Disclaimer: I own nothing used, and am not making money out of this in any way.


The time had come. The hand had decided that it was time for another Super Smash Brothers tournament. The time had come for Super Smash Brothers Brawl. The stage was set for the ultimate showdown. There would be no retreat. This would be the ultimate test. There was just one problem…

Master Hand: "I NEED NEW SMASHERS!!!!!!!"

It was your typical Sunday morning for those who resided in Smash Manor, the home of those who had been in the legendary tournament of Super Smash Brothers. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Bowser was chasing after Pikachu and Pichu, who had sent 2000 volts up the King of the Koopas' backside as he slept.

"GET BACK HERE YOU ELECTRIC RATS!!!!" His furious roar bellowed throughout the Mansion.

"No way!" The pokemon called back. "This is payback for taking my food last night at dinner!" Pichu added.

At the same time, Kirby and Yoshi were having their daily breakfast race, a race to see who could get to their personal ever-lasting mountains of food (courtesy of Master Hand) first. So far, the record was 3059 to 3060, Kirby leading, mainly because he'd suck up Yoshi and spit him out in the wrong direction whenever he could. Not that Yoshi didn't try turning the puffball of Dreamland into eggs every time he got the chance. It should be pointed out, however, that they were not enemies. They had actually become good friends, both appriciative of each other's love of food. The breakfast race was just something they did daily, as a form of friendly competition.

"That food's mine, you got that?!" Kirby said, running beside Yoshi.

"Not if I get there first, puffball!" Yoshi proudly exclaimed, falling slightly so he could eat Kirby. Kirby, however, noticed this and used his final cutter to jump high into the air, a nanosecond before Yoshi's tongue connected. Kirby then maneuvered behind Yoshi, so that his cutter hit the poor dinosaur, sending him flying. Kirby then ran at full speed towards the food, hoping to bump his number up again. However, at that moment, Pikachu and Pichu ran into Kirby's path, causing all three of them to crash into a wall. Yoshi used this time to get to the food mountain, making the record even.

"Oh, well, next time I'll win!" Kirby said, getting up. "THERE YOU ARE!!" Bowser shouted, reaching the pokemon and Kirby. "Enjoy your roast, you rats!" He said, preparing a flame breath. Kirby, however, sucked up Bowser's flames and, turning into Bowser Kirby, proceeded to torch Bowser with his own flames. Pikachu and Pichu then used thunder attacks, damaging Bowser even more.

"Hey, Yoshi!" Kirby said as he left the electric types to have "fun". "Wanna have roast beef?"

Meanwhile,Mewtwo, Ganondorf, and the Ice Climbers were watching a 4-way battle between Marth, Samus, Ness, and Link. The room they were in, the battle room, was a room where smashers could both get ready for fights and watch them play out. At the far end of the room was the gigantic screen used to watch the matches. In the middle of the room was a giant table, which had a seat custom made for all 25 smashers (Zelda is Sheik, and the Ice Climbers act as one unit). The table was used for betting on the winners of matches, and the seats would teleport ths smashers seated in them. There was a small machine in front of each seat, in which a smasher could place their bet and enter the name of the smasher they bet on. Now, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, and the Ice Climbers were in their respective seats, placing bets.

"I say Ness," Mewtwo said, putting forward twenty smash coins.

"Hah, that's foolish!" Ganondorf proclaimed. "Thirty says Samus will destroy them all!" And he proceeded to throw in thirty coins.

"Fine, thirty," Mewtwo said, putting ten more coins in the pot.

"I'll pick Link, and you pick Marth," Popo was telling Nana. That way, we have a 50/50 chance of winning! Then we can split the money!"

"Okay!" She said.

"Or, you two can pick one character, and lessen the amount of coins you lose," Mewtwo said with a cold stare. The twins gulped, scared by the psychic type, and decided that that was probably safer.

"Okay then, we pick Link!" They said, throwing 15 coins in each.

"Hey, what's going on," Falco said, walking in, holding a Klondike bar.

"We're making bets on the winner of this match!" The twins said.

"Want to join in?" Ganondorf asked. "Of course, you're going to lose, because Marth is the only choice left, and we all know that Samus is going to win!"

"Hmm…" Falco said, taking a bite. "What type of match?"

"Time," Mewtwo said. "5 minutes. 3 have passed. No items. Rainbow Cruise. No current leader."

"Eh, sure, why not?" Falco said, throwing in thirty coins. Eventually, the two remaining minutes were up. "AND THE WINNER IS… MARTH!" The announcer said. "Heh, too bad for you," Falco said, gathering up the coins he won. "What were they fighting about, anyways?"

"Who would get to eat the last Klondike bar," Mewtwo said with a small grin.

"Urk!!" Falco said, looking at the half-eaten ice cream in his hands.

"My suggestion would be to run," Mewtwo said quietly as the Ice Climbers left, mumbling something about never listening to a psychic cat again, and Ganondorf started to laugh his ass off. Needless to say, Falco took off like lightening.

"Well, I guess that wasn't too bad of a match," Samus said as she warped into the room.

