Hi everyone, this is my first Sailor Moon fanfic. It's based on a manga that I've been reading and I fell in love with the plot. I'll be changing a few things in the middle...but the beginning of the plot will be written around what I'm reading...hope you guys will enjoy it! As usual, please review. I'd love to hear your feedback!

"You're way too predictable. I can always find you in this garden."

I watched as the water drops ran down the stems of the daisies and looked up to find Mina staring down at me. I fought down the urge to spray water in her face, but after giving it a second thought, I decided to anyways.

Mina shielded her face from the water. "You're such a bitch, Serena!" she cried angrily.

I laughed and threw the hose on the ground. "What about it?" I asked her, walking away. "Leave me alone."

Mina followed after me, naturally. "Seriously. I can't believe you're going back to school!" she exclaimed. I was annoyed at her loud voice in my quiet garden. "You said that taking care of your mom's garden was going to be your whole life." Why did she sound annoyed?

"Well, maybe I was wrong," I said. "Maybe I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm only seventeen, you know."

Mina laughed at me. "What? You think you're going to find what you're going to do with the rest of your life in high school?" We both sat down on one of the benches under the trees.

"Well, maybe I will! So what if I'm going back to school?" I replied. I was starting to get annoyed now. "Maybe you should go back with me."

"Thanks to you, my father already enrolled me with you!" Oh, I see. So that's what was annoying her so much today.

"Good!" I said. "Maybe you'll find something better to do with your life, instead of always going shopping and clubbing all the time."

Mina ignored that. "You swore that you'd never go back." She said, in a different tone this time.

I looked at Mina, seeing that she was looking back at me with curiosity, then glanced towards to the far side of the garden, where a large glass dome was. Her eyes followed my gaze and were filled with shock. "Did your father do that?" She was appalled.

I nodded. My father had destroyed half of the garden and my mother's green house, which was what the large glass dome was. It had been her pride and joy.

"What? He just kept threatening you with that until you went back to school?" she asked.

I laughed bitterly. "As if you didn't know our parents are used to using tactics like that."

Mina sighed and shook her head at me. "That's your only weakness, you know. You'd be much better off without it."

I scoffed. My garden had used to belong to my mother. She had taken great pride with it when she was alive. Sadly, when she passed away, no one had taken as much time and effort as she did, so the garden had started withering. I couldn't stand to look at everything all dead and I eventually decided to take care of it for her and spent all my time in it. I don't know why, but I could spend all my time in it if I really want to. I felt as if it were the only place that I could still feel my mother's presence in. It made me feel happy and calm when I was there.

"Very funny," I told her. "So? What have you done these past few days then?" I needed a change of the subject.

"Serena, I just finished having a big blow out with my dad. I don't have any time to do anything else!" she cried.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Mina, when we go to school tomorrow, please pretend we don't know each other."

"It'll be a pleasure."

I sighed quietly to myself.

- - -

"Class, we have two new transfer students today. Serena Tsukino and Mina Aino, please make them feel welcome."

I smiled at the class in front of me as the teacher introduced us to everyone. I hadn't been to school since junior high, I was really depressed and didn't get along with anyone at all. Eventually, I dropped out and started to study at home. Now that I look back on it, my depression was probably more serious than I thought it was. But I feel okay now.

Mina wasted no time in introducing herself to the entire class. As usual, all the males had their complete attention on her while some females looked bored, others looked annoyed with her, some even rolled their eyes. It wasn't a mystery as to why they were acting like this around her, it was easy to see that her beauty was beyond average. With her long, thick blond hair and a body that could rival a top model's. Just being in the same room with her would make any girl suffer some damager to her self esteem. Mina always received complete attention, good or not, wherever she went. Being her best friend, I was used to this.

Mina is always so enthusiastic and clever, she could really do something with herself if she put some effort into it. Too bad all she cares about are guys, she gets herself into way too much trouble that way. It even got her kicked out of junior high when all the teachers found out. Mina, when are you ever going to grow up and get your act together?

"Now let's see, where shall I sit?" Mina wondered out loud. She looked around the room and spotted a seat beside a girl and made her way towards it. "Ah, this must be my seat then."

