Hey everyone- sorry I've been so long. In between last update and now my schedule has been unbelievably snarly- tons of rehearsals, auditions, and things I had to go to out of school with my family. However, this is the three day weekend, and I feel that its time I began writing again.


Okay, deep breath, here goes nothing!


Something wasn't right.

I knew it the moment I stepped out of the house, the unusually warm rays of sunlight not shaking my unease in the slightest. I applied my mind entirely to focus- one thing I had been glad of once this entire wolf business had begun. A myriad of heightened senses; sight and smell, for the better part, were almost overpowering in combination. I could see why Jacob, and every other pack member, had retained such recollections of horror in retrospect of their first shift in form.

And it was with that company I had spent the night sweeping the area for any clue of Eve's presence. Significantly more than a strange sight in their eyes, a former enemy walking alongside them as one of their own. Yet the ability to look into their minds was something of an opportunity I could not pass up, and thus, I relaxed the shunt on my own thoughts. Something to flavor their search for information on my undoubtedly horrific past, I'm sure. Before an hour had passed, almost every one had withdrew his interest in my specifically chosen recollections of dark alleyways; an especially unpleasant series of gore and horror in equal parts. All but Sam, the one who seemed most focused on what little work he was given. And he worked; divvying out tasks with the obvious motivation of keeping himself busy in the wake of what had just befallen him.

I didn't envy him that, knowing the cruelty of loss when one you love is stolen away in such premature fashion. And when one holds immortality captive, every twist on the path of life does seem premature.

Sam was the first to confront me when I left the house, his black coat a dark blot on the otherwise bright canvas of a summer morning in Forks. Slowly I approached him, noting the other wolves beginning to trickle in from the forest in an odd fashion- coming in at a full windsprint, then slackening to an obviously forced trot. Nodding my head lightly as he halted before me, I immediately heard his husky voice within my head.

"Edward, you need to leave. Soon."

His head swiveled to the side, acknowledging Jared, Quil and Embry. All three were obviously listening in on the conversation, eyes narrowed in my direction. I took the hint.

"I know when I'm not wanted. See you," I responded, with just enough venom to keep the others quiet as I lightly strode away. This had been coming since we started- I knew it as well as Sam did. Just as they'd rejected Jacob as soon as they realized what had happened to him, they couldn't take me either.

"Intolerant fools. What did Bella ever see in those failures?" Phasing back once I reached the forest, I quickly threw on shorts and a shirt. Jacob was right about one thing- clothes were a hassle when you were so often demanded to change back and forth. I almost considered going shirtless altogether, but dismissed the thought hastily. Bella would not approve.

Ah, Isabella - the one thing that made it all worthwhile. All the time I'd been required to spend in La Push, I'd only thought of her. Admittedly, even before I'd made that colossal crossover from vampire to werewolf, I'd never felt this way. Like my whole world; past, present and future, revolved around her. And from that moment in the forest, when time almost seemed to stand still, I knew what it was.

I'd imprinted on Bella.

In retrospect, it really shouldn't have surprised me, how the host of the spirit reflects upon it's choice of predestined love. I've never loved any one person more- not even the familial love I share with Carlisle; with Esme. How could it not be her?

I knew she'd worried over it these past few weeks- like some day I might just glance at some girl in the canned foods aisle and be whisked away, never to see her again. It was a fear I myself had regrettably nurtured in leaving her those many months back. But not now- never again. Because Bella was mine. And as I walked out of the forest and on to the worn road, I decided today would be the day I told her the good news. Two of us, together. Forever.


I was numb- no other words could describe the feelings that I lacked as Eve led the way off the trail and into a dark Jaguar parked alongside the edge of the woods. Too horrified to turn around, face the sight of my father's ragdoll form sprawled across the ground, yet too confused to even resist the notion of my following her to whatever criminal act might follow. I barely noticed the purple glow of a sunrise beginning to stain the sky before I was once again hustled out of the car and found myself on the streets of Forks. My mind still detached from all else, I stepped alongside her as we progressed along the street, my arms frozen at my sides. Before long we were sitting at a table outside the coffee shop, though it had to have been at least an hour before opening. Funny, how trivial facts like that still registered so much more clearly than the monumental events that had just played out before me. Most of my own doing...

"Bella," Eve implored confidingly, putting one hand atop mine. I looked up, meeting her serene gaze with an adequately blank stare. In a moment of silence, I began to register movement around us- coming from even as far as a hundred yards down the street. A door opening, closing. The sound of a broom, swishing across dry cement. A sharp knock.


Eve's volume drew me back to reality. Smiling almost apologetically, she drew one strand of hair back before speaking.

"I know its hard, dear. Try to stay with me. This is the one time I'm going to give you all information necessary to our existence. Its simple enough."

I nodded, but my eyes unwittingly wandered off into the distance. It was as though the world came in some kind of ultra-high definition, and I began to notice the people- some familiar, others not- filtering out of the buildings and into the street. Reluctantly, I pulled my focus back on the golden-haired vampire before she went on.

"First, you hopefully know what can kill you. Burning is the main issue for any vampire. Avoid fire at all costs- are you listening to me, Bella?"

