And here it is, the final chapter.

Short but still.

Ten years later

A pregnant Ginny was sitting down at the table, talking to Hermione.

"So when are you supposed to go in labour?"

"July, Harry hopes it will be the same day as him, I don't care as long as it's a girl because I know Harry will keep on wanting children until he has a girl as well."

Hermione laughed when suddenly a ten year old girl and an eight year old girl entered the kitchen, fighting.

"Meredith! Chelsea! Stop it right now!"

The youngest of the, Chelsea stared at her mother. "She started it mum!"

"I don't care who started it, or why, just solve it."

At that moment two five year old boys were standing in the kitchen entrance, smiling at each other.

"Told you so."

One of them said holding his hand out while another one placed a chocolate frog in it looking rather disappointed.

"Percy! Owen! Do not make bets over your sisters fights!"

Hermione stared at her youngest sons, the identical twins were just like their father and uncle.

"Ow come on love, they just have a feeling for business."

Fred said as he entered the kitchen as well.

"Hey sis, getting big there again."

Ginny threw him a look and smiled at the two.

"Anyway, I'm of again, I still need to pick Albus and James up at mum's place."

She got up from her chair and said her goodbye's after which she left.

Fred threw his arms around Hermione and kissed her.

"So, how were things with the children today."

"Percy and Owen attempted to produce joke-articles again."

Fred turned to his sons and smiled.

"What did I tell you about that one."

"Wait till we get to Hogwarts so we can work a lot more professional and look for customers." The both of them chorused and Hermione shot her husband a glare.

"Go on and play the four of you."

The children ran out of the kitchen and Hermione looked at him.

"And how was the shop today."

"Busy, I could use some relaxation."

Fred answered while kissing her.

Hermione kissed him back and smiled, she was so happy now.

"Mum! Dad! That's grose!"

Hermione and Fred broke apart and looked down at Percy.

Hermione leaned her head against Fred's chest and smiled, she would help him relax when the children were in bed, now she just couldn't help but look at her son and think how perfect her life turned out to be.

Okay, so I know the story's finished and all but… today's my birthday :D

So… reviews are always welcome.