Chapter 15 - Reunited and an Epilogue

They all watched in awe as Vash offered Meryl up to the Plant Angel, who took her gingerly into her arms. She cradled the limp form to her chest, forming a sort of protective cage around her with her wings as she closed her eyes. Vash returned back down to the ground as the Plant bulb started to glow a brilliant white, and a soft, purring hum began to fill the room, slowly growing louder and louder.

Edge had Art held protectively in his arms, stroking her hair and murmuring soothing nothings into her ear while she watched, wide-eyed, as the Plant bulb grew brighter still. He could practically feel the tension radiating off her; her distress, her fear. He wished he could comfort her somehow, yet he still knew it was a fruitless attempt. Her mother was dead, and the chances that she would not remain that way were slim. Even Edge knew that. But no one knew this more than Art.

Abruptly a shrill scream pierced the air, and the light of the bulb exploded, blinding them. Instinctively Edge whirled around so that Art was behind him, shielded in his embrace. The scream grew louder as the room started to quake, and Edge clung tighter still to Art, managing to clamp his hands over his ears as well. He closed his eyes as the light stung them, burying his face into Art's hair as she buried hers into his shoulder.

All of a sudden the scream stopped, and the light faded like a doused candle. Heavy silence hung in the room as they all slowly stood, turning to look at the softly glowing Plant bulb. They all were frozen for a moment, until Vash ventured cautiously forth toward the glowing orb. Slowly he mounted the steps of the catwalk, excitement and dread lingering in his heart. He paused before the bulb for a moment, staring into the white misty abyss. Tentatively he placed his hands on the glass, closing his eyes as he searched for any sign of a presence. Dread slowly took over him as he found none, and he opened his eyes, agony washing through him. He quickly closed them again, trying to stem the flow of tears which threatened to fall.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open, and he stared into the clouded mist of the bulb. Something had sparked the back of his mind, feeble, but there. He pressed his hands beseechingly against the glass now, searching desperately for any sign of life. The spark was there again, a little more intense this time. It was growing, getting stronger and stronger.

Abruptly Vash removed his hands from the glass and rushed to the computer of the Plant bulb, his fingers flying over the keys. He opened the door to the bulb and moved to stand in front of it, watching as the cloudy mist rolled lazily from the entrance. Something stirred within, but Vash made no move from where he stood. His eyes widened in apprehension as a dark form slowly emerged from the fog, reaching out to the glass to steady itself. Vash's voice caught in his throat as the figure looked up at him, her violet-gray eyes curious.

"Vash?" she whispered, blinking. She reached up a hand to brush her bangs out of her eyes.

"Meryl," he breathed, rushing forward.

"Vash!" Meryl cried, reaching for him. He caught her as she fell, holding her close in his protective embrace. She wrapped her arms shakily around him, burying her face into his clothes. She breathed in the ever-lingering scent of gunpowder and hair gel, savoring the memory. Before she knew it she was sobbing into his coat, trembling violently.

"Vash, Vash, Vash..." she repeated over and over again, tears still streaming from her eyes.

"Meryl," he whispered, sending chills up her spine. The way her very name rolled off his tongue was enough to make her melt. She removed her face from his chest to look up into the endless aqua eyes she had missed so much; the zany, spiky hair she had always known. He smiled down at her; a sheepish, loving grin. Then he took her chin lightly in his hand, tilting her face upward towards his. His lips found hers at long last, capturing them in a long-awaited, passionate kiss.

Epilogue - Five Years Later

Vash smiled as he straightened to look out over the field, surveying the past few years work. A thin layer of green had sprouted from the ground as a product of the family's hard work and devotion. As he made his way back up toward the house he waved at Knives, who gave a small smile and waved back. Then he turned back to his work in the field, nursing a small, new patch of greenery sprouting from the rocky soil.

As Vash reached the porch of the house Meryl appeared from the depths within, holding out her arms to embrace him. He returned it willingly, sneaking in a quick kiss. As he stepped inside he hailed Millie and her new husband; a fine, friendly man from the neighboring town where they lived together in a small house with their new baby boy.

Later that day Art and Edge showed up for dinner, announcing their engagement. Everyone was ecstatic, even Knives was somewhat pleased. Millie and Meryl were instantly tied up with Art on when the wedding would be and future plans, while Edge sent Vash a somewhat sheepish grin. Vash smiled warmly at him, giving him a good pat on the back as the three girls cooed over dresses and invitations.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly now; Meryl and Vash were finally together again, Art and Edge were engaged, Millie was married with a new son... nothing seemed to be missing now.

But that was what they thought.

Knives sighed softly as he slipped out the back, away from the festivities. He was happy for them, but he knew he held no part in that life. Yet here he was, spending day after day in a world in which he knew he did not belong. Sometimes he wondered if there was something more out there for him.

He sighed again as he kneeled down before the newly-sprung greenery he had been diligently attending for several years now; the only thing linking his world and his brother's. He held up a hand to the plant, smiling as it straightened from its slightly wilted composure. But a sudden presence broke his concentration and he looked up in alarm, arctic blue eyes searching the darkness surrounding him. He stood, tense, and started walking forward, as if in a trance. He came around the bend of the property, rounding the stone wall that divided the land from the surrounding dessert. His breath caught in his throat as he stared, completely mesmerized.

A young woman stood there, leaning casually up against the wall, her brilliant green eyes alight with wonder. She gave him a tentative smile as she brushed her brilliant, white-blonde hair from her eyes, blushing as a single feather fell through the air. Knives felt immobile; he was lost in her bewitching aura. She gave a small giggle and motioned him forward, turning to move off into the surrounding darkness with a small, silvery laugh.

Knives stood for a moment, his heart beating out a cacophonous melody. Something about her just completely captivated him, luring him in. She was simply beautiful. Impossibly beautiful. A Plant Angel. Could this be what Vash shared with Meryl? What Art and Edge shared? He didn't know. Couldn't know.

After a slight pause he slowly moved forward, following her as he knew he would.

He guessed he was going to find out, one way or another. After all... what did he have left to lose?

Jay: Yeah, I know I suck at endings. Oh well... that's it, loves. The end of my Trigun Fanfiction: Forbidden Love. I hoped you liked! Thanx to all my wonderful, faithful readers!! Love you all!! Now I'll be off to scurry to finish Destiny's Hand. ;D Kiitos, sweethearts.