Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, and Star Wars belongs to George Lucas.
Thoughts are underlined
Chapter 1:
The escape pod lay in the desert of Tatooine, its inhabitant at the moment unconscious, but a fact that will soon change. The person inside is Naruto Uzumaki, one of the last survivors of an entire world.
After an invasion by the Galactic Empire, the remaining people of the shattered world were forced to flee in the spaceships the attackers brought. They did not use their own spaceships for they did not have any.
Until their first violent contact with the Galactic Empire, their technology was of an extremely primitive state. However, the people have faced adversity before though not quite to this level for a very long time, and they adapted. They studied the stormtrooper's movements, they spied, they assassinated, and they stole and raided. After a kill they picked the corpses clean, and they learned. They learned how to use the blasters, grenades, and other technology the troopers brought. Using this technology in addition to their spectacular abilities they launched a major and effective guerilla warfare campaign.
Of the many different cultures and military powers on this world this common enemy united them in a way not seen for a long time and considering the circumstances will probably never be seen again. Naruto was a ninja, part of one of the three major official military powers within the Elemental Countries.
Ninja were trained since they were 6 years old in order to be lethal mercenaries. Their physical strength and speed was incredible, able to dodge blaster fire and outrun swoop bikes, as well as create massive craters in the earth with merely a stomp. In addition, they had access to an energy named Chakra. A force, which allowed them to perform supernatural feats, such as manipulate the forces of nature, create clones of yourself, and summon enormous beasts to do their bidding. They were trained to assassinate, to spy, to poison, to do whatever it takes to achieve their objective.
Originally wanting to take the planet intact in order to mine its plentiful resources, the long, frustrating, and costly invasion made Emperor Palpatine, (leader of the Empire), decide to cut his losses. Taking whatever of the planet's resources they could with them, the Imperial troops withdrew from the planet. The people cheered for they thought they have won, but I'm afraid not. Palpatine ordered the planet attacked by one of the only things that nobody on the planet had absolutely any defense against, orbital bombardment. It was a massacre; entire cities were wiped off the map in the matter of seconds. There was no warning, so they could try to defend, one second nothing and the next, fiery death rained from above. Knowing they had no chance, the people fled from the planet on the ships the troopers came in, trying to start their life anew somewhere else, promising in their hearts that they will somehow keep their way of life alive.
When the people fled, the Galactic Empire ships surrounding the planet shot them down. A mere fraction of the original amount of ships managed to escape being destroyed and went off into the depths of space. However, they knew nothing of the dangers of space, and their numbers dwindled even further. Naruto was from one of the many ninja villages, a ninja village called Konohagakure, which translated meant the Village Hidden within the Leaves, though in conversation it was often abbreviated to Konoha, or Leaf. The small handful of Leaf ships encountered space pirates and in order to survive they were forced to flee in the escape pods that were aboard. They scattered in every direction, trying to ensure that at least one of their number survived, and one did.
Naruto Uzumaki was 13 years old when he was forced to flee. He was a genin, a person of the lowest Ninja rank. He had in fact only finished his first C-ranked mission when the Empire struck. He had only a little combat experience, and until the invasion he was not really that skilled a fighter, though his instructors said he had incredible potential. Though all changed where the invasion occurred. Training for everyone was intensified and Naruto rose to the occasion, his abilities rising in leaps and bounds in order to deal with the crisis. While still of genin rank, his abilities were within the elite.
He actually would have been a lot more skilled initially if it wasn't for a certain event that happened in Naruto past. 13 years ago a nine tailed demon fox, (also known as Kyuubi), attacked Konohagakure. It seemed invincible, its power near infinite. Wounds inflicted on it would heal instantly regardless of how severe. Its massive size blotted out the sun, but there was still plenty of light. For light was caused by ninjas that erupted into flames when they got too close to the beast or its vile chakra. A swing of its tails could flatten mountains, and the killing intent it produced caused the minds of even some of Konoha's finest to break. 13 years ago in order to save the village from complete and total annihilation, the Fourth Hokage, leader of the village, sealed a nine tailed demon fox into Naruto at the cost of his own life. Kyuubi was sealed for it was unkillable. And it was sealed in Naruto for only the undeveloped body and mind of an infant could possibly adapt to the presence of such a creature. The sealing gave Naruto access to the fox's chakra, a fraction of its incredible healing rate, and unfortunately the hatred and loathing of the vast majority of the village. Naruto was stigmatized by almost everyone he encountered.
After the Fourth Hokage sealed the demonic beast in a newborn infant Naruto, the Third Hokage, (cruelly and abruptly taken from his retirement), thought that Naruto would be treated as a hero. For without him the whole village would have been destroyed, and whether he knows it or not, he had saved them all. So when Sarutobi presented Naruto to the citizens and ninja of Konoha, proclaiming Naruto as their savior, he expected cheers or applause. However, things don't always turn out the way you want or expected. The majority of the people of Konoha did not see Naruto as just the container for the beast, but rather the next incarnation of it. When they looked at Naruto, they did not see a boy, they saw the Demon, and they reacted accordingly.
Sarutobi when he witnessed the crowd below turning quickly into an angry mob knew he had to act quickly. It was at that moment he passed a decree. This decree stated the truth of the fox's fate will never be spoken, or revealed, or shown to anyone. Naruto and the demon will never in anyway be associated with each other on the pains of death. And any attempts to kill Naruto will be met with execution. The Third Hokage passed this decree, to give Naruto a chance at a normal life. Unfortunately it failed miserably. For there are many ways to hurt somebody, not just physically.
The people of Konoha hated Naruto, and tried to hurt him in any way they could. People would refuse service to him for the most absurd reasons, or they would sell him shoddy merchandise at premium prices. Sometimes they would sabotage the things they sold him, so they would later break. In the streets, Naruto was glared at and often accidentally pushed or hit. Everyone knew the hits were intentional, (even the Hokage), but there was no way to prove it, so they continued to happen. In school, most of the teachers either ignored his questions, or turned it around on Naruto by mocking him, and asking him why he could not understand such a simple concept. They also would often severely punish him for the smallest infractions, sometimes real, sometimes not. But worst of all was the children.
The children of the village did not know the truth about Naruto and demon fox. However, they knew their parents and their families loathed him. They were constantly warned about him. As a result, the children either consciously or unconsciously started emulating their parents. And children can get away with a lot of things that adults can't. Most would shun Naruto and avoid him, but some would seek him out and try to beat him up or bully him. This happened a lot, as those kids were rewarded by their parents for it in private.
Naruto grew up completely alone, without friends or family, but fortunately through the sheer force of his will and his desire to be the best, over time he gained friends, allies, and the respect of most of the village. Though he was only able to enjoy his success for a moment before he and his people were scattered across the stars.
In any case, Naruto at the moment was unconscious in an escape pod. Caught in a nightmare about the hell he came from, and suddenly he woke up, to find himself gazing at the hell he came into.