in the crowd and gone.

"Well, that was interesting," Noel said. Casey nodded and sat back down next to him. They started to talk some more about their surroundings and then about ten minutes later Noel pointed to her empty root beer can. "Do you want me to get another one?" he asked her sweetly.

"Yeah, sure!" she answered, handing him her empty can. He took it and then stood up.

"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"Oh, I won't, but are you sure you'll be able to make it back here?"

He grinned.

"I'll manage."

And then she was left alone.

A minute later, she caught a glimpse of a familiar reddish-brown head. The same head of hair that belonged to her step-brother Derek, the same guy that occupied most of her dreams at night and filled up her thoughts when she wasn't too busy doing other things like homework, chores and school in general.

She watched him for a moment and he seemed to be having a lot of fun. And he looked really good. He was wearing a brown button down shirt and dark blue jeans that hugged his body in all the right places.

She sighed and tilted her head, wishing for maybe the millionth time that her little crush on him would disappear. It was just weird and unnatural that she should be so attracted to him. He annoyed the hell out of her…yet, for some odd reason, she enjoyed the fact that he seemed to waste so much of his time on her. Plus, she had to admit that there were certain times when she was sure that maybe, just maybe he felt the same way about her…

As she continued to watch him, she noticed a short little blonde girl walk up towards him and then for the next five minutes, watched painfully as Derek shamelessly flirted with her. Casey vaguely recalled that the girl was the host of the party. As she watched them, for some reason she couldn't take her eyes off of them, she wondered where Noel was. If he would just hurry up and make his way back to her, then maybe he would be able to distract her enough so that she wouldn't have to see Derek pick up another one of his conquests.

Finally, after being away for more than ten minutes, Noel was back. Casey breathed in a sigh of relief and took the soda can that he offered her. She immediately turned her attention to her friend, immensely happy that he was back. She didn't think she could stand one more minute alone, torturing herself by keeping her eyes glued to Derek's back.

Noel struck up some casual conversation about why it took him so long to get back.

"It took me forever to find anything that wasn't beer or hard liquor. This place is really stocked up. I'm surprised I even found these," he said, pointing to their drinks. Casey smiled at him graciously and he smiled back.

They started to talk about the absurd rap song that was playing loudly all around the house and how it sounded more like noise than actual music, and that's when Noel asked her, all the while trying not to laugh, if she wanted to dance. Casey stared at him for a moment before responding. Noel willingly wanting to dance? She laughed and he let his own chuckle escape.

"You want to dance to this crap?" she asked him.

"Well, I figured we might as well do something more social here," he explained.

So, Casey accepted his hand and they walked a few feet away and started to dance. Casey tried to stifle her giggling when she saw that Noel had absolutely no idea what he was doing. He was sort of just bobbing around aimlessly, wagging his arms around in weird circles. She finally had to stop her own dancing and just laugh at him, and he didn't even care. He liked that he could make Casey laugh so hard.

As she laughed, Casey randomly turned her head in the general direction of where Derek and the blonde had previously been standing. She noticed that he was no longer there but it didn't take long for her to find him.

She watched in horror as the blonde girl lead Derek towards her and Noel, her hand wrapped tightly around his wrist. As he passed, he seemed to notice that Casey was standing there for the first time, no longer laughing or dancing, just frozen. His eyes widened a bit, he knew that she had originally boycotted the party and was not expecting to see her, but then his expression went back to an unreadable one. He didn't say anything to her and she didn't acknowledge him anymore than with a glare.

Noel just stood next to Casey and watched the exchange silently. The girl continued to take him to the foot of the stairs that were located a few feet away from the living room. As she watched them slowly climb the stairs, Casey was sure she wouldn't be seeing him again that night. That's when she decided that she didn't want to be sober anymore.

Her mood suddenly changed and she snapped. She turned away from Noel and headed in the direction of the kitchen where all the drinks were. Noel followed her clumsily, wondering what the rush was. When he reached her, she already had a beer in her hand.

