Hi everyone! I'm so happy that my inbox was flooded with story alerts the next morning I logged on. Thanks so much to everyone that took the time to read my story. And lots of thanks and love to the people that reviewed.

princess of star - Yeah! I did get it from that manga. I love the story and the drawings. So pretty! Thanks for reviewing.

chibiangel413 -I'm glad that you liked my story so far. Thanks so much for reviewing.

LGCoffeeAddict - Here's your update! Thanks for the review.

ill-b-his-mrs - I'm pleased to have been your first Sailor Moon total AU fic you've read!

bunnykim89 - You were my first reviewer! Thanks so much!!!

I dropped out of school when I was thirteen, I decided to spend all my time at home and take care of my mother's garden. Obviously, no one had asked me to do it but being there with the plants, watering flowers, pruning trees, it was such an amazing experience.

Plants reflect their treatment. Take care of them and they grow straight and strong, beautiful even. Neglect them, and they grow up twisted and withered...

Just like people.

- - -

The whole class turned their attention on me this time, eager to hear what brilliant idea I had in mind that would ensure everybody's attendance at The Loft tonight.

"What kind of game?"

I smirked. "A treasure hunt," I responded. "Find your partner's most treasured possession!"

"A treasure hunt?"

"Treasured possession?"

"But what for?"

I sighed. Did these people really not get the point? "Well, this invitation is pretty sudden and I bet some of you already had other plans," I explained. "In fact, I bet some of you were saying that you would go, even though you were thinking of not showing up at all."

Mina looked impressed. At least she knew what I was heading for.

"That's true," someone said.

"Yeah, I didn't want to say anything...but I have a tutoring session right after school."

"And I have a date!" another one added.

Mina's impressed expression turned into anger. "Other plans?!" she screeched. "How can you have other plans when you've just been invited to The Loft? When will you ever get a chance to get into there with V.I.P. Access?"

I stepped in before she could say anything else. "So, I've come up with an idea to get everyone to show up!" I said.

"Now, the rules are easy," I began. "First, everyone look into your bags, and pick something precious to you. Then, pick two other items and mix them together with that treasured possession of yours. Afterwards, let your partner pick one of the three items!"

"At the end of the party, we'll just exchange our items back," I explained. "But if your partner didn't show up, you get to keep whatever was theirs! Now, of course you won't know if it was their precious item or not. And remember, if you don't show up, you won't get it back!"

Mina looked happy again. "That's brilliant, Serena!"

Some people in the class looked excited, eager to start the game. Others were worried, looking hesitant, not knowing what to do.

Mina started off with taking some items out of her bag, some people started to follow her.

"This is going to be fun!"

"Let's do it!"

"This makes going to The Loft even more exciting!"

"If you don't come, it's mine!"

"Hey, I don't want you touching my stuff!"

"Do you even have anything special for me?"

"Yeah, take my body!"

"Hmm, what is my most prized item?"

I smiled and turned to Darien, there would be no way that he could get out of this.

A girl that sat in front of me turned around. "Hey, hurry up, you two! I want to see what you guys will pick out!"

"Yeah! I want to see what's Darien's most prized possession is! Pick carefully, Serena, I want to see him at the party!" another girl said.

Darien looked annoyed now. "Fine, then..."

There's a secret to picking out the most precious item. I simply count how long he takes to pick them...

One second, two seconds, three seconds..An iPod?

When he reaches for the real treasure, he'll hesitate for a moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds, six seconds. This is it!

"STOP! I'm taking that one! Hand it over."

Darien paused, he was shocked at my sudden outburst. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm out of his bag. "No, you can't put it back! I don't need to wait for the third item, I know that this is it!" I said.

Everyone was intrigued now. "It must be something amazing," someone called out from the back.

Darien's hand opened. On his palm laid – what? A marble?!

"What?" Mina cried. "It's a marble! You can get these anywhere! It's worthless."

Everyone in the back moaned. "A marble..."

"Why are you carrying a marble around in your bag?" I asked, annoyed.