"Yes," I muttered. Something pleasant wafted through the air as I took a deep breath and fixed my hair absentmindedly.

"But some thing deviate. You have the strongest venom on earth running through those veins- it can be a blessing, or a curse, however you will have it."

That caught my attention. I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean?"

She seemed pleased to have an audience. "Well, first of all, blood. Only human will do, you see. Drinking from other sources only depurifies your system, weakens you altogether."

I must have seemed alarmed, for she continued to elaborate her point with a heavy dusting of charisma.

"Just take precautions. An intolerance to animal plasma is easily remedied." She patted my hand once. "Just snag a few vials from the blood bank if you can't get it fresh."

Disturbed didn't begin to cut it. Is this where every blood drive in America was going to? I shuddered at the thought.

"And the sun--"

"But we're in the sun now," I interjected, looking up at the skyline. Rays of light already began to shoot across the town, just as last morning. How long ago that seemed now...

"We are. But if you stay out too long," she snapped one finger. "No good. The nature of a vampire is a cool temperature, after all. Maintain that coolness however possible. Have a freezer?"

I probably gaped at that moment. "What?"

"A freezer. Great for relaxing in, when you've been out a while in the heat."

I tried to imagine sitting next to the frozen peas and popsicles, doing some random sudoku puzzle. Once again, the thought baffled me into silence. We sat there a moment, until a question finally rose up.

"So whats the upside?"

Eve smiled. "Of course, the benefit. You see, while the rest of our race has detoriarated- weakened in overall ability and force- we remain strong. While they might have grown unable to view the sun without fear of exposure, become accustomed to inferior nutrition- this is not how vampires always were." She leaned in closely, smiling wide. "But most of all, your gift will be greater than even I can imagine. When it manifests itself at last, you will be a force to reckon with in our world. I have no doubts."

Leaning back, she finally seemed at rest with whatever had required speech. I was still nervous, distracted; tracing one alabaster finger over my silver ring. Edward, I sighed, watching the stone sparkle in the morning sun. Where are you?

Turning in my seat, I glanced over into the bushes.



By the time I reached the house, the sun was just beginning to show over the trees. I took a huge breath, savoring the scent of fresh pine and the damp ground. It was a nice reprieve from smelling nothing but blood, now that I thought about it. Reaching one hand for the doorknob, I turned slightly, then froze.


His smell clouded my senses quickly, a confused mixture of earthy and an aroma so sweet, I could feel the sharp pains piercing my sinuses. Already the suggestion to phase and attack ran awash in my mind, growing louder with each passing minute. Whirling around to face him, I stopped yet again.

"Edward," he managed, chest shaking with dry sobs. A dozen tiny details bogged me down for the seconds in between his words.

"I--couldn't have, didn't mean..."

Eyes dark and red, burning so strangely.

"...said to, there wasn't any way to say no..."

His hands. One stained a blaring crimson, another pressed to his head, frantic.

"--we need to find her!"

I looked up.

"It's Bella," he whispered, eyes closed tight. "She needs you."

I was in the town before I could realize what had just played out, looking everywhere, running as slow as possible without attracting attention from the few pedestrians out at this hour. I needed to know- needed to find her, wherever she was. My love, my only love, all that life meant. Where was she? I was slowing to a halt as I neared the coffee shop, running out of breath as the seconds ticked by. Suddenly, a voice caught my attention. Instinctively, I slid behind a bush, eyes searching for that harsh face I'd come so unfortunately to know.

"...you will be a force to reckon with in our world. I have no doubts."

Eve's voice disappeared. I waited several seconds, yet the air seemed still yet again. Inhaling silently, I leaned out of the bushes. And I saw her.


"No...," I mouthed, suddenly unable to breath. I fell unsteadily back on one foot. Her eyes widened, then her jaw went slack. I became mute at the glisten of long, curved incisors beneath that perfect mouth, her eyes garnet and hysterical. I didn't even look at Eve when she spoke.

"I'll just leave you two for now. You have a lot to catch up on, I'm sure."

The pleased chuckle that followed. I was lost to the world. Only seeing Bella, my heart's one desire, as scared as I'd ever seen her. Only imagining my own expression, helpless to change it.

A moment passed, and the sky went black.



After what felt like hours, I'd watched in horror as his eyes rolled back into his head, his legs collapsing beneath him. Without thought I leapt forward, only coming a few seconds late to that sickening thud of his head on the pavement.

"Edward!" I shrieked, feeling the panic rise in me once again. I held him helplessly for a moment, when a warm hand tapped my shoulder. Flying around, I suddenly came face to face with the last person I would every want to meet in this situation.

"Is he...um...alright?"

Jessica Stanley stood just inches above me, eyes barely visible beneath a strand of curly hair. But what I could see was either completely hysterical or even more troubling.

"Hi Jess...," I trailed off, lost for words. Did she recognize me? I felt my breathing quicken as I grew more nervous.

That was a mistake.

"'Cause, I can get him some water...do you need a doctor?" I barely heard the words. The scent of her, warm and inviting, drew me in like a magnet. I was standing now, fighting the urge to lean forward. Jessica's eyes widened.


