Jack hurled himself at Ianto, hearing his yell of defiance echoed by the rest of the team as he did so, sprawling himself and Ianto painfully across the forest floor. Jack felt the muscles in his arm protest loudly as Ianto landed heavily on it. His fingers reached out and gripped Ianto's wrist, twisting the limb violently to provoke release of the gun.

Ianto's shout of frustration became a yell of pain, his fingers splaying out in a reflex action to the twisting grip. The gun fell from his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw Gwen dart forward and pick up the weapon, disarming it and stowing it safely in her jacket before stepping away again quickly. Jack held on to Ianto to keep him from scrabbling after the weapon, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as the man lying beneath him fought for his freedom.

'Get off me! GET OFF!' Ianto struggled pointlessly beneath the Captains' superior hold, weakening by the moment. Ignoring him, Jack hauled the man into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around his thin body in order to keep him from going after the gun again.

Unarmed and helpless, Ianto wailed loudly, a sound filled with despair, trying to hit Jack but to no avail in the strong grip. After a few failed attempts he slumped, eyes fixed blankly on the clearing, all the fight finally leaving him.

Ianto knew it was over as soon as he saw Gwen grab the gun away. He knew Jack wouldn't let go of him, his face determined as he pulled Ianto off the floor and wrapped his arms round him, half protective, half in an attempt to restrain.

Livid, terrified, distraught. Ianto twisted violently in the arms that encircled him mercilessly, tried to punch Jack. Wanting to hurt him, the man who'd once again denied him the chance of happiness, but he couldn't break free of the vice-like hold he was caught in.

He felt fresh tears run down his face as he went limp, his chin resting on his chest. Jack was murmuring something in his ear but he sounded far away, the emotions fighting for dominance thick inside his head. Slowly, Ianto registered what was being said, feeling oddly numb.

'...okay, it's okay, I've got you,' Jack was saying. 'Ianto, calm down...'

'Get off me,' Ianto pleaded quietly, his breath drawing jagged and sharp. 'Jack, please...'

But to no avail. The grip around him didn't loosen at all. With nothing left in him, Ianto gave up and stared at the clearing. They were still there, Lisa and the others but they were different. They had lost something, moved further away. Ianto reached out a shaky hand as best he could to Lisa, who was still closest, but all she did was smile a little at him, not moving.

'Don't leave me...' he whispered, tears hot on his face.

Suddenly Jack was there again, in his head. He could feel it, like jumping into a warm pool and being surrounded by the water. He was surrounded by Jack's mind.

Ianto, you have to listen to me. What you're seeing isn't real.

How do you know? It hurt to even think the words, to think that Jack could be right. How often was he wrong, after all?

These aren't ghosts. You've sort of...created them yourself.


He felt Jack sigh, trying to find a way to explain. No matter how Ianto tried to block it out, Jack was in his head. He was too close and Ianto couldn't just shut the door on this weird connection like he had before. He didn't have the energy, so there was no option but to listen.

You've made them, Ianto. They come from you, from your hurt, your pain. They are parts of you, and you've molded them into people you know to try and make sense of them. Jack paused again. They are real to you because you believe in their existence, but they don't exist. They are stronger here because this place, Roundstone Woods, it's a catalyst for energy from the rift and from the earth itself. You've brought yourself here subconsciously.

They told me to come.

No, you told yourself. You already knew the history of this place, so you transferred it to them. Everything they tell you, you already know because they are you. Ianto felt Jack sigh again, and touched on genuine regret in the Captains' mind. I'm sorry.

Ianto couldn't find a way to reply to this. All he felt was denial. It couldn't be true. How could he possibly have made all this up? These people, they made him feel wanted when every day he felt abandoned. They were company when he was alone. They felt more real to him than any of the rest of the team.

You have to let us help you, Ianto, Jack said, his temple pressed against the side of Ianto's head, speaking directly into him. We can bring you back from this but we need your help to do it.

