Chapter 3: He's My Son


Be ready and packed for 10 PM

Severus Snape

Holy shit.

Is this a joke? He can't really be coming to the Dursley's? He can't really be coming to save me can he?

No. This has to be a joke. There is no way in hell that Severus Snape is willingly going to come here, even if I am his son! It's just not going to happen is it? He hates me doesn't he!


I was woken by a knock at the door and got up slowly. I put on some clothes and went to answer the door.

As I got half way down the stairs, Vernon came through the living room and went to open the door, grumbling about inconsiderate idiots knocking on doors at this time of night.

As he opened the door I let out a shocked gasp which alerted Vernon and Snape... I mean my dad to my presence. Vernon turned around and gave me a look that meant that I would be in for it tonight. I gulped and looked at Snape... dad dammit. He looked a bit pale but maybe that was just the moon.

Vernon turned around and said,

"Can I help you?"

"I have come to collect Harry" Snape answered

Vernon looked confused for a moment, but then he said,

"Summer isn't over yet"

Snape looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"I take it you haven't told your relatives"

Vernon looked at me and smiled cruelly.

"Told us what?"

"I-I.." I stammered

Snape looked at me oddly and then said,

"That he's not going to be staying here for the rest of the summer"

"Darling, who's at the..." Petunia asked

"Petunia, How nice to see you again" Snape said with a sneer.

"Is that you Severus?" Petunia asked.

Severus only nodded.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Vernon and Petunia looked at each other worriedly.

"Hurry up if you're coming in then!" Petunia said

As soon as Snape walked in she looked outside to see if anyone was watching and closed the door quickly.

"Petunia, Petunia's husband-" Snape began.

"It's Vernon" He said angrily.

Ahh... well, back to what I was saying. I presume you've noticed the change in Harry's appearance?"

"Yes. Of course we have, though the boy wouldn't tell us why"

I flinched as Vernon said that, remembering my punishment for such a freakish change.

Snape looked at me strangely.

"Well, the reason is because he is my son not Potter's. Basically Lily cast a charm on him which caused him to look like Potter."

Their eyes widened as Snape spoke.

"That's why you were always hanging around Lily, you just wanted to get into her pants!"

I paled as petunia said this.

Anger blazed in Snapes eyes but only for a second. He just ignored what she said and turned to me.

"Come on, get your things."

"I've got everything"

Snape just raised his eyebrow and said,

"Lets go then"


As we were walking in to Snapes house, I saw Draco Malfoy standing there.

"Draco, you are not supposed to be here for a couple of days"

Draco just smirked.

"I got bored... and who is that with you"?

I stepped forward so that Malfoy could see me properly.

I smirked as Malfoy's eyes widened slightly.

"Sev, this may sound crazy, but is that Harry Potter with you?" Malfoy asked.

Snape looked at me and I nodded.

"In a way, yes." Snape said

"How can he be 'Potter in a way?' "

"Draco... He's my son"

Malfoy's only reaction to what Snape had just said were his eyes widening.

"Interesting" Malfoy said while smirking.

"Draco, I know what you're going to try and do"

"Yes, you would know. Don't even try and stop me Sev"

"Wouldn't dream of it"


Snape must have noticed me yawning as he said,

"Come on, time for bed"

"I'll show Harry where he is sleeping, Sev" Malfoy said, smiling at me.

"How do you know where I'm going to be sleeping?" I asked.

"I know which room you will be sleeping in because it will be the same room as I am sleeping in"

What is he up to? Why is he being... nice to me? What is with him smiling at me? And what does he mean we'll be sleeping in the same room? But what if I star screaming in my sleep? Do I talk in my sleep? What if I do talk and I start revealing things that nobody except the Dursley's and I know? What then? Wait, where did Snape go? Before I had a chance to say anything, Malfoy had grabbed hold of my hand and lead me up to the room we were going to be sleeping in.

What is he doing? He can't do that!

"M-Malfoy!" I said, quickly pulling my hand away from is

"Yes, Harry?"

"Please don't do that" I said quietly, looking at the floor.

"Why not?" Malfoy asked me.

"N-no reason, forget I said anything. Lets just go to sleep" I said pushing past him and walking into the room.