"Aw, man, I really wanted that ice cream," Ness said, looking down.

"Well that's too bad, kid!" Ganondorf said, still laughing. "Even if you had won, you wouldn't be getting it!"

"And what does that mean, Ganon?!" Link said, pointing his sword at Ganondorf's neck.

"It means that Falco already ate the bar," Mewtwo said as he left.

"My ice cream!" Marth said, dashing out, after Falco.

In the living room, Fox, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Peach, Captain Falcon, Mr. Game & Watch, Roy, and Dr. Mario were taking turns playing the multiplayer of Metroid Prime 2, two at a time. Currently, it was DK versus Captain Falcon.

"Oh, come on, now, this isn't right!" Captain Falcon was saying. "Donkey Kong, you're not supposed to eat the controller!!!"

"Hey, whatever helps me win," DK said through the plastic in his mouth.

"Still, if you keep that up, we're going to have to get a replacement," Fox said.

"And it's disgusting!" Peach said, looking at DK with distaste.

"They're right, DK, spit it out," Zelda said.

"Plus, that's not-a good for your teeth," Dr. Mario said.

"Oh, fine," DK grumbled as he spit out the controller. At that moment, Falco burst in, and got tripped up in the cord of DK's controller. The result: Falco ended up on the floor with a saliva-covered gamecube controller in his face.

"Eww, gross," Peach said. Captain Falcon, Fox, Roy, and Marth, who had just come through the doorway to view the scene, were rolling on the ground in laughter.

"Real mature," Zelda said, looking at them.

"Don't they teach you youngun's not to run in houses?" Game & Watch asked Falco.

"Tell that to the cross-dresser!" Falco said as he got up, wiping his face.

"Oh, so because I wear a tiara I'm a cross-dresser?" Marth said, drawing his sword. "It's only one goddamn accessory!!!!"

"Want me to repeat it, nancy-boy?" Falco said, drawing his blaster. At this, Marth rushed in, attempting to slash Falco across the room. He missed, however, when Falco dashed by him with a Falco Phantasm, and began to pepper Marth with blaster shots. Several of these missed, however, and hit Bowser as he exited the kitchen, looking for Pikachu and Pichu.

"OH, YOU ARE SO DEAD, BIRDY!!!" He roared.

"Well, Luigi," Mario said as he walked through the door with Luigi, Jigglypuff, and Young Link, carrying the groceries they had gone to get. "It was quite a chore finding those pills-a my Dr. counterpart wanted, wouldn't you-a say?"

"Oh, definitely, Mario," Luigi said, setting his bags down.

"I'm just glad we got the Lon-Lon Milk," Young Link said. "We were running so low!"

"I'm going to go back to bed now," Jigglypuff said, walking off. Until Bowser went flying through the regenerating wall and into her.

"YOU'RE DEAD, YOU LITTLE--" But before he could say who was dead, Jiggly fell asleep beneath him, sending him flying back through the wall. In both instances, Mario, Luigi, and Y.L. had seen scenes of chaos through the wall before it closed up.

"What's-a going on here?" Mario asked as he ran through several doorways, Luigi and Y.L. behind him. When they reached the living room, they saw a giant mess, and nearly every single Smasher attacking everyone else.

"What is this?!" Luigi asked, ducking under one of Samus's stray missiles.

"Well, let's see," Mewtwo said, appearing out of thin air next to the three. "Falco ate Marth's Klondike bar, Marth attacked, Falco retaliated, Bowser got hit by a stray shot, Bowser attacked Falco but roasted Fox, Zelda, and Donkey Kong, Fox started blasting Bowser but hit Samus as well, Donkey Kong punched Bowser away and into Kirby and Yoshi's food mountains, Zelda misfired when using her Din's Fire spell and hit the Ice Climbers, they retaliated but hit Link, he started throwing his bombs everywhere, which hit Pikachu and Pichu, they attacked with Thunder and ended up hitting everyone who wasn't already involved."

"Wow, that's a lot that can happen when you leave to go get milk…" Y.L. replied. He then got in a fighting stance, and shouting "I wanna fight!" he jumped into the fight next to Zelda and his older counterpart, assisting them in fighting Ganondorf and Samus.

"And another one joins the brawl," Mewtwo said.

"SCILENCE!!!!!!" A thunderous voice shouted, causing the fight to cease almost instantly. Master Hand, the owner of Smash Manor, floated down through the ceiling, looking, well, not angry, but a little annoyed (how a giant glove looks annoyed is beyond me). "It's great that you want to practice for the next Super Smash Brothers tournament, but I can't hear myself think with all this noise!!!!" Apparently having let out all his anger, the hand began to float up through the ceiling again.

"Hey, wait!" Fox called out.

"What?!" Master Hand asked.

"What do you mean by 'next tournament'?" Falco asked the hand. Next tournament? All the smashers began to talk amongst themselves, and Master Hand realized he'd made a huge mistake.

"Well, uh, you see… meeting in the gym!" He called out suddenly, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.


So... what did you think? I'll have the next chapter up ASAP. Oh, and as for DK eating the controller and winning, credits for the idea go to VG cats.