-1Okay…my first one tree hill story so be nice please!!! Reviews are amazing and help me grow.


"Nathan! Please let me go." Kylie pleaded. They guy she wanted to go out with for the longest time had finally asked her out and she told him she could go with him. She had been crushing on him forever and she finally got her chance, but her brother wasn't going to let it happen.

"I said no. I don't even know this guy and I've heard stories about him. My answer is no." Nathan stood his ground with her. After his mom left and Dan wasn't much of a father, Nathan had been raising her.

"Haley can you help me out here?" She asked her sister-in-law. She knew Haley would side with her.

"Oh c'mon Nate let her go. it's a party. Other people are going to be there." Haley finished up washing the dishes and loaded them up in dishwasher. Lucas was in the kitchen also, finishing up the sandwich that Haley had made him.

"I'm sorry little sis but I got to go with Nathan on this one. I don't like that guy." He crammed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and gulped his drink down. "He's on the team and he's a little cocky. I don't like him." Kylie sighed and jumped down on the couch.

"Well its two against two so what are we going to do?" she asked. Nathan looked at her and laughed.

"You're vote doesn't count so its two to one." Kylie sat up from the couch.

"What? That's not fair! Haley tell him that's not fair." She always had Haley's help when it came to boys. Her brothers were to protective of her to let her do anything fun because they were afraid of her getting hurt.

"Guys, be reasonable."

"Sorry Hales. But she is the subject and the subject doesn't get a vote." Nathan argued. He didn't trust this guy with his sister. He didn't trust any guy with his sister.

"That's true." Lucas said, putting his two cents in. Kylie glared at her brothers.

"Fine be that way. I'll just stay in my room and wither away into a old women who never gets married." She stomped off to her room.

Lucas smirked. "Hey that's fine with us." They heard her scream and slam the door shut.


Kylie sat in her room watching TV, the blankets covering her all the way to her neck. There was a soft knock at the door.

"Let me in Ky." She heard her brother yell. She then heard the door click open as he came into the room and sat at the edge of her bed.

"What is the point of asking to come in my room if you're going to come in anyway?"

"Just thought I would be nice. You still mad at me?" He asked, pushing some hair out of her face.

"Can I go on the date?"


"Then yes." She said with a smile. "I'm still mad at you." Nathan sighed.

"Kylie I just don't trust this guy. From what I've heard he's a player. You have to understand I'm doing this for your own good." She turned and faced her brother, seeing the love for her clearly on his face. He was the only one who ever gave a damn about her. Since he was 10 had taken care of her. Her mother left them and Dan was a angry drunk. He protected her from the cruel things in life and had been has been her guardian angel since the day she was born and he was five. He remember chasing monsters out of her closet and holding her close when there perfect family crumbled beneath them.

Kylie sighed. "I know. I just wish you guys would let me breathe." She said with a smile.

"We let you breathe…just….don't suck up all the air." Nathan said with a smile. "Haley and I are going out to eat. Do you want to come?"

"No, you guys go on ahead. I think I'll just stay here and watch TV" She wrapped her blankets around her tighter, afraid that Nathan might see.

"Alright." He placed a tender kiss on her forehead, making his way out of her room. "You have my cell of you need it. Don't get into trouble."

"Okay. Hey Nate?" She asked. He turned around and faced her.

"yeah Ky?" he leaned on the frame of her door.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Be good while we're gone." He shut the door lightly. Kylie waited till she heard the car start before she got out of bed. She tied the knot around her halter top. By the time she finished doing her hair and make up the doorbell rang. She glanced at herself one more time before grabbing her coat and heading towards the door.

"Hey Jason." She said sweetly. "My brothers kinda don't know that I'm out so lets keep it on the DL please?" She asked. Jason looked her up and down. She was gorgeous in her black halter top, tight jeans and high heels.

"No problem. You look really great." he said flashing his pearly whites. "You ready to go?" he tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yeah lets go."