This is going to be the last chapter, thanks to everyone who reviewed! Hope you enjoyed it!

Chapter 6 – Tears Of Joy.

Tears poured onto Robin's chest as Marian leaned over her true love, feeling his desperately cold hand on hers.

"Marian," He moaned, eyes still closed, "He killed, I can't believe…It's not fair…"

"Robin," Marian called, squeezing his hand lightly, "I'm here."

"Stop tormenting me, I'm going to kill Guy! I will!" Robin groaned back.

"Robin, I'm alive…"

"Stop it!"

"I'm here, in the camp."

"Let me die Djaq, I need to see her in heaven!"

"It's not Djaq, it's Marian."

Robin's eyelids flickered slightly, his whole body shivering as he saw Marian's face.

"You're not, it's not really happening, I'm dead aren't I?" Robin stumbled.

"No Robin, I'm alive, the gang are all here and…" Marian said slowly.

"…and you should be fine," Djaq finished smiling.

Robin sat silent and still for a few moments, unsure whether to believe them after all his dreams of his wife. She leant down to kiss him, in every dream this was the moment it would all fade away, just before her lips touched his. He felt her gasp as she felt his cold blue lips and slipped her tongue into his mouth. Wrapping his arms around her he began to sob into her shoulder.

"Why's he crying?" Much asked in surprise.

"Tears of joy," Marian answered shortly, squeezing Robin and rocking him from side to side.