"What are you doing, Case?" he asked her slowly.

"Oh, I just wanted to try one," and her tone was bubbly. "I don't really like the taste of beer, but I've never really given it a chance. Maybe if I drink this whole thing I can learn to like it."

"But Casey, you don't drink," he said flatly.

"Yeah, I know," she agreed, trying to keep her voice light, "but we're at a party. That's what you're supposed to do, right? Get drunk?"

Noel was so confused.

"But—we just spent most of the night talking about how stupid everyone here looks when they're drunk. You want to be one of them?"

"Noel, I just want to drink this beer, okay?"

"I guess…" he said uncertainly. He watched as she took a big gulp and didn't even flinch from the taste. It seemed like she was already used to bitter taste.

The drinking didn't stop there, though. Casey proceeded to try everything in her power to get completely wasted. She drank can after can of beer and even a few shots when a group of guys offered her some vodka and soda. She kept drinking and drinking, ignoring Noel's disapproving remarks and the shake of his head.

After her first two beers, she ran back into the living room and started dancing with any guy who caught her eye. She danced and drank and danced some more. She didn't even seem to be concerned with keeping her dress, the dress she had waited so long to wear, clean. Noel was sure that some of her beer had sloshed onto it a least twice.

He couldn't understand what was going on with her, what was wrong. It was like she had suddenly changed. He knew for sure that the Casey in front of him was not the Casey that he knew and was in love with.

Casey didn't listen to Noel as she drank her anger and sadness, all having to do with Derek, away. He kept asking her to stop but whenever he did, she just went and got a new drink.

When she told him that she needed to clear her head, she saw a look of relief spread across his face, but all she meant was that she didn't want to be thinking anymore. If she allowed herself to think, she would just keep picturing Derek upstairs with that girl, where they were and what they were doing and she definitely didn't want to be thinking about that.

As she tried to make her way back to the kitchen to get more alcohol, Noel followed her, finally picking up on the fact that she wasn't done. It was a good thing he was right behind her because just before she reached the coveted room, her heeled foot caught on the end of a strategically placed rug in front of the doorway to the kitchen and she fell forward, almost nearly falling on her face. Since Noel was following her close behind, he was able to catch her before she made a show of falling over and passing out like "the Fridge".

With Casey now safe in his arms, Noel decided that he had to do something. He knew that he couldn't continue to let her drink her apparent sorrows away. He was starting to figure out that maybe it had to do something with Derek but he couldn't ask her because he knew how upset she got whenever Derek's name was brought up. When they'd first started hanging out a lot, she had even made him agree not to talk about him if at all possible. He had thought it was weird at the time, but after a while realized that Derek made Casey and angry, pissed off and annoyed Casey.

So, he had an idea that maybe Derek was behind her drunken state, especially after factoring in the brief encounter a few minutes before her first drink, but that didn't mean that he had any real clue as to why it was Derek's fault. But, at that moment in time, Noel decided that he couldn't stand Derek. He also decided that he and Casey were leaving. They were done with the party.

"Noel, put me down," she complained.

"I'll put you down when we get to my car," he said as he weaved his way through the party and to the front door.

An acquaintance of Noel and Casey's saw that he was headed for the door with Casey in his arms and graciously opened it for him.

"Thanks, man," said Noel, nodding in his direction.

"No problem," said the redheaded guy that Noel remembered as Tinker.

Tinker watched them with a somewhat worried frown as Noel walked away from the house. He was over his crush, sort of, but that didn't mean he enjoyed seeing Casey being carried away into the night by some guy that wasn't him. He closed the door with a defeated sigh.


A/N: I hope you're enjoying this. And if anyone was wondering, the guy I made up that Vicky went on a date with? Zac Michaels? Yeah, his name is Zac Efron and Michael Seater put together because I love them. Just a little trivia for you, haha. More to come soon!