What if I don't want to be brought back? Ianto asked quietly.

I'd rather Retcon the last five years of your life than have you shoot yourself in the middle of the woods, was the sharp reply. You only have two options, and those are they. Come back with us and let us help you. Or leave Torchwood and have the life you deserved before all this crap came down on you.

Ianto sighed, watching as the shining figures continued to move further away. He felt enfolded, and realized with a painful moan that it was Jack enveloping him further, keeping Lisa, Euan, Suzie and Eugene away. Don't take this away from me Jack. Please, don't take them away.

As he said it, he knew that Jack was right. Lisa and the others, they weren't real. He hated the admission, but he could feel the truth in Jack, and it was like a knife to his heart. The thought of losing the feeling of safety he'd got back when these things had started to appear was unbearable. He didn't want to be afraid again. Alone again.

They won't be going away completely, Jack explained softly. They are still a part of you, Ianto, so they still exist in that sense. They'll be here, just not in the same way. But you have to learn to control them again. They belong inside you, looking after you. But not like this, they don't belong out here. There are other people on the outside that can do that job.

Ianto vaguely felt a pressure on his hand, and glanced down. Jack had joined his fingers with Ianto's, raising the joined hands to eye level.

You feel this? This is real. Those things, they aren't. I know it hurts, but you have to come back to this. He wiggled his fingers in Ianto's palm to emphasize the point.

Ianto lent his head back against Jack's shoulder, eyes now screwed shut against the world. 'How can I go back now?' he whispered.

'We'll bring you back mate.' Ianto opened his eyes again at the intrusion of another voice to see he was surrounded by figures again. But these figures weren't golden, not shimmering or translucent. They were the living, breathing members of Torchwood 3, Cardiff, and they were all crouched around him as he lay back against Jack, his hand entwined in that of his Captain.

It was Owen that had spoken, to Ianto's surprise. He looked questioningly at the doctor, who offered an awkward smile. 'Come with us, yeah? It's fucking freezing out here, you'll catch pneumonia That's a pain in the arse to deal with.'

'Real sensitive there, Harper,' Gwen mumbled. She and Tosh reached out together to grasp Ianto's knee and hand respectively. Ianto could feel the warmth from them, and it hit him in a rush how cold he was. He'd been here for hours now, and despite the sun it was chilly in the middle of the woods.


I'm here. I told you we need you.

I still don't see why.

Come on, Ianto. Can't you see them? Jack echoed Ianto's own words from earlier on. All three of them, they've been more worried than I've ever seen them since they realized you were missing. Ianto felt Jack smile. Can you feel them?

Slowly, tired beyond belief, Ianto reached out as he had with Jack towards the other three. And he could feel them. It wasn't as strong as the connection with Jack, but Ianto could sense the worry that surrounded him, the mixture of relief and hope amongst the people in front of him.

He could sense Tosh the easiest, a tight knot of fear in her at what she'd just witnessed him do and an incredible amount of compassion tucked behind her private facade. Gwen, almost overwhelming in her desire to help, desperately guilty that she hadn't ever spoken up when given the opportunity. Owen, who, despite himself, really did care. Heartless Owen, just itching to get Ianto back to the Hub and under observation so as he could check his colleague was okay.

It was...wonderful. He'd never known these people were so capable of this kind of emotion, especially not directed at him.

And Jack. Terrified at the thought of losing another member of his team. Willing to give anything for Ianto's safe return.

I can feel you. All of you.

There you go then. You know what they feel. You know what they think. They need you. Jack paused. I need you, Ianto.

Ianto sighed wearily, the numbness now passing so as he could feel every aching inch of his body.

This will take time, Ianto. But we're all here for you. Jack said.

Ianto nodded, the edges of his vision going cloudy. 'I know.'

'Look, what the hell is going on?' Owen demanded suddenly of his boss, confusion rife on his face. 'Are you two having some weird psychic conversation?'

