I really hate writing the first chapter, it's really hard. I find it can get really boring with all the introductions and setting the scene. Read on though, it will get better.


Tenten stood up when she saw the black car approaching.

When it came to a stop, her boyfriend stepped out.

Chad's wavy, shoulder length hair was dyed black this week.

"Ready?" He glanced at her luggage.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She muttered.

"This trip will be good for you. What else would you do during the summer?" He began loading her bags into the car.

"Summer school." Tenten grabbed the handle of the car door to get in.

"No, no. Allow me." He opened the door and held a hand out.

"Chad." She hated how he was trying to act more like her boyfriend now.

She stepped into the car, ignoring the hand he offered to help her in with.

"You can't rely on school for entertainment. You also don't need summer school, your marks are amazing." Chad said as he got into the driver's side.

She didn't answer to that.

Tenten didn't want to believe what he was telling her.

It was summer break, a time for celebrating and relaxing.

Yet, here she wanted school to start again.

She preferred doing homework instead of anything related to her social life.

That's why Chad was her boyfriend.

He had been a close friend since the playschool days. He wouldn't dump her or pressure her into a bigger relationship.

Though it seemed he was really trying to act like her boyfriend.

Tenten viewed their relationship as it had always been.

Good friends.

She had asked him out only because she didn't want any other guys near her. She was scared of forming relationships, especially with boys she barely knew.

Now that she had Chad as a boyfriend, no boys would be near her.

She had never told Chad why she asked him out, but he seemed to understand.

Of course there were times when they had to actually convince other people they were dating.

Or were they convincing themselves?

Tenten shook her head to get rid of those kinds of thoughts.

Then she realized Chad wasn't talking.

"What are you going to do when I'm gone?" Tenten had to admit, she was curious.

"Courtney needs rollerblade lessons, Martha is having a crazy party, Debbie is taking a bunch of us camping, and….." Chad stopped when he saw Tenten's face turn to an uninterested look.

"Girls." She said flatly.

"The girls just seem to make all the plans." Chad said quickly.

Tenten turned her head back to the window.

She knew there was a reason why they were all girls.

She didn't understand why he didn't talk to her about dating other girls.

Tenten was relieved when they pulled into the Hyuga's driveway.

She rushed out of the car before Chad could open the door for her.

She hauled her bag out of the backseat and was surprised to find Chad behind her.

He reached past her and lifted the sleeping bag out.

"See ya." He gave a friendly smile.

She gave a small smile back.

Tenten liked when no one was around to see them. Chad would act normal, like they were only friends.

"Tenten!" Three girls raced each other to their brunette friend.

"Aww. They're saying goodbye." Ino clapped her hands together gleefully.

Tenten could see Chad's shoulders slump, she guessed he knew she only wanted a simple goodbye.

"Goodbye." He muttered pathetically.

His last action before going back to his car was placing a small peck on Tenten's cheek.

"Your Skater boyfriend is adorable." Sakura whispered as Chad slid into his seat and drove away.

Tenten just shrugged at the comment.

"Hiashi is ready to drive us." Hinata said easily, now that she didn't stutter every time she spoke a word.


Tenten was glad she didn't pack as much as Ino and Sakura.

Those two were behind, dragging their bags and suitcases.

Their faces showed they were excited for the upcoming vacation.

The girls had slept the whole drive; most of them were grumpy from waking up early.

Tenten sighed when she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket.

Hinata had told her bringing a cell phone was important; she gave many examples of how they could come in handy.

Tenten thought she was just being overdramatic.

She pulled out her phone, upset that Chad wasn't being himself and was calling her.

She relaxed when she saw it was only a text message.

'How's vacation?'

Tenten mentally slapped herself.

He should have known she was busy travelling, especially since they had to walk all the way to the cabin.

Tenten's eyes wandered over the view, enjoying the lake and the cabins.

'Phone's dying' was her reply.

Her excuse was lame, but she knew Chad would believe her.

She knew her phone would be fine for a lot longer, she had charged it the night before.

Before she could receive his answer, she turned her phone off.

Tenten decided she wouldn't be turning it back on for a long time.

