Ohayo Tokyo! Konnich wa New York! Konban wa London! CJzilla here slamming out the last chapter to Goodies. Sad? Don't be. You'll see more of my work floating around FanFiction Land.

Now, in this last chapter Mung, Chowder and Schnitzel find themselves in even HOTTER water. And the ending... I'll let you take care of that. Enjoy!

As I crash through this city, alls CJzilla has to roar is this: R&R! Flame or fluff... I don't care.

And the three ran through this street and then all of a sudden plowed through a crowd of standing people. After creaming a few people, Mung, Chowder and Schnitzel found themselves in the middle of the Marzipan City Main Street. Craning around the three couldn't believe it. Balloons, parade floats, local high school bands and clowns were all around them. They were in the middle of the Gooey Love Day Parade and within grabbing distance to every… single… woman in the city.

"Oh, Tooty Booty Beans!" Mung gasped, face going white with fear.

Then right behind them, they heard a gigantic horn. Jumping, Mung, Chowder and Schnitzel turned around to see a HUGE parade float screeching to a stop in an effort to not hit them. They braced for impact. But nothing came. The gigantic festive vehicle stopped, just inches from them.

"Hey MORONS!" came a shrill snarl from the float. "GET YOUR CARCASSES OUTTA-…"

Opening his eyes, Mung saw the huge banner over the float that nearly hit them. "This Year's Gooey Love Day Theme: Women of Gooey Love Day" read the banner. Then he realized that the whole parade consisted of nothing but women and it had stopped dead in front of them. And all eyes of women, who were coming under the influence of the irresistible ingredients on their bodies, were on them.

"Guys," Mung whispered suppressing another girlish scream, glancing around. "Don't look now but we've just landed into the oven."

Schnitzel and Chowder looked up. Their eyes went wide as they saw the all women parade. They held in a scream of terror.

"Holy chick peas! Mung!" Chowder hissed, trying not to scream. "There's every woman in the world here! We'll never make it!"

"Radda! Ra!" Schnitzel peeped.

"Shh! Don't make any sudden movements…" Mung whispered. "Start making toward the ocean nice and easy."

The culinary craftsmen and the apprentice began slowly moving down the street. The women made no movement to follow, but just stared. It looked as if they froze and it was a good thing because then Schnitzel, Chowder and Mung could get away.

But then there was the sound of a stampede from the direction of the mall. Plowing through the shocked parade bystanders, Truffles, Candy, Panini, Endive and the rest of the women from the mall came to a stop in the middle of the street. They tore up the street with their eyes before spotting the sous chef, head chef and chef's apprentice.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Truffles blasted pointing.

"GET THE DELICIOUS ONES!" Endive shouted.

The rest of the women gave a battle cry and ran toward them. Without missing a beat, the boys took to their heels.

"Book it!" Mung called to Schnitzel and Chowder. "The ocean's only five blocks from here! POUR ON WHATEVER YOU GOT LEFT AND MAKE LIKE A GAZELLE!"

The boys let out several high girly screams as they sprinted toward the ocean.

The sprint to the port couldn't have been longer, but the pier was a welcomed sight.

"LOOK!" Mung cheered, seeing the wooden pier coming up fast. "Faster boys and this nightmare will be over!"

But the chef, sous chef and apprentice had ran most of Marzipan City. Their legs were heavy, their lungs were on fire and their underwear was bunched up so tight they could taste it. Suddenly just as he set his plump kitten paw on the pier, Chowder got a crippling stitch in his side. Giving a cry of pain, the kid tumbled. Hearing that the kitten had fallen, Schnitzel and Mung skidded to a stop.

"Chowder!" The head chef screamed. "Get to your feet! C'MON! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!"

But the boy was too tired, too oxygen deprived to move.

"G-g-g-g-o o-o-o-on w-w-w-without m-m-me!" Chowder gave a loud death rattle before he plopped on his face.

Mung and Schnitzel could only watch as the women closed in. They were too far to help him!

"He's dead!" The astonished head chef gasped.

Mung and Schnitzel then growled. They'd come too far, ran too far, screamed too long to just let Chowder be picked apart by Marzipan's female population! Pushing their fear to the back of their minds, the sous and head chef ran toward the fallen kitten-bear-boy.

"Schnitzel, you are a crazy nut," Mung told his sous chef. "And I've had a blast working with you. I only wish we had a better plan than this."

"Radda," Schnitzel nodded, eyes fixed. "Radda radda ra radda ra."

Mung gave his sous chef an angry look.

"Whaddya mean you put laxatives in my coffee every morning for the last three years?!" the head chef snarled.

But no reasoning force, not even in their own minds, could stop them from what they were going to do. Just as the women were touching Chowder's sweater, Mung and Schnitzel dove into the crowd. Through his exhausted haze, Chowder saw his nutty mentor and Schnitzel dive headfirst into the hungry women. And as they were being swallowed by the mob, he locked eyes with Mung.

