Chapter One

Hide and Seek

October, 29

Dr. Loomis felt a chill up his spine when he heard his telephone ring at one in the morning. Careful not to trip over the threshold between the kitchen and the livingroom, he picked up the phone on the third ring. The call was from one of the head doctors at Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium, Dr. Wynn told Loomis that Michael Myers had escaped. The news of Myers's escape was hard to swallow. Loomis quickly dressed and went down to Smith's Grove to talk with Dr. Wynn.

"Where do you think he went?",asked Wynn.

"Back to Haddonfield", Loomis replied roughly.

"Maybe he's home sick", Wynn joked.

"No. No, it's something else. Something else entirely", Loomis said.

Curiosity struck the doctor, he left Smith's Grove and drove to Haddonfield, he stopped at a gas station just outside the town. A bloody scene was being investigated by the state police, Loomis covered his eyes and drove on. He reached Haddonfield by eight-thirty. He went directly to the police station. Nestled in the small nieghborhood of Haddonfield, halloween decorations and carved pumpkins could be seen by everyone. Erin Parker sat indian style on a dark leather couch by a bay window that over looked the street, she was reading the morning paper, a cup of coffee in her left hand. Her roomates, Lyndsay Wallace, Amy Sullivan,Kris Meeker, and Rachel Thompson were doing the samething.

"So, what are we doing this year for Halloween?", Rachel asked, a cigirate inbetween her fingers of her right hand.

"Well, tommorow night is the Concert in the Park and I guess we could go trick or treating", Kris said.

"We're twenty-five years old. Trick or Treating is so over rated", Amy replied.

"Yeah, besides, Tommy is coming over so we can watch scary movies", Lyndsay replied.

Rachel and Amy looked at eachother in disgust.

"We've been doing it for years", Lyndsay muttered.

"Well I guess Rachel and I can invite Alex and Matt to make-out upstairs and you,Tommy,Kris and Erin can watch the Wizard of Oz in the livingroom", Amy said.

After a unaminous agreement, Erin, Kris and Lyndsay decided to go for their morning walk. The three girls walked down the quiet sidewalk, leaves blew this way and that, they met the occasional jogger and highschool students standing at the bus stops.

"Remember when we were in highschool?",Lyndsay asked.

"Yeah, I rememeber hating math class", Kris replied.

Erin laughed and looked at Kris, "I remember leting you copy my homework".

When they rounded the corner and were half way down the street, Lyndsay grabbed Erin. Erin turned to look at her friend.

"What's wrong with you?", Erin asked.

"Erin, are you blind? That's the Myers house", Lyndsay replied.

The two story cottage was intimidating, the grass was dead and beaten, most of the trees around it had most of their leaves missing, some roof shingels were missing, it was completly dark and the white paint was chipped and dirty,almost grey.

"I know that duh. I was there when you and Tommy told me about the boogeyman", Erin said.

"The boogeyman? I've lived here for twelve years and I've never seen the boogeyman", Kris replied.

"That's because he only shows up on Halloween and kills people", Lyndsay said.

"Be nice, okay. His name is Michael Myers", Erin replied walking past the house.

Her friends followed closely. They didn't speak until they were five houses down, Kris and Lyndsay were talking about movies they should rent. Erin on the other hand had lagged behind. She was too busy looking at the foliage, her mind wondering. She then stopped, she saw someone standing near by, staring at her.Kris touched her shoulder which made her jump.

"Erin, come on", Kris said.

Erin looked at them and then looked over her shoulder again, who ever it was that had been standing there, was gone.

"What are you looking at?",Lyndsay asked.

"Nothing. I thought I saw...", Erin trailed off.

"Saw what? The boogeyman?", Kris mocked.

"Never mind", Erin said.

The girls started walking again, they crossed the cross walk. Down at the police station, Dr.Sam Loomis met with Sheriff Meeker.

"Thank you for seeing me, I saw what happened down at the gas station", Loomis replied.

"That wasn't no accident", Meeker said.

"I know, my patient, Michael Myers is loose. He's here in Haddonfield", Loomis said.

"I know. I replaced Sheriff Brackett, he retired early because his daughter had been murdered", Meeker said.

"There's just one thing I'm not sure of and that's why Michael is back here", Loomis replied.

