
Alyx: Shut the hell up Rei

Rei: I can't believe that happened to you!


Rei: Alyx-sama does not own Naruto

Alyx: This is based on something that actually happened to me.

Hinata - Alyx (me)

Sasuke - Ian (really hot emo asian guy that goes to my school)

Ino - my friend Courtney

Temari - my other friend Concepcion

Alyx: On with my embarrassing story!

You Dropped Your Coke

Hinata's mom looked at her then at her hands. "Where the hell is your coke?" she asked. Hinata blinked before sighing. "I'll go get it." she muttered while getting out of the car and going back into McDonalds.

"Excuse me ma'am." Hinata said. "Yes?" "Uh...I kinda forgot my coke..." The woman blinked and wordlessly handed Hinata the cup. "Than-" "NEXT!" "...k you." Hinata walked away. 'What a bitch.' she thought. Anyway, Hinata went to the coke giving machine and immediatly went for Seira Mist. "And what would you like sir?" Hinata looked away from her cup and looked in the direction of who spoke. It ended up being that bitchy cashier woman. 'What the hell?!' At the cashier had to be the sexiest guy Hinata had ever seen. He had ebony black hair styled in this weird 'duck ass' style. His eyes were so dark that it made Hinata shiver. He wore a classic 'Slipknkot' shirt and baggy, black cargo jeans. His face had a 'I-don't-give-a-shit' look.

'Why do I get the feeling I've seen him before...?' Hinata was so enchanted by him she didn't notice that her cup was filled...and began to overflow. "Will that be all sir?" bitchy cashier woman asked. The sexy emo guy nodded and took his coke cup from the lady and went over to Hinata.

"Uh..." Hinata blinked and looked at him. "Y-yes?" she stuttered. "...your arm..." Hinata cocked her head and looked at her arm. She had been looking at him for so long that not only had her cup overflowed, the coke spilled onto her arm making her jacket sleeve stick to it. "Uh...uh..." Hinata panicked. She did the only logical thing. She dropped her coke and ran the hell out of there.

Next day...

Ino and Temari, who were Hinata's bestfriends, were snorting in mirth. "It was so embarrassing!" Hinata wailed. "I can't believe you didn't notice that your jacket was wet!" Ino said while panting heavily. "That guy probably thought you were mentally retarded or something." Temari added. Hinata lowered her head. 'Aren't friends suppose to comfort friends in need?' Hinata thought sadly. Hinata began to replay the entire event in her head. 'I gotta admit. That guy was HOT!' Hinata giggled. "It was worth it." she said out loud, suddenly she got an ominous feeling. "Hey, you." Ino and Temari went silent while Hinata began to panic. 'That voice! Please god tell me it's not him!' Hinata slowly turned in her seat while looking up. '...why does god hate me?' It ended up being the guy she saw at McDonalds...and for some reason he had one of his hands behind his back. "...h-hey." "Your that chick that sp-" "Yeah, I know." Hinata willed the hot guy to go away. "I'm Uchiha Sasuke." he said. "H-hyuuga H-Hinata." Hinata stuttered. 'Damn stutter!' she thought. Sasuke smirked then held out his hand. In it was the cup that Hinata dropped yesterday. "You dropped your cup." Sasuke said. Hinata blinked once, twice, thrice...then fainted.

Rei: Haha! That never gets funny!

Alyx: I promise on my Catholic religion that this happened

Rei: I can't believe you actually fainted

Alyx: Well you know what?! Ian actually asked me out so we are officially a couple. XD I actually thought it was worth it.

Rei: -.-

Alyx: Sorry if this one-shot sucked. Please R&R!