"I can't believe how many times your dad went over the rules." Ino grumbled as she dragged her bags.

"He's just worried. This is the first time I've brought friends to the cabin. He also comes with me every time, but work kept him from coming this time." Hinata tried to save her father.

"Is that it?" Tenten asked as she spotted a cabin not too far away.

"No. That's……the other one."

Tenten gave a puzzled look.

"It's that one." Hinata pointed at an identical cabin.

The only difference was Hinata's cabin was on a small hill.

Grass surrounded the cabins, but not too far away was a beach.

What had Hinata meant by the other one?

Tenten knew they were staying at only one cabin, so who owned the other?

"It's mostly downhill from here." Hinata shouted back at her other friends.

The blonde and pink picked up their pace.

Hinata returned her gaze to the uneven ground.

She wouldn't look at Tenten, she knew her friend would want an explanation.

She wouldn't tell her.

Hinata wanted to keep Tenten away from him, she didn't know how well her friend could handle the boy she knew would be there.


Tenten liked the cabin, especially where her room was.

When they walked through the door, they found the living room.

Connected off that was the 4 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

Tenten flopped on her bed, trying to decide how she was going to stay entertained on this vacation.

Her room was located at the end of the cabin, with two windows that looked out over a grassy hill.

"Tenten, are you coming to the party?" Ino asked as she gobbled down her yogurt.

Tenten was wishing the girls would leave her alone for awhile, she was still upset about Chad saying she needed to find amusement from something besides school.

Maybe she should get a job.

"No." She said it flatly to show her little interest in the idea of partying.

She didn't want to go at all.

She hated dancing and she hated the crowded people.

"You are always a nuisance when it comes to parties." Sakura said sulkily.

Tenten looked away from the girls.

"Why come on vacation if you aren't going to do anything fun?" Sakura stuffed part of a sandwich in her mouth.

Tenten didn't know what to say to that.

It was true, she was boring.

"We'll be there together. Will you please come?" Hinata said quietly.

Tenten looked back at her friends, thinking about what to say.

Chad had said she needed a vacation; he was one of the people she trusted the most.

She hadn't done anything fun in a long time; perhaps it was time to rest from her shielded life.

"Only if there is good music."

Hinata smiled to encourage her friend, while the other two began talking about the location of the dance.


Tenten continued to doodle on the piece of paper she had taken out of her scrapbook.

The other girls were out on the grass, deciding where to place the lawn chairs.

Tenten turned when she saw movement out of the corner of her eyes.

"Hey there!" A bright blonde boy seemed to bounce over to where she was sitting.

The other girls glanced up at the porch, wondering what the commotion was all about.

"Naurto!" That was the loudest Tenten had ever heard Hinata call someone's name.

Said boy, turned to give Hinata a bright smile.

He received a blush and a smile in return.

Tenten tried to stay unnoticed, she would be happy if they just ignored her.

Two more boys came up from behind Naruto.

The brunette slouched against the wall, supposedly exhausted with the pointless walk to the cabin.

Naruto introduced him as Shikamaru, and then introduced a cool looking raven hair boy who only nodded as a greeting.

"Where's….." Hinata looked at the boys expectantly.

"At the cabin." Sasuke replied calmly, watching Hinata's face.

Tenten looked up in time to catch Hinata blush at how rude she must have sounded.

She wasn't very interested in that though.

Why did Hinata seem like she was ignoring someone?

Who was it?

Tenten couldn't help her curiosity from rising.

She barely listened as Hinata introduced all the girls.

Tenten looked over at the other cabin, where the boys stayed.

"Yeah! We are going to the dance tonight." Naruto must have been answering someone's question.

"All of us." Sasuke said as he glanced at Tenten.

She quickly turned back to her doodling, knowing she was caught staring at the cabin.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a good reason to go to the dance.

Tenten shook her head, the reason she was going was to prove to herself she could have fun.

She didn't listen to any other conversations and decided just to think about whom was in the other cabin.


Wow. First chapter is done! It took me forever to actually start writing again, but now that I started again I just can't stop! Hopefully I don't run out of ideas. Lol. Very unlikely.

Please Review!