A/n: I have a few stories up and I'm having a hard time keeping up with updating and I decide to write another story... I'm such a baka
Kish: Am I in the story?
Me: Yes of course you are... you're the only green haired alien in Tokyo Mew Mew!!!
Kish: Oh yeah I forgot...
Me: OK...
Kish: Ember Shirogane doesn't own Tokyo Mew Mew
Me: I didn't even have to ask... O.O OK who are you and what have you done to Kish!!
Kish: I am Kish!!!
Me: Right
Kish: -.-
Me: OK now to the story!!!
The Things I'd do For You
Chapter One: Jealousy
It was a regular Sunday morning and Kish had just woken up.
Another day, He thought, Another day of watching Ichigo with that Blondie.
Ever since the aliens had left Masaya and Ichigo had been dating and being together all the time. When Masaya asked Ichigo to go to England to study she said no because she didn't want to leave her friends. Ichigo was heart broken until Ryou asked her out, and they have been together ever since. Just the thought of Ichigo and Ryou together made Kish shutter. He had come back from his home planet just to see Ichigo, but he had spotted her with Ryou in the park near the café.
Kisshu sat up in his bed and stared at his hands. Why, He though, why doesn't she love me the way she loves Blondie boy or how she loved Masaya? I love her but why doesn't she realize that? Why is it that Taruto and Pai can get the girls of their dreams to like them.
It was true, Taruto had Pudding. He loved her and she loved him back. Pai also had Lettuce who loved and cared for him as much as he loved and cared for her. Kisshu felt like he was the only one without a girl to love... well he did like a girl but she didn't like him back.
I should have come back sooner, then Ichigo wouldn't have been with Blondie boy. She would have been with me... but what makes me so sure... Maybe she likes him... and maybe he likes her back... That's probably why she's with him... I wouldn't have stood a chance against him and Ichigo because to her I'm just some weird alien with a crush on her... but I love her with all my might, unlike that ungrateful tree hugger... Why doesn't Ichigo see it... Why won't she give me a chance...
" Hey Kisshu!!!" Yelled Taruto from the hallway.
Today was the day that they had to go back to Earth. Why? Because their commander sent them back to Earth to hunt for a new tool they could use to help restore their planet to it's natural beauty. Unfortunately the Mew Aqua they brought back wasn't enough to fully restore it's beauty. So now they have to go back and search for this new substance.
" What!!!" Asked Kisshu angrily from his bedroom.
" Come on we're almost there!!! Pai and me want you to hurry up so we'll be ready when we land!!!"
Kisshu sighed.
This was the last thing he wanted to be doing on a Sunday morning.
" Do I have to get up now?" Asked Kisshu wearily, as Taruto entered Kisshu's room.
" Pai said so!!!" Retorted Taruto.
" What are we searching for again the... coral reef?" Asked Kisshu who unfortunately couldn't remember what it was that they were looking for exactly.
" No," Said Pai coming up from behind Taruto. "It's called the coril seed ..."
" What ever that is..." Said Kisshu still sitting up in his bed not willing to move from his comfortable spot.
" Get up Kisshu..." Said Pai.
" I don't wanna." Answered Kisshu plainly.
Pai glared at him.
Kisshu made the mistake of looking up at Pai.
" Um... on second thought I'll get up now." Said Kisshu getting out of bed as fast as he could.
As soon as Kisshu got out of his bed Pai left Taruto to deal with Kisshu.
" Kisshu I have a... question." Mumbled Tart.
" Let me guess it's about that monkey mew..." Inquired Kisshu.
Tart looked away as his face became warmer.
" I'll take that as a yes..." Asked Kisshu.
Tart only nodded his head still looking away in fear that if he looked at the older alien that he would see him blushing at the mention of Purin.
" What's the question?" He asked the younger alien.
" Do... do you think she'll remember me?" Asked Tart.