Darien hesitated before answering, his eyes going back to his icy form. "Ah, I...uh," he stuttered. "I..uh..didn't even know it was in there! I guess it fell in or something...It's pretty worthless, sorry. Do you want to start again? You can choose something else if you want.."

I grabbed it before he could make a move. "No! That's okay. It might be worthless, but that doesn't mean it isn't precious to someone. I'll play fair!" I quickly stuffed into my bag.

"I bet it's yours! You're still playing with marbles, Darien?" Alvin laughed.

The whole class broke into laughter. Darien moaned and put his head on the desk. "Okay, Serena. Your turn."

I smiled at him, dumping out my belongings that I had already chosen onto the desk. A lead case, a pencil and an eraser. "Okay, here you go! Have fun finding my treasure."

"What the-"

"That's cheating! That's all junk!"

"Hey! It's my game so it's my rules! I can do what I want!" I shot back.


I heard the sound of a key and turned around. My facial expression froze as I saw what was dangling in front of me. Mina was holding my bag in one hand and a diamond encrusted key. "Serena, you're cheating," she said. "You're most treasured possession in your bag is the key to your mother's greenhouse." Mina tossed it to Darien, who made a perfect catch. "That's what you get for choosing a stupid marble!"

"You knew what Serena's most prized possession was?" Alvin asked. "How close are you two?"

Mina ignored him. "Okay everyone, the game's over."

I scowled at her. "I'll get you for this."

"So let's all go get ready," Mina said, very pleased with herself. "Everyone, let's meet at The Loft at six tonight!"

I sighed in frustration. Great, now Darien had my key. I glanced angrily at him, secretly thinking that it would relieve the anger. Wait, why did he look so nervous? I think he's really worried...

"You're coming tonight, aren't you?" I asked. "If you don't, this is mine!"

He looked at me, then turned his attention onto my key, holding it in front of his beautiful face. "Hm...are these real jewels?" he asked. Why did his voice sound like velvet?

Damn! My key! This stupid marble is totally nothing compared to my key. Why did I have to help Mina with my stupid game?! What am I going to do? I'm such an idiot. There's no way that this marble is worth something to him, and if he doesn't show up to get it back, I won't get my key back!

I've got to get my key back...but maybe Darien does care about this marble. He definitely acted kind of strange about me getting it, I think he'll want it back. So...he'll come, we'll trade, and I'll get my key back.

"Do you always daydream?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and glared at Darien. He was watching me with an amused expression. I better get my key back tonight...

- - -

"Mina! You and your stupid plan!" I cried. "Do you even have your dad's permission to have this party?"

"Excuse me?" Mina shot back. "Did you say something?"

Mina and I were at The Loft, sitting on one of the velvet bar stools. I was supposed to be helping her with preparations, which was the reason as to why I came. Turns out that preparations just meant ordering the staff around while we sat on the side sipping drinks.

The Loft was a very posh place for a club. Instead of just your usual nightclubs where there's an empty space, for dancing, in the middle of the large room, The Loft had the stage which basically was the entire room. Mina had it renovated so that there were spaces in between. The decor of the club was all sleek, black, and, as Mina called it, sexy. You would be denied entry if the bouncers outside didn't find you dressed suitably for the club or if they decided that you just weren't somebody important enough to be allowed inside. It was one of the hardest clubs to get into.

I glared. "You're such a bitch..." Where have I heard that before?

Mina laughed. "You're just mad because I exploited your weakness," she took a sip from her drink. "And I don't need permission, my dad gave the club to me a while ago. I can do whatever I want here." She winked at me.

A few moments later, we heard a lot of excited voices outside. I guess the whole class decided to come together.

"Wow. This is really real!"


"Hey Serena! You're here already!"

Mina frowned. "Of course it's real. Did you doubt me or something?" The entrance of the club was beginning to be filled up.

- - -

"Welcome to The Loft," the bouncers greeted as Darien walked into the notorious nightclub. He didn't understand what the hype was all about this place. As far as he could tell, it was just a room with music.

