Author's note. Ok this is my first fanfic so tell me how it was. Anyway this story is about Momo telling her daughter about how she fell in love with Toushiro
Momo was in the kitchen attempting to make dinner, but it proved very difficult with Toushiro whispering in her ear and nibbling at her neck"Shiro-chan stop Rangiku will be home soon" Momo pleaded.
Yes Toushiro and Momo have been married for fifteen years and have a fourteen year old daughter named Rangiku. She is named after their best friend Rangiku Matsumoto. And yes Toushiro prayed she wouldn't turn out like her.
Momo finally finished dinner her and Toushiro were cuddling on the couch waiting for their daughter to come home from school.
The front door flew open and Rangiku walked in. She had her mother's hair and her father's eyes, which of course they had a hard time saying no to.
She headed towards the stairs that led to her room. "honey dinners ready" Momo called out. "ok-but-i-need-to-call-aunt-Matsumoto-first-to-tell-her-somthing-important" she said in one breath.
Toushiro and Momo looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces. "What is she up too and did you see that huge grin on her face?" Toushiro asked.
"Hmm I bet it's about a boy." Momo suggested.
A vein popped out of Toushiro's head and his whole face was twitching. No boy would ever be good enough for his little girl and if they even tried anything with her he would probably beat the crap out of them.
Momo decided to go check on her. As she knocked on the door to her room she could hear Rangiku saying goodbye to her aunt. "Come in" Rangiku answered her mothers knocking.
"So Hun how was school something interesting obviously happened?" Momo asked.
"It was awesome the best thing ever happened" Rangiku said smiling.
"What?" Momo had a good guess at what was coming next.
"Ok I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't tell daddy." Little did she know Toushiro had his ear up against the door.
"Ok I won't" Momo raised her right hand up in the air as if to seal the deal.
"Shinji asked me out" Rangiku practically squealed.
Her bedroom door flew open to reveal a flaming Toushiro "HE WHAT?!"
Momo and Rangiku looked blankly at him and sweat dropped.
After they calmed Toushiro down and had dinner Momo and Rangiku went back to Rangiku's room to talk "Honey have I ever told you How your father and I met and fell in love" Momo asked. Rangiku thought about it and shook her head. "No, not really"
"Ok well my parents moved to this area my junior year of high school" she started
Momo walked up to her new high school with a smile on her face." Seireitei High" she said aloud.