Jack's smile widened into a grin. 'Sorry Owen, but some things you don't need to hear.'

'I don't want to know,' the doctor grumbled, taking the opportunity to examine Ianto quickly, checking him over for any obvious injury. Satisfied that there was none, his eyes flicked to Ianto's face, then to Jack. 'Er, you know he's passed out, right?'

'I'm aware of that,' Jack said sarcastically. 'What are you, a doctor?'

Owen made a snarky face in return and didn't reply. Instead he administered a sedative quickly, ensuring Ianto continued to co-operate until he was safe.

Jack looked down at the slack body folded in his arms, breathing evenly now. He'd felt Ianto slip into unconsciousness, his mind cutting loose from Jack, unable to take any more that day. 'He's exhausted, we need to get him back to the Hub.'

'Can I suggest some kind of quarantine so as I can keep an eye on him?' Owen asked hopefully. 'I don't want him going AWOL with a gun again. I want to go out a hero, defending some poor student girls from an alien. Not shot by the bloody teaboy.'

Gwen smacked Owen in the arm and he growled at her. 'Shut up, Harper.'

'Just saying.'

'We need to keep an eye on him though,' Tosh agreed. 'I'm willing to sit with him. But I don't know what would be best for him right now. He needs help, Jack.'

Jack stood, lifting the wretched form of Ianto almost effortlessly. Jesus, the man weighed nothing. 'I know. I can help him, I just need time.'

They started back towards the SUV.

'You?' Gwen asked. 'I think Tosh means more psychological...'

'What do you suggest?' Jack snapped back at her. 'You know a name of a shrink that specializes in Cybermen and cannibals? What about your workmates shooting themselves, or your boss running off with some mythical Doctor? Or feeling so completely alone that you make up a whole bunch of people just to feel normal again?'

Gwen shut up promptly.

'Thought not. Any normal shrink would freak out and commit him soon as look at him,' Jack sighed, looking down at the pale face of Ianto. 'He needs us, that's all. He needs to start talking again.'

'Then that's what we'll do,' Tosh said quietly, finalizing the matter. All three filed behind Jack along the worn mud path, glad to turn their back's on the clearing.

'Were you really having a psychic conversation?' Owen asked, trepidation obvious in his voice. 'Because I was only joking about that...'

'Don't worry about it,' Jack said as the team wound through trees back to the SUV. They climbed into the vehicle, already emotionally exhausted. Tosh noted that it wasn't even ten in the morning yet. Jack climbed in the back, Ianto propped against him in the cramped vehicle. He put an arm round the Welshman protectively, his face set and stubborn.

How had he let this get so far? He was supposed to be in charge, aware of everything that was going on around him and especially in tune with the colleagues he relied on every day. People who in turn relied on Jack to look out for their own safety. Sometimes immortality made you a little complacent about the fragility of those around you, Jack thought to himself grimly. Every one of them was vulnerable every day, and though Jack could do nothing to stop that, he could at least ensure they were as safe as possible.

Tentatively, he reached out again into Ianto's mind to check. The man was completely out of it now, the sedative working it's magic so as Ianto's mind was a complete blank. How he'd missed the complete breakdown of someone as close to him as Ianto was...had been, Jack corrected himself sadly.. that was unforgivable.

Withdrawing, Jack drew the man closer and stared out of the tinted window. Resolving never to let this happen again.


A/N - To everyone who has alerted, reviewed and favourited, and just taken the time to read. Thank you all, it's appreciated more than you know. I hope you liked it, and I hope to write more soon.


P.S. - If you're after some angsty goodness, I advise you to check out this song. I was listening to it a lot while writing this fic. X

This shallow need to feel wanted.

Worshiped and adored,

And never be ignored.

I give you love but you don't see it.

You never understand my world is in your hands

I have this thought in my head,

And it's about being noticed.

Somebody stop me feeling empty.

Empty – Amanda Ghost