Remus coughs, and Sirius cringes. Sirius does not like when his friends are sick, but unfortunately it cannot be helped when your friend is a werewolf, and after the full moon he is susceptible to sickness because his immune system is putting itself back together after the change.

"Anything I can get you?" Sirius asks sweetly, and he hears a snort from the other bed over. Sirius glares at the closed curtains of James' canopy bed. "Shove it, you prat!"

James pops his head out of the curtains for a moment. "Then stop with sweet boyfriends routine and just let him sleep," James pauses, "So I can get come sleep. Merlin knows I won't get any sleep when he's all better."

Sirius throws a book he found Remus' nightstand like a bludger towards James' head, but James pulls his back just in time for it to miss.

Remus coughs again, and all of Sirius attention is back to the ailing boy. "Sirius..." Remus groans.

"Yes?" Sirius asks as he leans in to hear him better.

Remus suddenly grabs Sirius' collar, and growls menacingly. "You threw my book."

Sirius gulps, and hears snickers from James' bed. "Fetch, Sirius," Remus states, and like a berated puppy, Sirius goes to get the book in James' bed.

Once Sirius is inside the curtains of James' bed, Remus lets out a quiet chuckle. "You're not really all that sick are you, Remus?" Peter asks from his bed on the other side of Remus' bed.

Remus pretend to cough. "Oh no, never. I would never use my lycanthropy to miss class and stay in bed all day with a good book..." Remus says, and Peter chuckles as he turns in for the night.