"Hey Darien!" Alvin said, when he saw him walk into the room.

Darien looked at him. "Hello."

"Wow! Serena's game really did work!" Kevin said, sounding impressed. "The whole class showed up...even you!"

Darien looked around the club. All the lights were flickering, the music was beating heavily as the bass vibrated and shook the walls, everywhere he looked, everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives.

"So this club really is Mina's!" Alvin said. "I'm amazed."

"It sure looks that way," Kevin agreed, his eyes scanning the room. "Our new transfer students really are five star."

Alvin agreed quickly, obviously thinking about Mina again. Darien just shrugged, he really didn't care about these things.

"Excuse me, you look warm. Would you like some soda?"

Darien looked to his side and saw a waiter standing next to him, holding a tray of drinks. "Thanks," he said, taking a glass.

Darien just realized that there were many waiters. These guys, he thought, I think I've seen them before...around the school or something.

"Hi there, Darien." It was Keiko.

They work here? That's pretty weird...they don't look like waiters for sure.

- - -

"God, the boys are making such fools out of themselves."

I was sitting with a few other girls that had been in my class earlier. I laughed weakly, I was used to settings like this.

"Hey, Serena, what school did you transfer from?" Yumiko, a very pretty girl with long, brown hair asked.

What school did I come from? I pretended that I couldn't hear her, and took a long sip from my drink. Disgusting, what made Mina put such drinks on the menu?

"Come on, give me back my pen! It wasn't even my treasure!" Everyone at my table watched as two guys were arguing in front of us.

"Yeah, well...you didn't think that that key chain was my treasure, did you?" the other guy shot back.

"Those guys are fighting...over things that they don't even care about," Leah sighed.

"I understand though," Yumiko said. "Keiko took my cell phone strap, it wasn't my treasure or whatever...but I still want it back!"

"Hey, what about you, Serena?" Leah asked. "Did Darien get your most treasured possession?"

I winced as I was reminded about my item that was now in Darien's hands. "Yes...very precious and treasured," I answered. "All thanks to Mina."

"Well, do you think you got Darien's best item?"

I looked at her. "I'm not sure." I pulled the marble out of my pocket and examined it. "No way. It's just a marble. Why would he even care about it?"

"If it is his most prized possession, do you think he would tell you?" Leah asked me. "Would you tell him that was yours?"

Good question. Would you tell me, Darien? Do I even want to know? Do we want to tell each other our stories? Somehow,just by looking at you, I don't think you would do that.

I scanned the club, trying to find the raven locks that I had been watching earlier. There he was! I couldn't believe it. Everyone had all given me the assumption and idea that he wasn't into going out like normal teenagers were, but Darien was just standing against the wall. He looked bored, as if he would rather die than to be here. I mean, even he should understand that not anyone could get into here, he should at least try to make an effort and enjoy himself.

I got up and walked over to him. "Do you sleep everywhere you go?" I asked him, annoyed.

He looked down at me. I felt a chill go down my back, his eyes were so cold right now. "Oh, Serena..." he seemed glad that I found him. "Can we exchange our items now?"


"So I can go," he answered, simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and I was just completely stupid.

I frowned at this. "No way! That's not how the game works. Why don't you at least pretend you're having a good time instead of looking bored to death? Seriously, I can't stand looking at you!" I turned around.

"Why?" he sounded bored now. "Because you feel like you're looking at yourself?"

I turned around again, angrily this time. "Shut up!" How dare he compare myself to him? "I'm nothing like you."

"If we're not alike, then why are you trying to make me play your stupid game?" he looked towards the ceiling, as if he was the one that couldn't look at me anymore. "Why are you making me do this?"

I stared at him. Why was he so...unfriendly all of a sudden? I was shocked at his sudden change of attitude towards me, he was completely different from when he first looked and smiled at me.

Darien sighed. "I'm not in the mood for your rich girl games. Just give me back my marble."