I quickly shook off the hypnotic daze, but the effects of her presence had already begun. My throat, dry, so dry...and the bitter fluid coming from who knows where. I fought back the sickeningly sweet taste, wishing, hoping for the it's immediate disappearance. People were starting to stare, but I couldn't see. Edward still sprawled out on the ground, but that was gone now. Only me, and the one I could so easily finish off.


I heard voices above my head- disembodied, wavering words. So familiar, if I could only wake up...

My wish was granted with a blessed speed, for the moment I opened my eyes, I was audience to a scene I only knew so well. Living with Jasper for the past few decades had taught me a few things about the less restrained vampire, and from the look on Jessica's face, Bella would definitely fall into that category. Without thinking, I stood up, immediately regretting it.

"Whoa...," I mumbled, feeling as though the world was being spun before my eyes. Fighting the heavy sensation in my head, I struggled to maintain my center of gravity. Now I could see Bella's face as well, and my heart began to ache. Her expression, her eyes- so eager and willing. I sighed inwardly as I took a deep breath, and siezed her ice cold hand. Jessica's hair whirled around her as she turned to look at me. Seeing an explanation in order, I immediately dove into the task.

"Hi, sorry about this. My cousin, Cecilia," I offered, pointing at Bella. Not the best thing, in retrospect, as she still seemed to be fighting a rather public battle in the destruction of Jessica. Distraction came easily then.

"I never knew you had a cousin..." Jessica muttered darkly. Her gaze turned back to Bella, questioning as always.

"Well, she's certainly heard a lot about you, right Ceci?" I jostled her arm nicely for effect. "But she's got to leave today, actually...Esme's niece, our aunt is picking her up later. We'd better go."

"Yeah, see you," she drawled, turning around with obvious disdain. I knew Jessica well enough that I was certain it would end in jealousy, nothing more. Turning around, I pulled Bella along with me, though I could scarcely hear the whimper rise in her throat. As soon as we were out of sight, I threw one arm around her, running behind a large tree and sitting her down at the trunk. Now the protests were more vocal, words appearing from time to time.

"Edward...please, just once, please, I need it now," she whispered urgently, grabbing my wrist and rising to her knees. After the immediate surprise of her unusual strength, I was quick to reject her pleas.

"No, Bella. You cannot. I will not allow it."

"Please, Edward!" she wailed, eyes narrowed in the absence of tears. "It hurts so badly, and I'm not normal! Not at all!"

"I know that, Bella," I growled, growing impatiently, "better than anyone else. But you will learn to accept our way of life, whether you attained it the right way or not. I will not let you--"

"No, Edward!!" she was on the verge of screaming now, sobs sending shivers down her spine. "Eve said her venom was different, and I need it! I can't take animals, it doesn't work." Bella fell to the ground, crying softly to herself as she tucked her head between her knees. Concern grasped my attention, and I knelt down beside her.

"Bella," I whispered, "what do you mean?"

Her eyes rose to meet mine, and I felt that familiar, aching sadness, staring into her deep, black eyes. I never wanted it this way. Not now. Not like this.

"I made Jacob do it," she whispered softly. "I had to. Eve said..." Another sob. "you would leave me otherwise. Imprint on someone else. I was scared, Edward, and she said she would kill everyone. I had to."

"But Jacob..."

"Jacob had no choice- it's his power, listening to me. I wish it wasn't..." her voice cracked again, and I pulled her in closer.

"What happened then?"

"After he bit me, I waited, the longest time...and it hurt so bad, but she came. She attacked me again, and it was so bad...I think I passed out a bit. But when I woke up--" she shuddered. "My dad. She killed him, and I..."

I felt my eyes widen perilously. She wouldn't have. But as I watched her tremble on the ground, overcome with tears she could not cry, I realized the truth. Wrapping her in my arms, I whispered gently, as soft as I could manage.

"It's okay, it's alright now, I'm here..."

"But then," she sniffed deeply, more out of habit than necessity, "she said that I was different. I can only drink human blood, and I can't be in the sun- it makes me weak, and freezers..." she stiffened immediately before turning to face me once again. "But she said I have a gift, a powerful one. We don't know what, but she said it's there."

I too fell rigid as a board.

"You don't know yet?"

Bella pursed her lips. "No. But she said it was strong."

We sat for a moment, lost in thought and sadness, though I was more of the former. So much had gone on...I still could barely wrap my mind around it. I needed to talk to Carlisle. Both of us.

And giving my love the best smile I could manage, I nodded slightly, and we were off.

A/N: I hope that was worth the wait (AKA- Nope not really, but hey, enjoy it anywayz!). Now, having read the first chapter of Breaking Dawn (wootwoooo!!) I will inform you all that in addition to being Team Jacob, I am now a shipper of Sethward, the OTP of 2008, hands down. Seth? Ward to yo mamma!! OWOW!!

Now, I did get lots of reviews when I wasn't writing by some crazy act of God, so thank you to all those who stuck with it when I was an idiot who wouldn't post a chapter. I will make it up to you.

In the meantime, lots of love from the most humbly yours,