"I think I might know. Some college students signed with the state and the college students are coming Halloween night to burn the Myers's house", Meeker said.

"Did anyone sign a pettition against burning it?",Loomis asked.

"Yes", Meeker picked up the news paper and handed it to Loomis, "Only one person though".

Loomis read it, "Erin Parker".

"She lives three, four blocks away", Meeker replied.

"He'll be looking for her", Loomis muttered, he handed the paper back to Meeker and looked at the police officer, "We must find her first".

The girls returned to the house sometime after eleven, Rachel and Amy were in the kitchen. Erin sat in the livingroom.

"How was your walk?", Amy asked.

"Fine. Saw some cool Halloween decorations", Kris replied.

Lyndsay came into the livingroom and sat beside Erin.

"Are you alright?", she asked.

"Yeah, of course. I'm fine", Erin replied.

"Look if you saw the boogeyman, I totally believe you", Lyndsay said lowering her voice.

"Look, I didn't see anything. It was just my imagination", Erin said but she smiled and put a hand on her bestfriend's shoulder, "But thanks".

Rachel poked her head into the living room, "Hey, Amy, Kris and I are going to the movie store, you yahoo's wanna come?".

"No thanks", Erin replied.

"Yeah, me either", Lyndsay said.

As soon as they left, Lyndsay went into the kitchen, she took out a box of macorni and cheese.

"Hey, you want some lunch?", Lyndsay yelled from the kitchen.

Erin didn't answer,across the road, a dog began to bark. She turned around and looked out the bay window, standing by a parked car was a man about 5'11 wearing a white expressionless mask. His eyes were blank as his face. Lyndsay came into the livingroom with her arms crossed.

"Do you want some lunch or not?", she asked more loudly.

"Oh..yeah,sure", Erin said, she followed Lyndsay back into the kitchen.

"You frighten me sometimes, are you sure you're okay?",Lyndsay asked.

"I think I'm so excited for Halloween, I'm scaring myself", Erin replied.

Still standing on the other side of the street, Michael Myers looked around, taking in his surroundings. He then started down the street, in the opposite direction. He had left the truck he had stolen, near the park. Passing a garden full of thornless roses, Michael tilted his head, he reached down and pulled them out of the ground. As he got back into the rusted truck,he put the roses on the seat next to him and started the truck. Not ten minutes after Rachel,Amy and Kris returned back to the house, Dr.Loomis and Sheriff Meeker pulled up in a police cruiser. Meeker knocked on the door, Lyndsay opened it.

"Hi Mr.Meeker, is there something wrong?",she asked.

"Can Dr.Loomis and I come in?",Meeker asked.

The two men took a seat in the livingroom.

"I know you, you're Dr.Sam Loomis", Lyndsay replied.

"Yes. I am. Sheriff Meeker tells me that your friend Erin Parker lives here with you", Loomis replied.

"Yeah.Why? Did she do something?",Lyndsay asked.

"Don't worry, she didn't", Sheriff Meeker reasured her.

Kris,Amy and Rachel and Erin came into the livingroom. Erin sat down while the others stood.

"Erin, may I ask you a question?" Loomis asked.

"Sure", Erin said.

"Were you the only one to pettition to stop local college students from burning a house, here in Haddonfield?"Loomis asked.

"Yeah. The Myers's house", Erin replied.

"Why?", Loomis asked.

"Because. Because it's nobody's business. It's a house, just like every house in Haddonfield. So what if something happened back in 1963? I am not blaming Michael Myers for anything nor will I! And I will stop them from burning that fucking house with or without the police's help!", Erin replied, she got up and stomped upstairs, her room door slaming with a snap!

"Thanks alot, now she's cranky", Rachel replied.

"I need your help", Loomis muttered.

"Sure. Anything", Lyndsay said, Kris shook her head in agreement.

"I want you to keep an eye on her, go with her everywhere, but do not let her out of this house on October thirty-first. I want to make that very clear. Michael Myers is in Haddonfield and he is very dangerous", Loomis said.

"We understand", Kris replied.

Sheriff Meeker and Dr. Loomis left, back in the car, Meeker looked at Loomis.

"Are you afraid he'll kill Erin?",Meeker asked.

"I''ve watched Michael for fifteen years and I've never seen his mind work in this way before. Erin is no threat to him but her friends are".