Kisshu pondered upon the question for a moment. Maybe just maybe the younger alien was having the same problem as him.
" I was thinking the same thing this morning about Koneko-chan..." Said Kisshu still deep in thought.
Tart looked at him funny for a second and then he realised what he meant. Kisshu had been spying on Ichigo over the computer for the past week they were on the ship. Aoyama Masaya had gone to England to study, Ichigo had then gotten together with Ryou and they've been dating since. Kisshu was having his doubts. Of whether Ichigo would remember him or not. He thinks she's forgotten that he had even existed in her life.
" Kisshu?" Asked Tart.
Kisshu's train of thought was then suddenly interrupted.
"Hm? What did you say?" Asked Kisshu.
" Are you...?" Asked Tart.
" Yeah I'm fine..." Lied Kisshu.
Little did the two aliens know Pai had been listening in on their conversation. Pai noticed Kisshu's peculiar behavior the past week and noticed that someone had been using his computer on a regular basis. He now knew who that was, it had been Kisshu, trying to use the cameras to view places on the earth, or a certain Koneko-chan aka Ichigo.
" Oh Kisshu," Whispered Pai.
Pai walked off to his computer. He had to be ready for when they were landing.
" Hey Kisshu," Said Tart trying to get the other aliens attention.
Kisshu just kept staring into space.
" Kisshu are you listening to me?" Asked Tart impatiently.
" Hm?" Said Kisshu finally snapping out of the trance.
Tart just looked at him funny.
" Sorry Taruto..." Said Kisshu walking off towards the ships Kitchen.
When Kisshu got into the kitchen he started to put some things together. Unaware of what he was doing he started to put some left overs into the concoction and was about to put it into the oven when Pai came into the kitchen. Pai ran over to Kisshu, took the bowl and closed the oven door.
" Kisshu!!" Yelled Pai, causing Kisshu to realize where he was, " Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
Kisshu just stood there loooking at him blankly. Pai realized this and stopped yelling.
" Kisshu if you're hungry I'll make you something otherwise you're going to burn down the whole ship before we reach earth." Said Pai.
Kisshu nodded his head and sat down at the table, as Pai started to grab ingredients out of the fridge and cupboards.
Everything was quiet in the kitchen... too quiet. Tart came into the Kitchen screaming.
" Are we there yet?"
Everyone stared at him like he was crazy.
" What? Is there something on my face?" Asked Tart going cross-eyed to see if something was on his face.
" No." Said Pai getting back to work on breakfast.
" No for the nothing on my face or..." Asked Taruto.
" Both."
" Oh... OK." Said Tart. Being the youngest and least mature he was also the least patient, " Are we there yet?"
Pai merely shook his head.
" Are we there now?"
Pai gave him his death glare. Tart gulped.
" I'll take that as a no..." Said Tart trailing off when he saw what Kisshu was doing. Taruto looked at him puzzled.
Pai noticed that Tart had stopped asking him questions and looked up to see exactly what the younger alien had seen.
Kisshu was nuzzling up to the picture of Ichigo he always carried around in his pocket.
Kisshu noticed the silence to and opened his eyes to see the two other boys looking at him like they had never seen him before.
" What?" asked Kisshu anoyed, " Like you two haven't wanted to snuggle up to a picture of the porpoise mew or monkey mew."
Pai and Tart started to blush but both tried to hid it. Kisshu was too busy snuggling with his picture to notice.
Pai was fed up with cooking so instead of making breakfast he went to check the computers to see how long they had before they had to land.
Tart looked at the bowl of goop and a thought jumped into his mind. He took the bowl off the counter and put it front of Kisshu.
Kisshu looked at the bowl and started mindlessly eating the goop in the bowl with the stirring spoon.
Tart looked at him.
Wow he really is out of his mind today, Thought Tart as he left the kitchen so Kisshu could eat his goo in peace.
Me: If all of you want to know what that goo is I'll tell you in the next chapter. Review time begins now!!