The girl glared at Mina and stood up. "No! This seat is taken!" she cried, shoving her belongings onto the unoccupied chair.

The entire class turned its attention towards the pair of them. What a bunch of nosy people, I thought.

Mina became at the girl. "Of course it is," she said, calmly. "I'm taking it obviously." She moved the things that the girl put on the chair and sat down.

"YOU – TEACHER!" the girl cried. "I don't believe you! Get up right now!"

"Teacher?" Mina said.

"Yes..?" the teacher looked hesitant, not knowing what to do.

"Can I sit here?" Mina asked, looking straight at the girl.

"Er, well...yes, of course," the teacher said.

I quietly found a seat in the back and sat down, I didn't like how Mina was acting already. She really shouldn't be causing a scene right now. Why did we have to be put in the same class?

"That's enough then!" Mina said, looking triumphant. "Shut up and sit down." She turned her attention towards the girl, who was still looking shocked at what was happening.

"Oh? Have we changed seats again?" A voice said from the back, sounding amused. I turned around and was amazed at the person from which the voice came from.

Just by looking at him, it was hard to imagine that he was my age, assuming that he was, since he was in my class. It was easy to tell, even though he was wearing the school uniform, that he had a very well built body, his face was indescribable, as if someone had taken the most perfect features and put them all together onto his face. Some of his raven black locks had come loose of the hair product he put in, his icy blue eyes met mine and he smiled, I thought I would have melted right there.

"Then I guess I'll sit here then," he said to no one in particular, even though he was still looking at me. He put down his school bag on the vacant desk beside me and sat down.

"But Darien!" the girl, who was arguing with Mina, cried. "We didn't change seats!"

"Late again, Darien," the teacher said, hoping to stop another argument from coming on.

Our eyes were still locked in each other's gazes but he looked away and smiled at the teacher. "I'm sorry, excuse me."

The girl sighed angrily and Mina became annoyed. "Hey! I'm just making this seat more glorious with my presence, you know!"

The girl glared at Mina.

"Now, take your books off the desk," Mina commanded.

The teacher quickly began the lesson and I silently wondered how I would pay attention with someone so glorious sitting next to me. This was going to be a challenge, I thought.

- - -

"So what's the deal with you and Mina?"

It was lunch time and I sat with a girl, Keiko, who offered me a seat at her table, while Mina went out for a quick lunch outside of school. The school's cafeteria was quite big, everyone was seated in groups at different tables. Darien, I noticed, was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he left the school for lunch like Mina did?

"You two seem to know each other pretty well and both of you transferred here on the same day," another guy, Alvin, pressed on. He had been one of the males that hung onto Mina's ever word this morning during her introduction.

I smiled at them. "We're just really good friends. We've known each other for a while, that's all."

"Does she have a boyfriend?" he asked.

I smiled kindly at him and shrugged. "No, but she doesn't stay with one person very long. She likes to move around. I wouldn't bother." Alvin wasn't bad looking, but he definitely wasn't in Mina's standards. Best to not give him false hope, right? "She's really not that hot," I added.

Keiko laughed. "Well, since you're sitting with the best looking guy in school and you're still sane, I guess you're used to being around beautiful people."

"Darien?" I was getting curious now. "He's very quiet..." Darien hadn't talked to me after the class started, not even when we had the time to do seat work and everyone was socializing. He just sat there quietly solving his math problems while I tried to sneak a few glances at him every now and then.

"Of course he's quiet!" Alvin said. "He doesn't talk to anyone at all. He's really uptight."

Keiko dug something out of her bag and threw it onto the table. "Check this out!" she said, excitedly. I looked at it for a moment and realized it was a magazine – with Darien's face on it. "A lot of us actually thought he looked like a model, but who would have thought he actually was one?"

Oh, so he was a model. That would explain the good looks, I thought to myself.

"He's also the top student in our school, he's totally athletic and he just works so hard," Keiko gushed on. "But too bad he has that bad point..."

I became curious. "Bad point?"

"Of course," Keiko responded. "Even though he's totally gorgeous and has that nice smile, he's actually very cold deep down. He doesn't have any friends, and he definitely doesn't have a girlfriend. I mean, with looks like that, he could totally get any girl he wanted, but he never had one. No one knows if he's just not interested or if he's picky."

