Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill!
(A/N: I am currently working on two stories so don't worry if I don't update for a while but I will I just wanted to do this while it was still fresh in my mind.)
Chapter One: Unraveling?
Where is my faith? Maybe the moon's just a hole in the sky.
How did I get this far?
Who do I blame?
When it all falls apart?
One day at a time.
My world is shattering.
Maybe the answer's to never ask why.
As I watch my life unraveling.
- Unraveling by Alexz Johnson
Brooke was in the bathroom, she broke up with Lucas and had to endure the pain of best friend and ex-boyfriend hooking up. It killed her to see them together in the hallways, no one really knew about what Brooke was going through except Rachel, but she wasn't even prepared for what was going on with Brooke. Brooke was looking through the file cabinet for something in particular, she had found it, the razor. She sat in front of the sink and looked at herself in the mirror crying, she had no other way to deal with the pain and this was the only way she knew of. She began to press the razor across her bare skin, the blood began spurting out as she moved it across her arm from left to right. Brooke hung her head back at the excruciating pain she was now enduring, she dropped the razor on the floor and placed her hand on her bleeding wrist. She heard a knock on the door that startled her, she looked at the door and quickly grabbed a small towel to place it on her wound.
"Brooke are you okay in there?" Rachel asked, the two were enemies but after the whole accident after Haley and Nathan's wedding the two were the best of friend.
"I'm okay!" Brooke said, but you could still clearly hear the pain in voice.
"Are you sure?!"
"Yes!" Brooke said wishing she would go away, after a few minutes she didn't hear anything else. She slumped into a corner of wall and fell to the ground, how did it get this far? She always thought the cutting thing would be more of a Peyton thing. Where was her faith? What made her turn to something like this? She wasn't the Brooke Davis that she showed to everyone, she clearly had something that she was hiding behind that barrier that she always put up.
The next morning...
Brooke and Rachel was walking through the halls of Tree Hill High, she saw Haley but she was with someone, it was Lucas. Normally Brooke would walk up and say 'hi' but this time it was different, she walked by the two of them but it wasn't unnoticed. Haley knew that Brooke was talking to her but it was hard to do that with Lucas around, Brooke hadn't looked the same lately. She looked almost sick, her skin was pale but she was still beautiful, Lucas watched her as she walked away with her red haired friend who wrapped her arms around Brooke.
"Is she okay?" Lucas asked, even though they were broken up he still cared.
"I don't know Luke," Haley had a hint of anger in her voice, why would ask such a stupid question. Of course she wasn't okay, she was let down by him and her best friend twice. "Lucas do me a favor and stay away from her, she doesn't need the stress."
Haley walked away leaving Lucas stunned, he didn't believed that she had just said that to him. Peyton walked up to Lucas smiling as she laid a kiss on his lips, Lucas looked slightly uneased, "What happened?"
"Nothing, it's just that," Lucas began saying as Peyton waited for what he had to say. "Well Brooke--"
"Let's not talk about her right now," Peyton still had a place for Brooke in her heart but she didn't really see the point in talking about her. "It's already bad enough that we have class with her next period."
They walked to class hand in hand, they noticed that there were only two seats left and one of them was next to Nathan and the other was next to Brooke. Peyton took the one next to Nathan as Lucas sat next to Brooke, as he sat he noticed Brooke rolling her eyes. Lucas tried and smile at her but she just turned her head, Brooke wanted to get up and leave but at class was about to start. As time went on it didn't get any easier, she noticed Lucas and Peyton mouthing the words 'I love you'. Brooke felt tears begin to fill her eyes but she didn't allow them to fall, she began writing the words 'I feel like dying' over and over again on a piece of paper. It finally became to much and she rolled it up and stuffed it in her pocket, she got up and grabbed her stuff and stormed out the room and Rachel followed.
Lucas notice Rachel step on something as she walked out of the room, it was a piece of paper. He picked it up and read it, 'I feel like dying', it was in Brooke's handwriting. He couldn't believe it, he knew she was hurting but not this bad, he knew that he was the only person that could hurt Brooke Davis and he hated himself for that.
Brooke was running through the hallway and ran into the bathroom, Rachel followed her inside. Brooke was crying on the bathroom floor, she knew what was going on, she sat next to Brooke hugging her. "It's okay Brooke, he's a bastard."
"I hate him Rachel," Brooke sobbed, Lucas was the first and only boy she ever loved and it was killing her to see him with someone else. "Why can't he understand that this is hurting me? I loved him! I LOVED HIM!" She yelled.