"Chowder!" Only the head chef's head and arm was sticking out of the mass of women. "Cannonball!!"

And just like that, he and Schnitzel were gone. But Chowder had no time to grieve.

"Cannonball?" the kitten repeated.

Then it came to him.

"Oh YEAH! Cannonball!" Chowder jumped to his feet and raced down the pier.

The pudge-muffin hit Mach 4 and screamed down the dock. Using his last bit of energy, Chowder jumped as high as he could into the air. He hovered above the ocean for a second before he curled into a ball. Chowder hit the water with his butt. At first there was nothing, but a second later, a tsunami force wave blew from the ocean. Its shadow nearly covered the whole city as it struck the beach and the sea of women.

Sea water churned violently for several long seconds before the wave faded. Chowder, quite unharmed, sat on the waterless sea bed with a clueless smile on his face.

"Cannonball!" the kitten cheered before he laughed.

The women, covered in tons of seaweed and the occasional starfish, were now cured of their insatiable hunger for the boys.

"What in the-?" Truffles blinked, looking around.

The Mushroom Pixie's eyes then came to Mung, looking very chewed on, in Ms. Endive's arms. Truffles seethed and then began kicking the candy out of Endive. Speaking of candy, our favorite southern cook groaned, shaking the stars from her head.

"Mama o' mighty," Candy wondered. "What's goin' on? Why am I all wet?"

Then she heard a groan from under her butt. Looking down, the southern cook's mouth fell open when she saw that she was sitting on Schnitzel.

"Oh!" Candy gasped, hopping off the sous chef. "Schnitzel! Honey, are y'all all right?"

He was missing teeth, looked beaten and he was so exhausted from running he fought a blackout. But when Schnitzel felt Candy grab his hand and pull him to his feet, he knew everything was all right.

Meanwhile Chowder hopped up onto the beach after plucking a fish or two from out of his sweater.

"Now THAT was a cannonball worthy of a record book!" the kitten proclaimed proudly.

Mung, beaten and eaten but very alive. The head chef cheered.

"Chowder!" Mung through his arms in the air. "You saved us with a massive butt splash! Way to go!"

Chowder beamed and then coughed up an octopus.

"Hi Chowder!" Panini zipped over to Chowder and hugged him.

In light of all they've been through a simple little hug wasn't so bad, but to the boy it didn't matter. Chowder shrieked and zipped onto Schnitzel's head. He hissed like a cornered cat, arching his back and pawing the air.

"I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!" the kitten-bear-boy blasted back.

Schnitzel sighed as Panini ran around his legs giggling while Chowder cried on his head.

"Mung Daal!" Truffles glared at her husband, just after she finished beating up Endive. "What's going on?!"

The Mushroom Pixie's unpleasant, shrill, mean demeanor was back! Mung gave a joyful cry as he wrapped his arms around his wife.

"Truffles! Baby! You're back to being as nasty as a monster trashing Tokyo!" the head chef blurted out swinging Truffles in a circle.

Truffles was taken aback by her husband.

"What happened?!" she barked. "Why can't I remember anything? And why is every woman in the city here?"

Truffles pushed her husband. Mung again zipped to his wife and hugged her.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told ya, baby," the head chef beamed. "I'm just glad you're back to your same ol', Hydra-self!"

Truffles grasped Mung's mustache and yanked him to her eye level.

""Hydra"?" The Mushroom Pixie hissed through clinched teeth and Mung thought he saw her tongue fork. "Brother… I can make the Hydra cry."

And Mung then suffered an iron skillet across his face much to the dismay of onlookers. The head chef came to a stop in a wave of sand about a football field away. Even though he had a mild concussion and most of his face was busted in, Mung managed a broken smile.

"It's good to be back to normal," the head chef grinned.

Cut to about two hours and a nine thousand dollar cab ride later, the Mung Daal Catering Company gang arrived at their battered building. Doors were knocked in and silverware of all sizes lay everywhere. In short, it looked like a bomb went off in the kitchen and hosting area.

"Sweet Mississippi!" Candy gasped as she saw the kitchen. "Look at all the damage! Y'all sure me an' Auntie Truffles did this?"

Mung nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken, Truffles had the steak knife and you had the… Schnitzel, what did Candy have?" The head chef turned to his sous chef, scratching his chin.

Schnitzel glared at the southern cook.

"Radda ra," he answered.

Candy gasped, hands clapped over her mouth.

"A flippin' crowbar?!" The southern cook repeated.

Both Chowder and Schnitzel nodded as they pointed to the busted pantry doors. Again Candy gasped.

"I was a monster!" The southern cook cried at the top of her lungs. "Mung, Schnitzel, Chowder? I'm so sorry!"

Candy darted around hugging Chowder and Mung and a strangely pink Schnitzel. Truffles huffed.

"I've seen worse," the Mushroom Pixie shrugged.

