Disclaimer:I don't own Twilight or the characters, there is NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED
Truth Or Dare: Operation Alpha
The Third & Final Installment In the Truth Or Dare Series
Bella's P.O.V
After the past week of playing truth or dare I was pretty sure we'd all gotten it out of our systems for what a hoped another few years. Unfortunatley I'd forgotten something very important.
"Okay Jake," I said "12:00 it is. Bye"
I sighed as I hung up the phone, I'd forgotten vampires weren't the only mythical creatures who enjoy playing truth or dare.
I went upstairs to get dressed, as I was still in my pajamas, after spending a morning doing absoultely nothing since Edward was out hunting.
I opened my closet and screamed.
"Oh my gosh Alice!!Don't startle me like that!"
Alice just smiled and went to sit cross legged on my bed.
"So Bella," she said "Since Edward's not here I was wondering if you wanted to do something fun?"
I blanked. Surely Alice had seen my future disapear and figured out I already had plans, so why was she asking?
"Umm...actually Alice, I sorta have plans."
"Oh, I know." she said.
I must've looked confused because she giggled.
"Silly Bella, I was just coming over when I heard the tail end of your conversation..."
"And?" I prompted.
"We want in. You know how much fun this could be?! All the embarressing things we could get those mutt's to do!!"
"We?" I questioned, dissaproval colouring my tone at her reasoning.
Alice looked a little sheepish.
"Well you see, the guys want in too, of course! Oh and Rosalie, we need something to do it's so boring around the house and Carlisle and Esme went with Edward."
"Oh..." I said, I was about to decline and tell her it wouldn't be a good idea but when I looked into her pleading eyes I felt guilty.
"I guess so..."
"YAY!Thanks Bella!!" Alice squealed running up to hug me. "I'll see you at 12:00!" she said running out of the room.
I sighed what a day. I went back over to my closet and was once again suprised to see Alice in it.
"Alice!" I yelled frustrated.
"One last thing Bella, wear this k?" Thanks!" she said rushing out before I even had a chance to object.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing the blue sweater Edward liked and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans I didn't even know I owned, suprisely they didn't look as bad as I thought they would, good ol' Alice.
Just then the doorbell rang and I sighed as I made my way downstairs and remebered what was gonna be happening now.
"Hey Jake!" I said "Quil, Embry" I nodded "Sam, Paul, Jared I'm glad you all could make it."
"It's nice to see you again Bella, it's been awhile." Sam said.
I nodded nervous now. "Umm okay then...um I hope you guys don't mind but Alice and a couple others wanted to join and I agreed to let them, is that alright?"
"It's okay Bella," siad Jake "I don't mind as long as Edward isn't here."
I sighed...boys. "Don't worry he's not." I said.
"Good then." he said smiling.
Just then the doorbell rang again and Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett came in.
I winced as they all took their seats on the floor, preparing for the worst but other than the foot of space between the groups and a coupler icy glares everything went well.
"Okay," I said "Let's get started! Who's first?"
Jake raised his hand first.
"Okay Jake, dare or be dared?"
"I'll be dared." he said smugly.
Jake's P.O.V
This is my chance to show Bella just how much better I am than those stupid bloodsuckers. Plus Bella's too nice to think of anything really embaressing.
Bella's P.O.V
Figures he's going the typical macho route. Hmm well I can't go easy on other side or they'll suspect favourites. I hope Jake's ready for this.
"Okay Jake," I said "I dare you to go to Seattle and stand totally naked beside a table with pens and sticky notes and a sign saying "Help a guy out! Write a note and cover me!" and you have to stand there till at least half of your body is covered." I smiled, it was evil and creative, even for me.
Jake's smile of confidence slowly faded into a look of utter shock. He didn't really believe I was THAT innocent did he?!
Jake's P.O.V
Okay I did not just hear that from Bella!! I mean she's THE most innocent person I know! Since when is she so EVIL?! All my brothers seemed just as suprised as I was and even some of the leeches looked fairly suprised too but most of them were smiling.
I sighed as Bella's truck was packed up with the nessacary table and assorted sticky notes/writting utensils. There wasn't enough sticky notes to even cover a sign post let alone half of me! So we ended up stopping at a store to pick up a couple more. Bella laughed as she picked up a few different packs of sticky notes shaped like dogs. I groaned and rolled my eyes. This was gonna be a nightmare!
As we arrived in Seattle I was forced to strip and hide while the others set up the table and sign. When the finished they signaled for me to come over and then went to watch from farther away. I went over and stood behind the sign trying to cover up as much of myself as possible.
Bella's P.O.V
I laughed as Alice set up a cam corder. Of course she was prepared as usual.
Just then the first group of people walked by and by the looks of them they were a bunch of giddy sorority sisters. I smiled. This should be interesting!
Just then the first one spotted him.
"Holy Cow!" someone else yelled and the group burst out giggling.
Jake looked absolutly mortified.
The group seemed to be having a mini meeting as they huddled together and whispered occasionally looking up and giggling.
Then they all looked up towards Jake, smiled and started slowly stalking forward.
Alice's P.O.V
The sorority girls converged on the mutt and the table, completely obscuring even our highly attuned vampire eyesight.
We waited for about 15 minutes, listening to the giggles and squeals that emerged from the pack of girls.
Then all of a sudden they stepped back, took out their cameras, took some pictures and walked away, once again giggling, leaving a totally covered dog behind.
They had definatly had their fun, several designs were plastered all over and even a couple phone #'s but the funniest thing was a group of sticky notes right at his waist spelling out the words "BITE ME!"
Jake's P.O.V
As soon as the girls were out of sight I ran into the forest, sheding sticky notes as I went. I walked back after getting dressed only to find everyone on the ground laughing.
"That's it!" I thought. I'm going to get even! Obviously one of the leeches put the nasty idea in Bella's head or put her up to it or something. Well, I thought, I'll show them!
Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Sorry it took sooo long to get up but I've been really busy! I'll try and update asap but still very busy, maybe some reviews would motivate me? XD Love ya'll! 3