Haley was outside the bathroom door when she heard Brooke yell, she went into the bathroom and saw her on the floor wrapped in Rachel's arms. Haley sat next to Brooke also rubbing her back, "I'm sorry Brooke."
"It's not your fault, it's his!" Brooke cried, everything in her life was going bad and she couldn't take it anymore it. "I hate him! I hate Peyton! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME?! WHY?! I THOUGHT THEY LOVED ME!"
Rachel and Haley never saw Brooke this upset, they didn't know what to do, they were shocked when Brooke began yelling at the top of her lungs. They slowly backed away from her, she was clearly upset and she didn't know how to handle it.
They heard the bell ring, it was lunch time, they escorted Brooke to outside. She sat at one of the tables as Rachel and Haley sat along side of her, Nathan who was wondering where they all were finally found them. "Hey you guys where have you been?" He looked at Brooke who's eyes were red and puffy. "What happened to you?"
"Your bastard of a brother!"
"Oh!" Nathan nodded his head understanding.
Peyton and Lucas walked into the lunch area where they saw their friends, but they were sitting with Brooke which meant that they couldn't speak to them. Lucas looked at Brooke she looked so pale and her eyes were so red, the hazel eyes that once glistened looked dried out and dead. He saw her fiddling with her the sleeve of her shirt, he noticed a slight cut on her wrist, Brooke saw Lucas staring at her. She wanted to cry but she couldn't breakdown in front of him so she choose to ignore it, she turned her head away. As time went on it was almost time for them to leave school.
Brooke and Lucas had English together, the teacher was at the board, "Okay we are going to have a project, how much you know about the person that you pull out of this hat. You will have to spend a lot of time together considering that this project is due in May and I want it to be fifteen pages long. It is now January so you have five months to be prepared, Brooke pick someone out of this hat."
She picked out a slip and gasped at who name was on it, 'Lucas Scott', "Who did you choose?"
"Him." Brooke whispered.
"Who's him?"
"Mr. Cohen don't make me say his name please." Brooke muttered, Mr. Cohen had a stern look on his face. "Fine! Lucas Scott!"
"Great!" Mr. Cohen continued.
The bell rung and Brooke jetted out of the class, Lucas tried to run after her. "Brooke wait please!"
"No!" Brooke yelled in anger.
The two were catching everyone attention in the hall, "Why are you being such a bitch?" Lucas couldn't believe he just said that, Brooke slowly turned off pissed off. She walked up and smacked right across the face that could be heard throughout the hallway, you could hear Rachel scream out 'Yes!' as Brooke stood their with the most hurt eyes.
"Why am I being a bitch?!" Brooke yelled as everyone in the hallway stopped and looked at the scene. "LUCAS I LOVED YOU AND YOU LEFT ME FOR PEYTON AGAIN! THE SECOND TIME SO EXCUSE ME IF I AM BEING A BITCH!" Brooke began to storm off again and she finally reached her car.
Lucas pulled her arm, she pulled it back away from him, she felt a sharp pain as she felt him press against her wound. Brooke began bleeding, Lucas noticed that blood was visible on her sleeve. "Brooke your bleeding!"
"I know!" Brooke cried. "Don't ever touch me again! You lost your right when you started going out with Peyton!"
"Brooke I am sorry!"
"You don't mean it!"
"Yes I do!"
"Then what are you sorry for?" Brooke noticed that Lucas had a tendency to apologies and not know why he was doing it.
Lucas didn't know what to say, "Okay, your right I don't know why."
"How about you apologies for breaking my heart?" Brooke said. "For telling me I was the only one for you! For telling me you were the guy for me and how we were going to be together forever! How about you apologies for stabbing in the back over and over again and causing me to go through the pain of this again and again."
Lucas watched her as she kept on talking, she looked so beautiful, he didn't know what came over him but he grabbed Brooke and kissed her. The kissed probably lasted about three seconds until Brooke pulled back stunned and crying, "Please, don't do that again." She didn't sound angry when she said that, she sounded quite calm but hurt. She got into her car and drove her away, she was crying and driving really fast. She didn't know what she was doing but it felt right, she ran a couple of red lights. Brooke heard the honk of a truck, she looked to her right and saw the blinding lights of a huge truck heading her way. The truck collide with her car causing it to do a 360, she crashed into a pole. Brooke's airbags had popped out, but she was no longer in the car.
The whole thing happened in front of Karen's Cafe, Karen ran out of the store when she noticed Brooke lying on the pavement. She went to her and touched her neck checking for a pulse, there was one but it was faint. "SOME CALL THE AMBULANCE!"
(A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, please review, hopefully you all enjoyed it!)