"What?!" Mung yelled. "It looks like we lost an argument with a platoon of commandos! What's wrong with you?"

Still, the woman kept a neutral face.

"You remember that time I lost the back of my earring?" Truffles folded her arms.

Mung's eyes gazed at the ceiling.

"I hear they have a plaque of that day at the firehouse!" Chowder cheered.

Truffles nodded.

"But this looks pretty high up there," the Mushroom Pixie began to float out of the room. "So I suggest you START CLEANING! Candy, you come with me."

Everyone flinched at the decibel Truffles' voice hit. Only the boys stood alone in the kitchen. Mung sighed contently.

"I never thought I'd be happy to hear that woman's shrill voice again," the head chef smiled.

Schnitzel grumbled and grabbed a broom. Then Mung looked to Chowder.

"You've earned a big rest, Chowder," Mung patted the kitten on the head. "You saved the day after all."

"But I'm not even tired-!" Chowder complained.

"GO TO BED!" The head chef blasted, pointing a finger toward the kitten's bedroom.

Chowder flew out of the room and up to his bedroom like a lightning bolt.

Mung wiped his brow before he got a mischievous look on his face.

"Whew," he panted. "Now to get rid of Schnit-… Hey! Schnitzel what are you doing with that?!"

The sous chef jumped and hid what he was doing behind his back.

"R-r-radda ra," he nervously by coyly answered.

Mung stomped over to him.

"My foot if you're sweeping over by the table!" The head chef returned, seeing Schnitzel's broom leaning against the table.

Schnitzel started to sweat.

"Radda RA!" The sous chef was making excuses.

"Oh cow pie!" Mung sarcastically snapped back. "I know what you're really doing over here!"

"Ra ra," Schnitzel returned, getting defensive.

"Uh huh!" Mung glared at his sous chef.

"Ra ra!"

"Uh huh!"

"Ra ra!"

"Uh HUH!"

"Ra RA!"

But before more arguing could continue, Mung grabbed what Schnitzel was hiding behind his back. He was holding the bottle of Rose Bark Extract. Mung looked carefully at his sous chef. Schnitzel chuckled nervously, shrugging and sweating some more.

"Uh… Radda radda… Um… rad radda…?" He was lying through his teeth.

Mung glared at him.

"Now I know you weren't using this extract to clean with," the head chef scolded. "I'm not that stupid! I'm disappointed in you Schnitzel. Looking for some more Hairy Rose Bark Extract and Belchen choco-licious cacao beans to put on yourself! I didn't know you'd sink this low to grab Candy's attention!"

Schnitzel fell on his knees, pleading with his boss.

"Radda radda ra rad radda rad?" The sous chef begged.

Mung was unmovable.

"I know just a little bit of both ingredients will make you irresistible to Candy, but that's not right," the head chef folded his arms as Schnitzel pouted. "Now, go clean up, AWAY from the bark extract and choco-licious essence."

Obeying, Schnitzel moped off with the broom and began sweeping away from the table.

"Sucker," Mung giggled under his breath.

Tipping the bottle the head chef slightly wet his finger with the Hairy Rose Bark Extract. A choco-licious smudge, in the shape of one of Chowder's paw marks, Mung wiped up with another finger. Just as he was about to rub the two together, he was caught.

"Radda!" Schnitzel stomped over to his boss. "Radda ra radda ra!"

Mung rolled his eyes.

"Yes, well, I call you stupid for listening to me," the head chef returned.

Schnitzel glared at the older man before snatching the bottle of Hairy Rose Bark Extract. Dripping a little on his finger and a smudge of a smear of the Belchen choco-licious essence, Schnitzel mixed the wee bits of ingredients together. So did Mung. They dabbed the irresistible ingredients behind their ears and let loose a wily smile.

"Hey Candy! Truffles! We have something to show you!" Mung called to the girls.

Not even two seconds later, the Mushroom Pixie and southern cook came busting into the kitchen.

"Oo!" Candy was once again under the influence of the irresistible ingredients and she eyed Schnitzel. "I see somethin' big an' sweet that'll melt in my mouth an' not in my hand!"

Schnitzel blushed.

"And I see me a hunky side of beef cake!" Truffles cheered, under the influence of the ingredients on Mung's body.

"Then come get a piece, puddin'," Mung gave his wife a saucy smile.

Both Schnitzel and Mung motioned for the women to bring it on. Truffles tackled her open-armed husband and Candy dove onto a smiling Schnitzel. All four people crashed to the floor.

Chowder wandered out of his room rubbing the sleep from his eyes, curious to all the weird sounds coming from downstairs. His eyes bugged at the sight.

"THE GIRLS HAVE GONE MAD AGAIN!!" the kitten cried at the top of his lungs. "CURSE YOU GOOEY LOVE DAY MADNESS! CURSE YOU!"


It's been a scream boys and girls! CJzilla parts with these last words: R&R! LONG LIVE ROCK N' ROLL!