"No." If he was going to be mean and difficult with me, I might as well act the same way.


"You heard me," I said. "We're going to follow the rules and exchange exactly at eight."

"You've got some nerve!" He raised his voice. He sure got angered easily for a guy.

"What?" I calmly said.

He glared at me. "Are you trying to start a fight with me or something?"

Much to his surprise, and mine, I laughed. "A fight?" I repeated.

Darien sighed and attempted to relax a bit. "Okay, calm down," he said to me, glancing around. "I'm sorry, alright?"

I glared at him and rolled my eyes.

"You're going to make this difficult for me, aren't you?" he asked, grimly. "Just quit joking around. Let's exchange items and get this meaningless thing over with!"

"No!" I said. How many times did he need me to repeat this? I turned around and started to walk away.

"Hey!" He grabbed my wrist in a firm grip.

"Let go of me!" I cried. I was a bit shocked at the bit of pain that came from his grip. "You think things are meaningless, huh?" I put my free hand into my pocket and pulled out Darien's marble. I held it out in front of him. "Then what about this? Is this meaningless to you too?" I wondered.

He relaxed his grip a bit.

"Apologize," I said. "Like you mean it too. Or else." I knew he wouldn't apologize anyway, he stared at me with wide eyes as I opened my mouth and popped it in. I wouldn't mind seeing him beg.

"What if I just take it back?" Darien asked. He let go of my wrist.

"Whatever," I told him, although it may not have come out quite clear with the marble in my mouth. "You'll get it back at eight."

He smirked. "A challenge? This should be fun..."

With the force that he demonstrated earlier with my wrist, Darien suddenly used his full force on me and pushed me back against the wall. I was too shocked to realize what had just happened.

"You think you're so clever...don't you, Serena?" he whispered. His face was barely inches away from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my face. My instincts would have normally kicked it by now, but I was too mesmerized by his eyes to think of anything else.

Darien leaned in, I could see every eyelash of his every clearly. He was going to kiss me? How random was this guy? Still...I couldn't deny that I didn't want it. I closed my eyes, expected to feel his lips crushing down on mine.

I waited. All of a sudden, my air was cut off and my eyes flew open. He was holding my nose, stopping me from breathing.

"Do you want to suffocate to death?" he asked, quietly. His face was still close to mine. "Open up and spit it out, Serena."

What is he doing?

My mouth was still clamped shut.

A few seconds passed, although it seemed like an eternity to me.

Oh my gosh...I really can't breathe! He isn't joking around...

"Come on, Serena," he taunted. His voice was so deep...I could just pass out from listening to it. Or was it the lack of oxygen that was causing that feeling...?


As suddenly as it happened before, I could suddenly breathe again. Darien's weight was lifted off of me but no feelings of relief spread over me. I looked down on the ground and was shocked.

"You just signed your death warrant!"

It was Taiki. Mina's best guy friend. She used to hold special feelings towards him during middle school, the two had dated but eventually drifted apart in that department. The two agreed that they could only become good friends and were not made for each other in the love scene.

Even though I had not been close to him like Mina had been, Taiki had still treated me as a younger sister of Mina's, although we were both the same age. He had always looked out for the both of us and had now worked for Mina's dad.

"Stop it, Taiki!" I cried.

The two of them were pulled apart by a few of my bodyguards. They were disguised as waiters in the club today, I didn't want the whole world knowing that I actually had bodyguards.

"We were just kidding around." Why am I defending him? I didn't even understand the words that were coming out of my own mouth. "It was nothing."

The two men looked at each other. Darien chucked. "Sorry for bothering your girlfriend, Taiki..." He started to walk past Taiki.

"Yeah, you're sorry, alright," Taiki said. "And you are nothing."

Darien stopped. He glared hardly at Taiki. My bodyguards stood closer to them, waiting for the moment to pull the two men off of each other again.

"Care to try and prove me wrong?" Taiki said, calmly.

Chapter three will come really soon! I'm so swamped with work though...and it's only been a week since first semester started! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks so much for reading!