Alvin laughed and Keiko nudged him, continuing on. "He doesn't talk to anyone about that stuff though, or anything much, for that matter. But he never gets mad, no matter what happens. Also, his eyes..."

I stayed silent, eager to hear what she had to say next.

"His eyes are so...they can be so warm, but right after a moment, they can turn cold," Keiko hesitated. "Like a murderer's or something..."

"Serena, why are you so into Keiko's stalker description of Darien?" Alvin asked. "Are you interested in Darien as well too?"

I laughed quietly, and took a sip out of my soda. "So what is it about Mina that has you so into her?" I tried to change the subject. I didn't want to deny it, but there definitely was something about Darien that had me interested in him. Interested in what way, I wasn't sure. But I was really curious about him...

- - -

"Not interested in girls?" Mina cried. "How can that be?"

"Not so loud!" I hissed at her.

We were seated at the back of the class together, pretending to be doing biology worksheets. Mina had grabbed another chair to sit at my desk with me and Darien had left to go to the washroom for a bit. I took this chance to tell Mina about what Alvin and Keiko had told me at lunch.

"Well, he can't be not interested in girls," she said thoughtfully. "From what I've heard, he's totally every girl's ideal." She paused for a moment. "Well, every girl except me."

"What? You're not interested in him?" I whispered quietly. How can Mina not be interested in the best looking guy in school?

Mina shrugged. "I think he's good looking, but he's not my type."

"Oh," I said, looking back down at my worksheet. So Mina wasn't interested in Darien...

Mina dipped her head down to my level. "So Serena, why are you suddenly finding out all this info about him? Could it be...that you like him?"

I froze. I could never hide any secrets from Mina.

She chuckled quietly. "You're so cute." Okay, she figured it out without having me telling her. Mina didn't say anything else because Darien was walking back to his seat. She smiled and winked at me and dragged her chair back to her desk, possibly to annoy that girl and to give me a chance to talk to Darien – not that I had enough courage to do so.

I put my head down on the desk as I heard Darien's chair scrape the floor and sit down. Mina probably wasn't happy with my reaction, so I heard someone slam their palm onto my desk and I looked up. Finding her standing in front of my desk, once again.

"Listen up everyone!" she said, happily, as if she had thought up a brilliant idea. "Here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something cool! I'm going to invite everyone to The Loft tonight after school!"

"What's the loft?" someone called out.

"What is she talking about?"

"Are you kidding?! That's one of the hottest clubs in the city!"

"But how will we get into that?"

What is Mina up to? I wondered.

Mina laughed, "Well obviously not just anyone can get in! But anything is possible.." she paused dramatically, and I rolled my eyes at this. "When you're the owner of The Loft! And also, I can do anything."

"What?!" Everyone was suddenly interested in what Mina had to say, even the girls that had rolled their eyes at her earlier.

"Tonight, I'll even close the club to the public. It'll just be V.I.P. access to us, and us only. I've got the best bands playing." Mina told everyone, she was enjoying the attention now. "But...there's a catch." She winked.

Some people moaned. "I knew it!"

"It's too good to be true!"

"What is it?"

Mina laughed. "Well...each and everyone of you has to show up!" she exclaimed.

For some reason that I was unsure of, everyone had turned their attention to Darien.

"Well, what about you, Darien?" a guy, Kevin, I think his name was, asked. "Are yougoing to come?"

Darien glanced around the room with his icy eyes. "I..." he began.

"Don't even think about not going!" someone called out.

"Yeah! I want to go to this!" another said.

Darien smiled, now I knew what Keiko was talking about earlier at lunch today, his eyes had instantly turned into blue liquid. "Of course I'll go. For everyone's sake."

Everyone in class cheered and Mina looked very pleased with herself. She looked at me and smiled.

Idiot, I thought. He can easily say that he'll go and not show up later. I looked at Darien, he was looking down at his worksheet, smiling happily to himself. That's probably what he's planning to do...

I stood up. "Hang on, guys," I began. "Just saying that we'll all show up is too easy. How about we play a game to make sure everyone will be there?" I smirked. Try getting out of this one, Darien.

End of chapter one! But I've already written half of chapter two...I think it'll probably be longer than this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it so far!