
Author's Note: I wrote this story in memory of my best friend and her daughter Riley. Yes she might kill me for it, but I had fun writing this fic. The story takes place in a make believe high school environment.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.

Most students couldn't wait for the bell to ring. It was Friday and the final classes were just ending. Most people would rush out of the room to get home and start their weekend plans.

Raven Roth wasn't most people. She sat in the back row reading some poems from Edgar Allen Poe. If she could, she would stay in the Algebra class all weekend. The bruise on her left arm constantly reminded her of what she awaited at home.

On her left she could hear Gar and Vic making plans to go out for pizza that night. Richard Grayson sat in front of her and she noticed he was scribbling something down in his notebook. Kori sat next to him, and she was watching the clock and waiting for the bell to ring as if her life depended on being the first one out of there. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder.

When she looked, she was starring into the smiling, blue-eyed face of Garfield Logan.

"Can I help you?" She asked as if she was annoyed.

"Maybe." Gar answered with a smile. "Vic and I were going out for pizza and I was-"

He suddenly stopped when he noticed the dark blue mark on Raven's pale skin.

"I hit a locker on the way into class!" She answered quickly when she noticed what he had seen.

Gar stared at her with a confused look. "Are you sure? It doesn't sound like something you would do." He inched his desk forward trying to get a better look at it.

"Just got a little clumsy." Raven said forcing a smile to her face as she covered the mark with her other arm.

"Well, we're going to get pizza tonight, and I was wondering if you'd come with me. Vic is taking someone and Rich and Kori are coming together, and I have no one, so I thought maybe you'd wanna come." Gar said.

Raven's reply was a nodd. It would be much better spending the evening with them then having to go home to her father.

Gar smiled. "Good. Meet me there at six."

The bell rang and the room was soon empty.

Author's Note: Well I know it was short, but please bare with me and tell me how I did.

Thanks for reading!